
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 9619

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Balsall Parish Council

Representation Summary:

An infrastructure plan is needed to be produced step by step to meet the needs of the population prior to occupation. The emerging Balsall Parish NDP Policies should be considered in relation to;
-Phasing of housing to reduce combined construction impact with HS2
-Investment in retail, community space and parking
-By-pass to relieve congestion on A452
-Additional parking at station
-New Primary/Secondary school places
-Community and civic provision
-Improvements to all transport modes
-Expansion of health services to match population
-Crime reduction measures
-Older persons housing close to centre
Needs should be assessed by SMBC in consultation with Parish Council.

Full text:

Please find attached Balsall Parish Council response to the SLP supplementary consultation.
