
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6101

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs A Curtis

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Land at RO Bakehouse Ln and Wheeler Close, Chadwick End.
SHELAA Ref: 19
Meets objectives of Growth Option F.
Sites are deliverable and developable.
Development would round off existing development accessed from Warwick Road and opposite ribbon development.
Would result in clear, defensible Green Belt boundaries.
Compares favourably to proposed allocations: less Green Belt impact, less landscape character impact.
See attached supporting evidence.
Rejection of site not been justified.
Inclusion of site would accord with Government White Paper.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at the rear of Bakehouse Lane and Wheeler Close, Chadwick End

The submission comprises the letter of representations (6439.LPA1.HMG LPR APP) and a site plan ( 6439 site plan) with the site edged red.