
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4424

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Alan Douglas

Representation Summary:

There is 100 acres of brownfield land at Lincoln Farm screened from Kenilworth Road, which is ideal for starter homes that are desperately needed, whilst most development in Balsall Common has been 4 and 5 bed homes.

Full text:

The proposed 1350 houses is not acceptable. I have been a resident in Balsall common for 50 years and been involved with Planning. in Solhull since 1973 and have absolutely no faith in the planning to be able to deal with this or even their ability to read the plans. It is our misfortune to have a railway station in Balsall Common so there is virtually no hope of Appeals because government policy will enforce up to three storey development within walking distance of a station.

There is no infrastructure to support intense development.

There is 100 acres of brown belt land at Lincoln Farm screened from kenilworth road. Ideal for starter homes which are desperatley needed. Most development in Balsall Common has been 4 and 5 bed homes. Government views on support of greenelt are under review.

Parking in the village is a problem. Did I read that Ove Arup international engineers had been appointed for this work ? I could do job in two hours on the back of an envelope. but I could not build Sydney opera House.!

Baratt Lane development will be
HS2 which is politically motivated madness.
d architect
The national housing scarcity could be solved if town cetres used the mostly empty floor space above retail shops.
For many years developers have resisted using this space because they do not want residential tennants.
Access to all these floors would need separate stair access and fire escape provision.