
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7415

Received: 10/03/2019

Respondent: Eileen Lamb

Representation Summary:

The development of site 3 would create the narrowest gap between settlements.

Full text:

I attended a meeting in Balsall Common Library on Saturday 16th February. I was disappointed to find that the representatives from Solihull Council were not able to answer many of the questions satisfactorily. There were many 'unknowns'. I moved into Meer Stones Road in October and am lucky to have a view over fields which I understand would be obscured by the proposed building on green field land in Windmill Lane. The thought of extra traffic having to use Meer Stones Road if the plans go ahead is frightening as the road outside my house is very narrow and on a sharp bend and an accident could easily occur. Have the planners visited this site before making such proposals?
I entirely endorse the views expressed in the attached letter from BCBARRAGE and trust that the points made in it are considered very carefully before permission to build on Site3 is given.
Balsall Common does not have the infrastructure to support such development and the disruption, together with that caused by HS2, would be intolerable. The effect on the environment caused by extra roads and traffic pollution would be great and not a legacy I would like to leave to future residents.
I trust that serious consideration will be given to the points made in the attached letter from BCBARRAGE. I am not usually a protester but feel very strongly about this issue.

See Letter
