
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7720

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Edward Fraser

Representation Summary:

- Object as Site 26 along with Site 12 would form a pincer attack on the old Site 13 rendering it vulnerable to future development.
- Increase of traffic on Bills Lane would be intolerable both during construction of dwellings and worse when complete; the volume of traffic at rush hours from Dickens Heath and beyond on Bills Lane is already too much.
- Haslucks Green Rd would be a nightmare during construction and Shirley Station carpark cannot cope with the present demand let alone an increase. Local residents already suffer from commuter parking.

Full text:

This site along with Site 12 would form a pincer attack on the old site 13 rendering it vulnerable to future development.
The increase of traffic on Bills lane would be intolerable both during construction of dwellings and worse when complete. the volume of traffic at rush hours from Dickens Heath and beyond on Bills Lane is already too much.
Haslucks Green Rd would be a nightmare during construction and Shirley Station carpark cannot cope with the present demand let alone an increase. Local residents already suffer from commuter parking.