Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 30 - Site 10 - West of Meriden
Representation ID: 9361
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Mr J Kimberley
Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd
Support allocation of Site 10 as logical extension of Meriden that meets policy objectives and has least impact. Site is lower performing green belt, partly brownfield, has no constraints, high accessibility, is deliverable within a settlement identified for limited expansion, and is well-related to centre. Will contribute to identified local affordable housing need. Consider Site 119 as part of proposed allocation could come forward in isolation.
Site Assessment for 119 incorrect; delete reference to contaminated land, should be part brownfield, and should not refer to indefensible boundaries, as include The Firs housing development, trees and hedgerows.
See Letters 1-3
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Local Housing Need
Representation ID: 9362
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Mr J Kimberley
Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd
Support proposed distribution, review of green belt boundaries, use of standard methodology, but concerned at lack of justification/agreement for contribution to wider HMA shortfall. Insufficient deliverable sites allocated to meet needs. Some green/allocated sites have significant questions over deliverability and compliance with national policies/sustainability considerations, meaning some 1,060 dwellings may not be delivered.
See Letters 1-3