Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 40 - Affordable Housing Approach
Representation ID: 9764
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: IM Land
Agent: Turley
IM considers the Council's proposed approach to dealing with affordable housing and market mix to be confused. It is standard practice for affordable housing contributions to be calculated as a percentage of the overall number of dwellings and there is no evidence to suggest that this alternative approach would encourage the delivery of a higher proportion of smaller market dwellings.
The Local Plan should deal with the matters of affordable housing requirements and market mix separately. This will ensure a clear position for both the Council and developers reducing the likelihood of overly complex negotiations during the determination of applications.
Any changes in the approach to calculating affordable housing would need to be supported by evidence (including updated viability evidence) justifying the need for and suitability of this change.
We write on behalf of our client, IM Properties Limited (hereafter referred to as 'IM'), in response to the Solihull Local Plan Review (SLPR) Draft Local Plan (DLP) Supplementary Consultation, which was published for consultation in January 2019.
IM Properties own and are actively promoting several sites and assets within the Borough, including Mell Square, Blythe Valley Park and Fore Business Park.
IM Land, the strategic land division of IM, also has existing and emerging land interests within the Borough; separate representations have been submitted
in relation to IM Land's interests.
see attached letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 9765
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: IM Land
Agent: Turley
Overall IM is pleased that Solihull Council is progressing the SLPR and inviting comments on their proposed approach. However, IM is keen to see a more holistic approach to and consideration of the key factors to be addressed within the DLP, including a comprehensive approach to housing needs (local and HMA), employment needs, the potential implications of HS2 on these needs, and the importance of the future role of the Town Centre.
We write on behalf of our client, IM Properties Limited (hereafter referred to as 'IM'), in response to the Solihull Local Plan Review (SLPR) Draft Local Plan (DLP) Supplementary Consultation, which was published for consultation in January 2019.
IM Properties own and are actively promoting several sites and assets within the Borough, including Mell Square, Blythe Valley Park and Fore Business Park.
IM Land, the strategic land division of IM, also has existing and emerging land interests within the Borough; separate representations have been submitted
in relation to IM Land's interests.
see attached letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 10470
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: IM Land
Agent: Stansgate Planning LLP
Site Selection Topic Paper.
Does not explain how rural settlements split between significant expansion and limited expansion. Dickens Heath and Cheswick Green included for significant expansion despite no secondary school and poorer accessibility in Accessibility Mapping, whilst Meriden highly accessible and has a wide range of services so should be identified for significant expansion.
There is no definition of limited/proportionate expansion. Site 10 would amount to c7% increase, so including Site 420 would only be c14%.
Mineral Safeguarding Area for Coal
Should be removed as no longer relevant, following closure of Daw Mill and re-opening not viable.
This representation is made on behalf of IM Land, a subsidiary of IM Properties PLC who are working with landowners to promote land north of Main Road, Meriden for new housing
see attached letter and appendices
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 10496
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: IM Land
Agent: Turley
In March 2017, IM secured hybrid planning permission for up to 750 residential dwellings (use class C3), up to 250 'housing with care' units (use class C2/C3), up to 98,850 sq m of employment floorspace and up to 2,500 sq m of ancillary A1-A5 floorspace at Blythe Valley Park. This permission is referred to within the consultation document which confirms that planning permission has been granted for 1,000 homes (750 dwellings and a housing with care development of 250 units).
IM is committed to delivering residential development at Blythe Valley Park with the first homes currently under construction and ready for occupation later this year. However, in developing the detailed designs for the residential plots, it is now anticipated that a smaller C2 provision will likely be pursued, meaning there is a potential opportunity for a greater level of C3 residential development at BVP. Whilst this is not yet confirmed, IM would like to ensure that any reference to the allocation of
1,000 dwellings at BVP does not prejudice the opportunity for more than 750 of the 1,000 units allocated to be C3.
We write on behalf of our client, IM Properties Limited (hereafter referred to as 'IM'), in response to the Solihull Local Plan Review (SLPR) Draft Local Plan (DLP) Supplementary Consultation, which was published for consultation in January 2019.
IM Properties own and are actively promoting several sites and assets within the Borough, including Mell Square, Blythe Valley Park and Fore Business Park.
IM Land, the strategic land division of IM, also has existing and emerging land interests within the Borough; separate representations have been submitted
in relation to IM Land's interests.
see attached letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 10497
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: IM Land
Agent: Turley
IM owns and manages Mell Square shopping centre, which occupies a 5.3 hectare site in Solihull Town Centre.
Changes in the retail market means there is a major potential opportunity to redevelop Mell Square as part of a comprehensive masterplan for the revitalisation of the Town Centre to protect its prosperity moving forward.
IM is pleased that the Council has recognised there is opportunity to 'restructure' Solihull Town Centre
through the preparation of a refreshed masterplan which will highlight opportunities for alternative uses
and to provide positive opportunity for reinvention. However, IM would like to see greater recognition
within the Local Plan of the importance of the opportunity for redevelopment in the Town Centre, and the role that redevelopment can play in meeting the needs of the Borough, including the 'supergrowth' associated with HS2.
Through improved connectivity between Solihull Town Centre and the UK Central 'Hub', the Town Centre can continue to thrive and could provide an important contribution towards meeting the ambitions for growth within the Borough as a whole. This will require a more ambitious approach to the
redevelopment of the Town Centre, including a detailed review of car parking requirements within the centre and consideration of the opportunity for intensification through higher density development in accordance with paragraph 123(a) of the NPPF.
IM is keen to proactively engage and collaborate with the Council to discuss the role the Town Centre can play in the spatial strategy for the Borough, and in particular, the scale of opportunity available through the redevelopment of Mell Square. IM would be interested to understand the Council's timescales for the preparation of a 'refreshed' Town Centre Masterplan and how this will feed in to the
preparation of the Local Plan.
We write on behalf of our client, IM Properties Limited (hereafter referred to as 'IM'), in response to the Solihull Local Plan Review (SLPR) Draft Local Plan (DLP) Supplementary Consultation, which was published for consultation in January 2019.
IM Properties own and are actively promoting several sites and assets within the Borough, including Mell Square, Blythe Valley Park and Fore Business Park.
IM Land, the strategic land division of IM, also has existing and emerging land interests within the Borough; separate representations have been submitted
in relation to IM Land's interests.
see attached letter