Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 34 - Washed Over Green Belt Settlements for Potential Removal
Representation ID: 9694
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Belle Homes Ltd
Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd
Agree appropriate to consider. Washed over designation for Whitlock's End should be removed and new boundaries defined. Settlement does not make an 'important
contribution' towards the openness of green belt, as the Green Belt Assessment of lower performing parcel indicates.
Introducing settlement boundaries provides opportunity for small or medium sized windfall sites, such as Call for Sites reference 116 rear of 146-152 Tilehouse Lane, which should be removed from the green belt.
We write on behalf of our Client, Belle Homes Limited in respect of Land to the rear of 575a to 601 Tanworth Lane and Numbers 587 to 601 Tanworth Lane, Cheswick Green, Solihull B90 4JE. This letter is submitted in response to the current Draft Solihull Local Plan Review Supplementary Consultation (DSLPRSC
See detail in attached letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 38 - Amber Sites
Representation ID: 9695
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Belle Homes Ltd
Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd
Site 345 575A-601 Tanworth Lane, Cheswick Green (A1) should be assessed as green and allocated.
Opportunity to infill land within built up area, utilising brownfield land and garden land.
Sustainable location, ideally located close to Cheswick Green village services, school and existing bus services, served by pavements.
No significant constraints, logical infill, no impact of green belt. Meets criteria for green belt review
SHELAA site assessment misleading, should be Category 1, no bad neighbour use or wildlife site, not backland development and only one dwelling requires demolition. Not included in Sustainability Appraisal.
Object to inclusion as priority 5 in site selection, as proportion brownfield. Should be priority 3 for brownfield area and 5 for remainder as lower performing green belt. No constraints so Step 2 should be green.
We write on behalf of our Client, Belle Homes Limited in respect of Land to the rear of 575a to 601 Tanworth Lane and Numbers 587 to 601 Tanworth Lane, Cheswick Green, Solihull B90 4JE. This letter is submitted in response to the current Draft Solihull Local Plan Review Supplementary Consultation (DSLPRSC
See detail in attached letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 9696
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Belle Homes Ltd
Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd
St. George and Teresa School, site 155, capacity 31 dwellings, is in educational use and no evidence to show suitable alternative site. Should not be included in SHELAA sites calculation for housing supply.
Safeguarded land should be identified and removed from green belt to meet future need and avoid need to alter green belt boundaries in review.
Evidence behind Review flawed, no detailed landscape/ecological assessments of preferred/amber sites, additional/smaller parcels require assessment for GBA, no revision to IDP, no viability assessment, and no feasibility/masterplanning of SGS growth location recommendations.
We write on behalf of our Client, Belle Homes Limited in respect of Land to the rear of 575a to 601 Tanworth Lane and Numbers 587 to 601 Tanworth Lane, Cheswick Green, Solihull B90 4JE. This letter is submitted in response to the current Draft Solihull Local Plan Review Supplementary Consultation (DSLPRSC
See detail in attached letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Local Housing Need
Representation ID: 10444
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Belle Homes Ltd
Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd
Support proposed housing distribution, review of green belt boundaries and reassessment of washed over green belt settlements. Object to lack of justification/agreement for scale of contribution to wider HMA shortfall. Insufficient deliverable residential site allocations identified which comply with site selection criteria and national policy recommendations. Plan should be future proofed by allocating land for more houses than recommended by standard methodology, recognising it is a minimum starting point and need to boost house building. More small and medium sized viable sites need to be allocated.
Housing Delivery Test misleading given lack of objectively assessed need in SLP2013 and DLP requirement. Requires 20% buffer and/or Action Plan.
Despite use of Standard Methodology based on 2014 household projections, there is still no signed Statement of Common Ground, contrary to NPPF.
We write on behalf of our Client, Belle Homes Limited in respect of Land to the rear of 575a to 601 Tanworth Lane and Numbers 587 to 601 Tanworth Lane, Cheswick Green, Solihull B90 4JE. This letter is submitted in response to the current Draft Solihull Local Plan Review Supplementary Consultation (DSLPRSC
See detail in attached letter