
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7890

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Diane Duftane

Representation Summary:

No objections providing that the level of housing is kept as per the plan. However, the increase in traffic on Bills Lane would need the Mott Macdonald plan being obtained prior to any permissions being granted.

Full text:

I would like to register my concerns and objections to the current draft local plan.
Shirley and Blyth Valley has now 38% of the proposed housing which is more than the lions share and will link many areas together i.e. Cheswich Green, Dickens Heath, & Tidbury Green. All will become just another hugh conurbation with no identity.

I believe the council has based it's calculation on the 2014 Office of National Statistics figures and there is a clear case that the 2016 figures could be used which shows a lower calculation.
There has been no consideration of increase of traffic on the current road system and public transport system, the Mott Macdonald plan was not obtained. The council state that public transport will be improved, however if there is no public transport now how can that be improved.
There is already a lack of local GP's and pupils are already travelling far and wide due to lack of schools in the appropriate areas. There are no plans in the current draft for extra GPs and schools.
With the current proposals the council would need to build 885 homes per year, a target that has never been obtained.
Site 4 an extension of Dickens Heath, proposed as it is near a station. Dickens Heath which won best village was based on all houses being within a 10 minute walk to shops, this is something which is already null and void. Site 4 states that improvements will be made to the infrastructure however roads cannot be improved as there are ancient hedgerows, which again the council appeared not to have done their homework. The council has asked for alternative sites, if being near a station is all that is required, have the fields to the east of Widney Manor Station been considered. Widney Manor Station is much better linked.
Site 26 I have no objections providing that the level of housing is kept as per the plan however the increase in traffic on Bills Lanes would need the Mott Macdonald plan being obtained prior to any permissions being granted.
However with this development then site 13 is the mitigation against the loss of green belt and would be beneficial for the community if this was designated a Village Green/ Nature Reserve.
What is quite frightening is that the HSR report into the historic past of Blyth Valley has not been acknowledged by Solihull Council, A report that was widely available and already printed. A Report that could have considerable bearing on future housing.