Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Local Housing Need
Representation ID: 7842
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
Additional housing allocations required to meet housing needs, as there will be circumstances where appropriate to consider whether actual housing need is higher than standard method indicates. The 2,000 additional dwellings contribution toward meeting wider needs of HMA, has yet to be determined as appropriate and may well increase.
The WMCA agreement to increase housing by 2030-2031 is above the standard methodology level and it is unclear how emerging DLP responds to this requirement.
HS2 is likely to increase number of homes needed locally, and the minimum housing provision does not take into account the future impact of HS2.
1. Richborough Estates Limited recognise that the standard methodology is the appropriate starting point for the calculation of the minimum annual local housing need figure. Based upon the methodology included in the Planning Practice Guidance the methodology indicate provision of circa 767 dwellings per annum between 2018 and 2035 is the minimum annual local housing need figure for Solihull MBC.
2. However, the calculated figure is only a minimum and there will be circumstances where it is appropriate to consider whether the actual housing need is higher than the standard method indicates (Practice Guidance Paragraph: 010 Reference ID: 2a-010-20190220). To date, the only adjustment made is an assumption that some 2,000 additional dwellings will be required within Solihull MBC to provide a contribution towards meeting the wider needs of the Housing Market Area (HMA). Whether this level of provision is appropriate has yet to be formally determined and may well increase.
3. Further, the Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority, Andy Street, agreed with the Government in March 2018 a commitment to increase housing in the West Midlands by delivering 215,000 new homes by 2030/31. This target is above the level of new homes for the West Midlands indicated by the standard methodology. There is an intention that by December 2019 the Local Plans within constituent and non-constituent authorities are to be updated as necessary to deliver and accommodate 215,000 homes by 2030/31. From the consultation document, it is unclear how the emerging Solihull Local Plan Review fits into this commitment if it is solely based upon the standard methodology.
4. In addition to the above, HS2 represents a nationally important infrastructure improvement which is likely to drive an increase in the homes needed locally. Although the emerging Local Plan is proposing growth occurs around the proposed interchange at Arden Cross, the minimum housing provision calculated by the standard methodology does not take into account the future impact of HS2 on the local housing market and demand for new homes, including people who may well commute to London.
5. Accordingly, and for the reasons identified, Richborough Estates recommends that the Council does robustly consider all the circumstances where might be appropriate to consider the actual housing need for Solihull MBC being higher than the standard method identifies.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 5 - Site 2 - Frog Lane
Representation ID: 7843
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
Support, as settlement is a sustainable location for growth. Alternative access proposed to reduce length of highway crossing grassland area, and biodiversity benefits will provide compensatory improvements for loss of green belt. Second access not required as scope to provide emergency access.
Opportunity to provide a range of dwelling types/sizes at a density that respects the adjacent settlement pattern and the site's location on the edge of Balsall Common. Due to the strongly defined boundaries, housing on the site would not be visually intrusive within the wider landscape setting of Balsall Common when viewed from the surrounding countryside.
6. Richborough Estates is fully supportive of the proposal to remove land at Frog Lane, Balsall Common from the Green Belt and allocate the site for housing purposes (Site 2). This emerging allocation is also recognised in the recently published draft Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. There is no doubt that, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Balsall Common is a sustainable location for growth, development would be directed towards a settlement inset within the Green Belt and the settlement is well-served by public transport.
7. The capacity of the Frog Lane site is assessed to be circa 110 dwellings and the draft Concept Masterplans document echo what was originally proposed by Richborough Estates.
8. However, Richborough Estates has taken the opportunity to update the Promotional Brochure for 'The Oaks' previously submitted to the Council in July 2016. The up-dated Promotional Brochure (January 2019) refines the proposal and reflects the ability to provide vehicular access from Balsall Street East via another property that is controlled by Richborough Estates. This alternative access reduces the length of highway needing to cross the field which is proposed to be retained for biodiversity benefits. The biodiversity benefits would provide the type of compensatory improvements to environmental quality and accessibility sought by the Framework when land is released from the Green Belt.
9. A landscape-led approach to the master planning of the site remains as a key principle with the existing boundary vegetation being retained. The accessibility and sustainability credentials of The Oaks are not altered as a consequence of the updated Concept Master Plan. There remain no policy or insurmountable physical constraints to the development of the site as illustrated in the Promotional Brochure.
10. Although it is noted that reference is made to the potential need for a second access because of the capacity being over 100 dwellings, this is not required because there is scope to provide an emergency access or, as indicated in the draft Concept Masterplan document, a design for the access from Balsall Street East which allows for emergency vehicles.
11. There would be the opportunity to provide for a range of dwelling types and sizes at a density that respects the adjacent pattern of development and the site's location on the edge of Balsall Common. Due to the strongly defined boundaries, housing on the site would not be visually intrusive within the wider landscape setting of Balsall Common when viewed from the surrounding countryside.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 6 - Site 3 - Windmill Lane
Representation ID: 7846
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
12. Richborough Estates does not formally object to the allocation proposed at Barratt's Farm but notes the multitude of land ownerships and the required high level of infrastructure investment that may act as a constraint to the expedient delivery of new homes. It would, therefore, be entirely a logical for the self-contained site at Frog Lane to come forward at the earliest opportunity to provide some housing at Balsall Common early in the plan period.
12. Richborough Estates does not formally object to the allocation proposed at Barratt's Farm but notes the multitude of land ownerships and the required high level of infrastructure investment that may act as a constraint to the expedient delivery of new homes. It would, therefore, be entirely a logical for the self-contained site at Frog Lane to come forward at the earliest opportunity to provide some housing at Balsall Common early in the plan period.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 34 - Washed Over Green Belt Settlements for Potential Removal
Representation ID: 7850
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
Support Cheswick Green being removed from the Green Belt and propose land east of Tanworth Lane is allocated for housing to meet Plan period needs or safeguarded for longer-term development. Settlement benefits from public transport and local facilities including primary school, shops, public house, community hall and sporting facilities. Accessibility and sustainability recognised by allocation of Mount Diary Farm in SLP2013.
6. Richborough Estates is supportive of the Consultation Document's reference to removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt, particularly where there is the unusual situation of Mount Dairy Farm not being within the Green Belt but all the other properties in the settlement are. It is clear planning sense that a settlement of some 900 dwellings, together with a good range of local facilities, ought not to be washed over by the Green Belt because it makes little contribution to openness of the Green Belt.
7. However, in removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt the opportunity should be taken to identify either at least one housing allocation or, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework, safeguarded land to meet longer-term development needs stretching well beyond the plan period.
8. The need to identify additional allocations, including at Cheswick Green, arises from Richborough Estates' answer to Question 1. It is considered inevitable that further housing allocations will need to be identified in the emerging Local Plan. Cheswick Green is a settlement where no allocations are currently proposed notwithstanding the settlement being served by public transport and having local facilities and services, including a primary school, parade of shops, public house, community hall and sporting facilities. The accessibility and sustainability credentials of Cheswick Green were recognised by the allocation and subsequent housing development at Mount Diary Farm (Cheswick Place).
9. These same accessibility and locational credentials, alongside the first opportunity to define a boundary, provide the basis for the identification of safeguarded land at Cheswick Green to meet longer-term development needs.
10. Promotional Brochure is being prepared by Richborough Estates for the land fronting Tanworth Lane which lies between the recent housing development at Mount Diary Farm and Highleys Farm. The land is referred to as Site 99 in the Borough Council's Site Assessment document.
11. The Brochure will be submitted to the Council and will identify how the site could come forward for housing development for circa 130-140 dwellings. Based upon the content of this Brochure, and consideration of the wider evidence based published by the Council, an up-date assessment of this site has been undertaken upon the Site Assessment's criteria and this is included at the end of this representation. Also attached to this representation is the draft illustrative master plan which shows how the site could come forward for development. The approach adopted will be explained in more detail the Promotional Brochure.
12. A landscape-led approach to the master planning of the site has been adopted as a key principle with the existing boundary vegetation being retained and creation of a physical and defensible Green Belt boundary. Areas of open space are identified which provide the opportunity for biodiversity benefits of the type of compensatory improvements to environmental quality and accessibility sought by the Framework when land is released from the Green Belt.
13. Other than Green Belt, there are no policy or insurmountable physical constraints to the development of the site for as illustrated in the Promotional Brochure.
14. There would be the opportunity to provide for a range of dwelling types and sizes at a density that respects the adjacent pattern of development and the site's location on the edge of Cheswick Green. Housing on the site would not be visually intrusive within the wider landscape setting of Cheswick Green when viewed from the surrounding countryside, nor would it pose issues of wider coalescence.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 37 - Compensatory Provision for removal of land from Green Belt.
Representation ID: 7851
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
15. The use of some parts of the Richborough Estates' land interests at Balsall Common, Cheswick Green and Dickens Heath would be available for biodiversity enhancements and the provision of accessible play areas would provide the opportunity sought by the Framework to improve environmental quality and provide access to this land.
15. The use of some parts of the Richborough Estates' land interests at Balsall Common, Cheswick Green and Dickens Heath would be available for biodiversity enhancements and the provision of accessible play areas would provide the opportunity sought by the Framework to improve environmental quality and provide access to this land.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 39 - Red Sites
Representation ID: 10141
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
Land at Tanworth Lane, Cheswick Green site reference 99 should be deleted from green belt when new boundary for settlement is defined and allocated for housing or safeguarded for longer-term development needs. Site has no insurmountable constraints, would not be visually intrusive and would have defensible green belt boundary. Site could provide 130-140 dwellings based on landscape-led approach. An up to date site assessment is provided to replace the site assessment prepared by the Council.
6. Richborough Estates is supportive of the Consultation Document's reference to removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt, particularly where there is the unusual situation of Mount Dairy Farm not being within the Green Belt but all the other properties in the settlement are. It is clear planning sense that a settlement of some 900 dwellings, together with a good range of local facilities, ought not to be washed over by the Green Belt because it makes little contribution to openness of the Green Belt.
7. However, in removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt the opportunity should be taken to identify either at least one housing allocation or, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework, safeguarded land to meet longer-term development needs stretching well beyond the plan period.
8. The need to identify additional allocations, including at Cheswick Green, arises from Richborough Estates' answer to Question 1. It is considered inevitable that further housing allocations will need to be identified in the emerging Local Plan. Cheswick Green is a settlement where no allocations are currently proposed notwithstanding the settlement being served by public transport and having local facilities and services, including a primary school, parade of shops, public house, community hall and sporting facilities. The accessibility and sustainability credentials of Cheswick Green were recognised by the allocation and subsequent housing development at Mount Diary Farm (Cheswick Place).
9. These same accessibility and locational credentials, alongside the first opportunity to define a boundary, provide the basis for the identification of safeguarded land at Cheswick Green to meet longer-term development needs.
10. Promotional Brochure is being prepared by Richborough Estates for the land fronting Tanworth Lane which lies between the recent housing development at Mount Diary Farm and Highleys Farm. The land is referred to as Site 99 in the Borough Council's Site Assessment document.
11. The Brochure will be submitted to the Council and will identify how the site could come forward for housing development for circa 130-140 dwellings. Based upon the content of this Brochure, and consideration of the wider evidence based published by the Council, an up-date assessment of this site has been undertaken upon the Site Assessment's criteria and this is included at the end of this representation. Also attached to this representation is the draft illustrative master plan which shows how the site could come forward for development. The approach adopted will be explained in more detail the Promotional Brochure.
12. A landscape-led approach to the master planning of the site has been adopted as a key principle with the existing boundary vegetation being retained and creation of a physical and defensible Green Belt boundary. Areas of open space are identified which provide the opportunity for biodiversity benefits of the type of compensatory improvements to environmental quality and accessibility sought by the Framework when land is released from the Green Belt.
13. Other than Green Belt, there are no policy or insurmountable physical constraints to the development of the site for as illustrated in the Promotional Brochure.
14. There would be the opportunity to provide for a range of dwelling types and sizes at a density that respects the adjacent pattern of development and the site's location on the edge of Cheswick Green. Housing on the site would not be visually intrusive within the wider landscape setting of Cheswick Green when viewed from the surrounding countryside, nor would it pose issues of wider coalescence.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Local Housing Need
Representation ID: 10494
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
Recognise Standard Methodology is appropriate starting point for assessing local housing needs figure.
PPG states this is only a minimum and circumstances may occur where this is higher.
Yet to be formally determined if 2,000 contribution to HMA is appropriate.
Unclear how LPR responds to WMCA Mayoral commitment to 215K homes by 2031.
SM does not take into account growth around HS2 and its impact on local housing market and demand for new homes for commuters.
All of above should be robustly considered to determine whether LHN should be higher.
6. Richborough Estates is supportive of the Consultation Document's reference to removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt, particularly where there is the unusual situation of Mount Dairy Farm not being within the Green Belt but all the other properties in the settlement are. It is clear planning sense that a settlement of some 900 dwellings, together with a good range of local facilities, ought not to be washed over by the Green Belt because it makes little contribution to openness of the Green Belt.
7. However, in removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt the opportunity should be taken to identify either at least one housing allocation or, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework, safeguarded land to meet longer-term development needs stretching well beyond the plan period.
8. The need to identify additional allocations, including at Cheswick Green, arises from Richborough Estates' answer to Question 1. It is considered inevitable that further housing allocations will need to be identified in the emerging Local Plan. Cheswick Green is a settlement where no allocations are currently proposed notwithstanding the settlement being served by public transport and having local facilities and services, including a primary school, parade of shops, public house, community hall and sporting facilities. The accessibility and sustainability credentials of Cheswick Green were recognised by the allocation and subsequent housing development at Mount Diary Farm (Cheswick Place).
9. These same accessibility and locational credentials, alongside the first opportunity to define a boundary, provide the basis for the identification of safeguarded land at Cheswick Green to meet longer-term development needs.
10. Promotional Brochure is being prepared by Richborough Estates for the land fronting Tanworth Lane which lies between the recent housing development at Mount Diary Farm and Highleys Farm. The land is referred to as Site 99 in the Borough Council's Site Assessment document.
11. The Brochure will be submitted to the Council and will identify how the site could come forward for housing development for circa 130-140 dwellings. Based upon the content of this Brochure, and consideration of the wider evidence based published by the Council, an up-date assessment of this site has been undertaken upon the Site Assessment's criteria and this is included at the end of this representation. Also attached to this representation is the draft illustrative master plan which shows how the site could come forward for development. The approach adopted will be explained in more detail the Promotional Brochure.
12. A landscape-led approach to the master planning of the site has been adopted as a key principle with the existing boundary vegetation being retained and creation of a physical and defensible Green Belt boundary. Areas of open space are identified which provide the opportunity for biodiversity benefits of the type of compensatory improvements to environmental quality and accessibility sought by the Framework when land is released from the Green Belt.
13. Other than Green Belt, there are no policy or insurmountable physical constraints to the development of the site for as illustrated in the Promotional Brochure.
14. There would be the opportunity to provide for a range of dwelling types and sizes at a density that respects the adjacent pattern of development and the site's location on the edge of Cheswick Green. Housing on the site would not be visually intrusive within the wider landscape setting of Cheswick Green when viewed from the surrounding countryside, nor would it pose issues of wider coalescence.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 37 - Compensatory Provision for removal of land from Green Belt.
Representation ID: 10495
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Richborough Estates
Agent: Star Planning and Development
In reference to SHELAA Site 99, west of Cheswick Green, Tanworth Lane:
The use of some parts of the wider site for biodiversity enhancements and the provision of accessible play areas would provide the opportunity sought by the Framework to improve environmental quality and provide access to this land.
6. Richborough Estates is supportive of the Consultation Document's reference to removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt, particularly where there is the unusual situation of Mount Dairy Farm not being within the Green Belt but all the other properties in the settlement are. It is clear planning sense that a settlement of some 900 dwellings, together with a good range of local facilities, ought not to be washed over by the Green Belt because it makes little contribution to openness of the Green Belt.
7. However, in removing Cheswick Green from the Green Belt the opportunity should be taken to identify either at least one housing allocation or, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework, safeguarded land to meet longer-term development needs stretching well beyond the plan period.
8. The need to identify additional allocations, including at Cheswick Green, arises from Richborough Estates' answer to Question 1. It is considered inevitable that further housing allocations will need to be identified in the emerging Local Plan. Cheswick Green is a settlement where no allocations are currently proposed notwithstanding the settlement being served by public transport and having local facilities and services, including a primary school, parade of shops, public house, community hall and sporting facilities. The accessibility and sustainability credentials of Cheswick Green were recognised by the allocation and subsequent housing development at Mount Diary Farm (Cheswick Place).
9. These same accessibility and locational credentials, alongside the first opportunity to define a boundary, provide the basis for the identification of safeguarded land at Cheswick Green to meet longer-term development needs.
10. Promotional Brochure is being prepared by Richborough Estates for the land fronting Tanworth Lane which lies between the recent housing development at Mount Diary Farm and Highleys Farm. The land is referred to as Site 99 in the Borough Council's Site Assessment document.
11. The Brochure will be submitted to the Council and will identify how the site could come forward for housing development for circa 130-140 dwellings. Based upon the content of this Brochure, and consideration of the wider evidence based published by the Council, an up-date assessment of this site has been undertaken upon the Site Assessment's criteria and this is included at the end of this representation. Also attached to this representation is the draft illustrative master plan which shows how the site could come forward for development. The approach adopted will be explained in more detail the Promotional Brochure.
12. A landscape-led approach to the master planning of the site has been adopted as a key principle with the existing boundary vegetation being retained and creation of a physical and defensible Green Belt boundary. Areas of open space are identified which provide the opportunity for biodiversity benefits of the type of compensatory improvements to environmental quality and accessibility sought by the Framework when land is released from the Green Belt.
13. Other than Green Belt, there are no policy or insurmountable physical constraints to the development of the site for as illustrated in the Promotional Brochure.
14. There would be the opportunity to provide for a range of dwelling types and sizes at a density that respects the adjacent pattern of development and the site's location on the edge of Cheswick Green. Housing on the site would not be visually intrusive within the wider landscape setting of Cheswick Green when viewed from the surrounding countryside, nor would it pose issues of wider coalescence.