
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6442

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Horgan

Agent: Savills

Representation Summary:

Whole of site is safeguarded by HS2. Council will have to consult with HS2 Ltd before any planning applications are determined.
Consider 1,000 dwellings would have considerable impact on deliverabillity of HS2 site, and HS2 Ltd would not permit it.
1,000 dwellings would need to brought forward post HS2 construction, period 2026-2033. Very unlikely timescale.
Deliverability requires more evidence from the Council.

Full text:

Please find attached our response on behalf of Mark Horgan to the Draft Local Plan Review consultation. We have also attached our Scope, Issues and Options (January 2016) submission for your reference.