Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 17 - Site 6 - Meriden Road
Representation ID: 9737
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Heyford Developments Ltd
Agent: Harris Lamb
Site 6 is currently occupied and there is no guarantee will be available for development. Adjoining SLP2013 Site 24 yet to come forward. Dependent on relocation of Arden Wood Shavings, outside Council's control.
Land at Diddington Lane (Site 418) available, being promoted, without constraints.
Concept masterplan. Poor relationship with Meriden Road, stronger gateway beneficial. Existing dwelling will result in cramped setting for new dwellings. Road hierarchy confused, single central road better and avoids single sided development along E boundary. Open space better divided into smaller more evenly distributed areas. Landscaping within site where needed by topography, with views retained.
see letter
promoting land to the West of Diddington Lane HIA
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 39 - Red Sites
Representation ID: 9738
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Heyford Developments Ltd
Agent: Harris Lamb
Call for Sites reference 418 Diddington Lane HiA should be allocated as within main settlement capable of accommodating new development. Site 6 has uncertain delivery, whereas Site 418 available and can contribute to early Plan period needs. Capacity has flexibility to meet wide range of needs depending on Plan target, and could be phased over Plan periods. Will deliver market and affordable housing, accommodate public open space and well-located to village centre, shops, school, surgery, PH, and railway station. New pedestrian and cycle links will increase permeability. HS2 line will provide strong defensible green belt boundary.
see letter
promoting land to the West of Diddington Lane HIA
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 40 - Affordable Housing Approach
Representation ID: 9740
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Heyford Developments Ltd
Agent: Harris Lamb
No, as would encourage fewer larger units, so overall affordable housing numbers would decrease. Changes in layout/mix may not match Section 106 Agreements creating difficulties and additional work.
see letter
promoting land to the West of Diddington Lane HIA
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 41 - Affordable Housing calculation
Representation ID: 9741
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Heyford Developments Ltd
Agent: Harris Lamb
No, 40% of total units
see letter
promoting land to the West of Diddington Lane HIA
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 42 - Best way of measuring developable space
Representation ID: 9742
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Heyford Developments Ltd
Agent: Harris Lamb
No, 40% of total units
see letter
promoting land to the West of Diddington Lane HIA
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 43 - What measures would incent developers
Representation ID: 9743
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Heyford Developments Ltd
Agent: Harris Lamb
Importance of evidence in up to date SHMA/HNA to show need for more smaller market housing. Could incentivise developers by requiring less developer contributions elsewhere in development.
see letter
promoting land to the West of Diddington Lane HIA
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 9744
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Heyford Developments Ltd
Agent: Harris Lamb
Need to address contribution to wider HMA shortfall, as current figure arbitrary and yet to be agreed, and carries little weight. Any change in numbers potentially requires change in range/number of sites, so additional sites likely to be required. Council should seek views on potential of sites currently discounted. May require change to spatial strategy to ensure sound.
Issue of safeguarded land not addressed. Further green belt land likely to be required in next review, so land should be removed from green belt and safeguarded for future needs to avoid future green belt changes and comply with NPPF.
see letter
promoting land to the West of Diddington Lane HIA