Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

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Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P8 Managing Travel Demand and Reducing Congestion

Representation ID: 15130

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Woods Farm (Christmas Trees)

Agent: Twelve Twenty One Planning Services

Representation Summary:

This is supported. There is clearly a need to locate development where it can reduce reliance upon private motorised transport. It has to be accepted that any development will generate some additional traffic, no matter how much it facilitates and encourages the use of public transport and other non-car borne modes. As such, it is essential that the bulk of housing delivery is located where the full effects of traffic impact has been fully modelled and assessed. This has occurred in respect of site BL3 where it is agreed with the Council that up to 750 dwellings can be accommodated in accordance with the principles set out in the Policy P8.

Full text:

See attachments.


Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P17 Countryside and Green Belt

Representation ID: 15131

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Woods Farm (Christmas Trees)

Agent: Twelve Twenty One Planning Services

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

This policy is not supported and objected to in very strong terms in the context of the proposed boundary to the Green Belt around site BL3.

Green Belt boundaries should endure for more than one plan period and should provide sufficient flexibility to enable the Council to meet its housing requirements in the short term should sites be delayed or not brought forward for some reason. In this regard, the Council hasn’t attempted to identify “reserve sites” that serve no long term Green Belt function and which could be brought forward for development should that be necessary to meet housing or other needs.

It is proposed that land adjoining site BL3 at Whitlocks End Farm should be excluded from the Green Belt in the same manner and in accordance with the submitted Vision Document (attached).

This Vision Document demonstrates the development that accords with the Council’s objectives of maintaining a 300 metre separation between South Shirley and Dickens Heath and also follows existing hedgerows which form strong and natural boundaries. It also maintains the separation to Majors Green to the west established by the existing railway embankment.

The Vision Document also demonstrates how the proposed allocation BL3 can be implemented yet allows for a natural extension to accommodate further development, particularly to the east, as a natural rounding off of development up to the proposed new public open space.

Redrawing the Green Belt boundary to comply with this Vision Document will not only facilitate further development, if required, of up to 750 dwellings in total but it will also provide a natural edge to Shirley which accords with the five purposes of Green Belts as set out in Paragraph 134 of the NPPF.

Change suggested by respondent:

Redraw Green Belt boundary for Site BL3 so that land adjoining site BL3 at Whitlocks End Farm should be excluded from the Green Belt in the same manner and in accordance with the submitted Vision Document (attached).

Full text:

See attachments.


Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020


Representation ID: 15132

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Woods Farm (Christmas Trees)

Agent: Twelve Twenty One Planning Services

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Policies Map:
This policy is not supported and objected to in very strong terms in the context of the proposed boundary to the Green Belt around site BL3.

Green Belt boundaries should endure for more than one plan period and should provide sufficient flexibility to enable the Council to meet its housing requirements in the short term should sites be delayed or not brought forward for some reason. In this regard, the Council hasn’t attempted to identify “reserve sites” that serve no long term Green Belt function and which could be brought forward for development should that be necessary to meet housing or other needs.

It is proposed that land adjoining site BL3 at Whitlocks End Farm should be excluded from the Green Belt in the same manner and in accordance with the submitted Vision Document (attached).

This Vision Document demonstrates the development that accords with the Council’s objectives of maintaining a 300 metre separation between South Shirley and Dickens Heath and also follows existing hedgerows which form strong and natural boundaries. It also maintains the separation to Majors Green to the west established by the existing railway embankment.

The Vision Document also demonstrates how the proposed allocation BL3 can be implemented yet allows for a natural extension to accommodate further development, particularly to the east, as a natural rounding off of development up to the proposed new public open space.

Redrawing the Green Belt boundary to comply with this Vision Document will not only facilitate further development, if required, of up to 750 dwellings in total but it will also provide a natural edge to Shirley which accords with the five purposes of Green Belts as set out in Paragraph 134 of the NPPF.

Change suggested by respondent:

Redraw Green Belt boundary for Site BL3 so that land adjoining site BL3 at Whitlocks End Farm should be excluded from the Green Belt in the same manner and in accordance with the submitted Vision Document (attached).

Full text:

See attachments.


Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P17A Green Belt Compensation

Representation ID: 15133

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Woods Farm (Christmas Trees)

Agent: Twelve Twenty One Planning Services

Representation Summary:


The Vision Document referred to above also demonstrates very clearly how the “compensatory improvements” required to comply with Paragraph 138 of the NPPF can be achieved in respect of site BL3 (as proposed in the Submission Draft Local Plan or as proposed in the Vision Document attached). There will be far greater and enhanced public accessibility in the form of additional and circular walks and access through to the new large area of public space to the east. In addition it is recognised that there is potential to locate playing fields close to the proposed housing area (possibly also to support further development in Dickens Heath) as part of a comprehensive master plan. It is also proposed that a new canal marina could be accommodated to the southwest of site BL3. This has been assessed by the landowners who have sought specialist advice which has concluded that this would be both practical and feasible. Such a marina would not just help meet a real need for additional canal related berths and facilities but it could also form a base for other facilities for public recreation across the retained Green Belt area.

Change suggested by respondent:

Proposed that a new canal marina could be accommodated to the southwest of site BL3.

Full text:

See attachments.


Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P20 Provision for Open Space, Childrens Play, Sport, Recreation and Leisure

Representation ID: 15134

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Woods Farm (Christmas Trees)

Agent: Twelve Twenty One Planning Services

Representation Summary:


It is clear that open recreational facilities (both formal and informal) underpins community health (both physical and mental). As such the encouragement for proposals that retain (where appropriate) and enhance such facilities is supported. In addition, the support given to the role that waterways play in meeting this, plus the support that is provided to proposals that will enhance the formal and informal use of the river and canal network, is also welcomed.

As noted above, site BL3 will fully accord with Policy P20, including presenting an opportunity to enhance access to the countryside and the canal network policy.

Full text:

See attachments.


Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL3 - Whitlock's End Farm

Representation ID: 15135

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Woods Farm (Christmas Trees)

Agent: Twelve Twenty One Planning Services

Representation Summary:

This response to the Draft Submission Plan for Solihull has been prepared on behalf of Woods Farm Christmas Trees Limited, owners of a large site which is proposed for development (in part) on land south of Bills Lane in Shirley.
- Site BL3 is supported with the following additional points noted.
- The promoters (who are the owners) intend to meet the requirements of Policies P4 (A, D and E) in full.
- Furthermore, the owners are also experienced small scale housing developers and builders and who thus fully understand the benefits and requirements of SME housebuilders.
- Accordingly, it is proposed that up to 10-15% of the houses to be provided will be released through smaller sites of up to one hectare to support SME house builders in accordance with the minimum requirements of NPPF Para. 68.
- Will not only assist the Council meet this requirement but it will also help to accelerate delivery of housing in this area and to create a more varied residential scheme.
- single private ownership of land at site BL3 means owners are not constrained in the same way as, say, is the case with volume national house builders or land promoters

Full text:

See attachments.


Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL3 - Whitlock's End Farm

Representation ID: 15136

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Woods Farm (Christmas Trees)

Agent: Twelve Twenty One Planning Services

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Principle of site allocations is supported, however, site can be expanded in area to accommodate up to 750 dwellings, as set out in Vision Document:
- Transport: Agreement has been reached with the Council in respect of accessibility and offsite highway works (all of which are either in Highway land or are in the same ownership as the entirety of Site BL3 (and adjoining land)).
- Green Belt: Site can be extended to accommodate 750 dwellings with no diminution to the effectiveness of the Green Belt in this area nor to its overall form and function. I.e. by maintaining the separation between Shirley and Dickens Heath but will also represent a more natural rounding off to the southern edge of Shirley using natural hedgerow boundaries to establish the circa 300 metre separation to the south with the new public open space to the east and the railway line to the west.
- Heritage: detailed Heritage Assessment relating to the single listed building within the site has been carried out by site promoters and underpins Vision Document.
- Policy compliance: This location is highly accessible to all modes of transport in accordance with Policy P7 and will establish a clear sense of place in accordance with Policy P15 whilst respecting and enhancing natural and heritage assets in accordance with Policies P10 and P16.
- Green Belt compensation: the proposal offers the clear opportunity to enhance accessibility to the countryside, building on and incorporating within it existing and proposed bridle paths, open space, etc and making full use of the canal environment in accordance with Policies P17A and P20.

Change suggested by respondent:

Change and expand site boundary to accommodate up to 750 dwellings and align with Vision Document prepared by site promoters.

Full text:

See attachments.

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