Draft Local Plan Review

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Draft Local Plan Review

Alternative Site Suggested (Call for Sites)

Representation ID: 3694

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Land to the rear of 146-152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlocks End.
SHELAA Ref: 1013
Meets objectives of Growth Options A and F.
Sites are deliverable and developable.
Redevelopment of largely previously developed land within existing settlement.
Would result in clear, defensible Green Belt boundaries.
Compares favourably to proposed allocations: less Green Belt impact, less landscape character impact, higher accessibility, no loss of community facilities.
1.72ha site. Would not require on-site provision of community facilities and services; or loss of existing facilities.
See attached supporting evidence and studies.
Rejection of site not been justified.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q15. Do you believe we are planning to build new homes in the right locations? If not why not, and which locations do you believe shouldn't be included? Are there any other locations that you think

Representation ID: 5789

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Policy P5: Policy justification should include SHELAA Site Ref: 1013 in the summary of allocated sites and within Appendix C, for housing development in first 5 years of plan period.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Alternative Site Suggested (New Site)

Representation ID: 5790

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Illogical and unsound that no suitable land has been proposed for housing in Dorridge:
Excellent transport links (bus and rail),
New shopping centre,
Excellent community facilities (park, wildlife areas, cricket club).

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q18. Do you agree with the policies for improving accessibility and encouraging sustainable travel? If not why not, and what alternatives would you suggest?

Representation ID: 5792

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Policy P7: object to restrictive wording. Prevents a flexible interpretation of sustainable development.
Sustainability is not a formula and suitability of a site for housing development should not be solely measured by distance from high frequency bus stops.
If distance to public transport is included, then should also include proximity to train station, safe cycle and walking routes.
Reword to state: '...unless justified by local circumstances...and investment in improvements to local transport provision, cycling and/or walking measures will be sought in association with development proposals...' to improve accessibility where appropriate.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q20. Do you agree with the policies for quality of place? If not why not, and what alternatives would you suggest?

Representation ID: 5793

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Policy P17: Does not qualify when changes of use to accommodate outdoor sports and recreation uses could be regarded as 'very special circumstances'. Contrary to the spirit of NPPF paragraphs 87-89.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q14. Do you agree that we are planning to build the right number of new homes? If not why not, and how many do you think we should be planning to build?

Representation ID: 5794

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Unclear if proposed 2,000 additional units (arising mainly from Birmingham's housing needs) will be sufficient to address the wider HMA shortfall.
Proposal of 2,000 dwellings to contribute to HMA shortfall has not been agreed; may well be subject to pressure from other local authorities to increase. Unclear whether other planning authorities will agree to this level of provision.
Contrary to NPPF Para. 47.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q15. Do you believe we are planning to build new homes in the right locations? If not why not, and which locations do you believe shouldn't be included? Are there any other locations that you think

Representation ID: 5795

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Insufficient housing land provided, more Green Belt release required, or at least provide safeguarded sites.
Too many large sites in too few areas have been proposed, contrary to Government's commitment to delivery across range of site sizes.
Will result in disproportionate pressure on services and facilites, and community cohesion.
Better to distribute housing across Borough, particularly close to public transport.
Many proposed sites will result in displacement of community facilities, e.g sport pitches. VSC for outdoor sport and recreation in Green Belt would be difficult to prove if alternative GB sites available that do not require loss of such facilities.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q23. Are there any other comments you wish to make on the Draft Local Plan?

Representation ID: 5797

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

In relation to ShELAA Site 1013:

Misleading assessment of site in SHELAA report;
Inaccurate accessibility mapping scores;
Agree with low Green Belt score of 4 out of 12;
Landscape Character Assessment is too broad;
Misleading interim sustainability assessment.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q23. Are there any other comments you wish to make on the Draft Local Plan?

Representation ID: 5803

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

DLP fails to meet NPPF requirements for Duty-to-Cooperate:
Much of necessary evidence has not been completed (contrary to Para. 182).
None of evidence available at Cabinet meeting when Members supported consultation.
Evidence includes numerous inaccuracies.
Evidence difficult to interpret as different numbering systems and boundaries.
Official evidence published after 5th December on website.
Calls into question how robust site choices were made.
Representors unable to make fully informed comments.
SHELAA Site 1013 omitted from Interim SA.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB


Draft Local Plan Review

Q23. Are there any other comments you wish to make on the Draft Local Plan?

Representation ID: 5808

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: P Benton & T Neary

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Lack of options to give local communities involvement and choice when considering potential housing sites, contrary to NPPF and neighbourhood planning.
Proposed strategy will result in over-dependence on large housebuilders.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for land at and to the rear of 146- 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, B90 1PW.

The submission comprises the
* letter of representations (10463 HRW LPR APP);
* a site plan (ref.no. 10463-01A) with the site edged red;
* an Illustrative layout (10463(10)M-101 prepared by Tyler-Parkes Partnership
* a Transport Statement prepared by ADL Traffic Engineering Ltd
* An updated Extended Phase I Habitat Survey prepared by Cotswold Wildlife Surveys
* Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy prepared by BWB

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