Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Site Selection Methodology

Representation ID: 7818

Received: 14/03/2019

Respondent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Agent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Representation Summary:

I agree with the methodology adopted for the site selection process: it is objective, logical and based on planning merit. It is notable, however, that the refinement of each site is based on a more subjective assessment of each site. It is reasonable to expect the promoters of each site to provide sufficient evidence on which the refinement should be based. It may not be possible to determine the relative value of those submissions against each other in an objective manner.

Full text:

I agree with the methodology adopted for the site selection process: it is objective, logical and based on planning merit. It is notable, however, that the refinement of each site is based on a more subjective assessment of each site. It is reasonable to expect the promoters of each site to provide sufficient evidence on which the refinement should be based. It may not be possible to determine the relative value of those submissions against each other in an objective manner.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 3 - Infrastructure Requirements at Balsall Common

Representation ID: 7819

Received: 14/03/2019

Respondent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Agent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Representation Summary:

I agree with the infrastructure requirements identified for Balsall Common. In addition I believe it appropriate to make allowance for an area of employment land as part of the village settlement. This would minimise the need for local inhabitants to travel to and from work and make a contribution towards engendering a more complete and balanced community.

Full text:

I agree with the infrastructure requirements identified for Balsall Common. In addition I believe it appropriate to make allowance for an area of employment land as part of the village settlement. This would minimise the need for local inhabitants to travel to and from work and make a contribution towards engendering a more complete and balanced community.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Local Housing Need

Representation ID: 8052

Received: 14/03/2019

Respondent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Agent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Representation Summary:

The standard methodology adopted to find the local housing need for the Development Plan accords with both the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Policy Guidance. This methodology takes account of the Borough's needs and those of neighbouring Authorities, who are unable to meet their own needs. There are, therefore, no exceptional circumstances that would warrant an alternative approach to be adopted or factors that mean that the standard methodology would require additional adjustment.

Full text:

The standard methodology adopted to find the local housing need for the Development Plan accords with both the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Policy Guidance. This methodology takes account of the Borough's needs and those of neighbouring Authorities, who are unable to meet their own needs. There are, therefore, no exceptional circumstances that would warrant an alternative approach to be adopted or factors that mean that the standard methodology would require additional adjustment.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 8 - Site 22 - Travellion Stud

Representation ID: 8056

Received: 14/03/2019

Respondent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Agent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Representation Summary:

I agree that Site 22 Trevallion Stud should be included as an allocated site. It has hard, defendable boundaries to limit further expansion into Green Belt land; it is well located to the village and its amenities, close enough that private vehicles may not always be used to reach the village centre.
The Master Plan Report and Site Assessments for each parcel of land within it and the vicinity provide a clear justification for allocating this area of housing development, with the consequential need to release it from the Green Belt.

Full text:

I agree that Site 22 Trevallion Stud should be included as an allocated site. It has hard, defendable boundaries to limit further expansion into Green Belt land; it is well located to the village and its amenities, close enough that private vehicles may not always be used to reach the village centre.
The Master Plan Report and Site Assessments for each parcel of land within it and the vicinity provide a clear justification for allocating this area of housing development, with the consequential need to release it from the Green Belt.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 37 - Compensatory Provision for removal of land from Green Belt.

Representation ID: 8058

Received: 14/03/2019

Respondent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Agent: Countryside Planning Services Limited

Representation Summary:

Care and attention to detail must be applied for revised Green Belt boundaries, whether this relates to 'inset' boundaries around existing settlements or removing 'washed-over' settlements. Given the proposed release of tracts of Green Belt land for HS2 and around settlements, such as Balsall Common, representations using those releases as precedent should be expected. It is difficult to see how a compensatory provision can be created to mitigate the loss of land from the Green Belt, given the Green Belt objectives. Compensatory provisions for the loss of landscape and open areas should not be confused with Green Belt issues.

Full text:

Care and attention to detail must be applied for revised Green Belt boundaries, whether this relates to 'inset' boundaries around existing settlements or removing 'washed-over' settlements. Given the proposed release of tracts of Green Belt land for HS2 and around settlements, such as Balsall Common, representations using those releases as precedent should be expected. It is difficult to see how a compensatory provision can be created to mitigate the loss of land from the Green Belt, given the Green Belt objectives. Compensatory provisions for the loss of landscape and open areas should not be confused with Green Belt issues.

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