Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Ended on the 15 March 2019

Omitted Sites

Question 38 - Amber Sites

Land r/o 575A to 587 Tanworth Lane, Cheswick Green (ref A1)

This is an amalgamation of the call for sites referenced 4, 78 and 235. Taken together they were assessed as site 1004 in the SHELAA. Development would take the form of a comprehensive backland development with an access onto Tanworth Lane likely to formed by the demolition of one of the existing dwellings. As such development would take place to the rear of existing frontages and would not impact on the openness of the undeveloped Green Belt opposite the site.

For this development to come forward the washed over Green Belt status of Cheswick Green would need to be amended, the approach to which is described in the Green Belt chapter of this plan. The SHELAA identifies a capacity of 36 dwellings.

Land at Mount Dairy Farm, Cheswick Green (ref A2)

This site sits just to the south of the main vehicular entrance on to Tanworth Lane from the new Cheswick Place development.

For this development to come forward the washed over Green Belt status of Cheswick Green would need to be amended, the approach to which is described in the Green Belt chapter of this plan. The SHELAA identifies a capacity of 10 dwellings.

Land r/o of 146 to 152 Tilehouse Lane, Whitlock's End, Tidbury Green (ref A3)

This is an amalgamation of the call for sites referenced 18 and 116. Taken together they were assessed as site 1013 in the SHELAA. Development would take the form of a comprehensive backland development with an access onto Tilehouse Lane using the access used by the former storage use on the site. As such development would take place to the rear of existing frontages and would not impact on the openness of the wider undeveloped Green Belt. Part of the site is included on the Council's Brownfield Land Register under reference BLR/021.

The site has also been the subject of previous planning applications which were refused due to the Green Belt status of the land. It was noted at the time that a review of the status of the site ought to take place in the context of the Local Plan Review rather than via an ad hoc favourable determination of a planning application.

For this development to come forward the washed over Green Belt status of Whitlock's End would need to be amended, the approach to which is described in the Green Belt chapter of this plan. The SHELAA identifies a capacity of 18 dwellings.

Golden End Farm, Kenilworth Road, Knowle (ref A4)

This is site 59 in the call for sites/SHELAA. The site is located a short distance to the east of the centre of Knowle and is therefore in a very accessible location. It has not been included as a preferred site as it falls within a Green Belt parcel that scores very highly (overall score 11) and would result in the village encroaching via a projection into the open countryside to the east without any form of 'rounding off' that would be achieved by development elsewhere in the same parcel that forms part of DLP site 8. If this site had have been included as a preferred option, the new Green Belt boundary would be formed by Kixley Lane to the north, the canal to the east and Kenilworth Road to the south. The SHELAA identifies a capacity of 250 dwellings.

Land off Blue Lake Road, Dorridge (ref A5)

The original call for sites submission in this area was referenced 104 and included just the land immediately behind the frontage properties. Further submissions have now been made to include more land extending further eastwards which now includes land at the rear of properties fronting Grove Road and a parcel of land fronting Norton Green Lane. The extended site is referenced 413 under the call for sites schedule.

The site is located a short distance to the east of the centre of Dorridge. The site sits in a Green Belt parcel that is lower performing (overall score of 4) which is partly as a result of ribbon development that is already in existence. If this site had have been included as a preferred option, the new Green Belt boundary would be formed by Grove Road and Norton Green Lane. A vision document prepared by the site's promoters identifies a capacity of 340 dwellings over 9.7ha.

Rowood Drive, Solihull (ref A6)

400. This is site 188 under the call for sites/SHELAA. Those promoting the site have indicated that until approximately 2011 it was used for 'little leagues football' and although Lode Heath School maintain the site they haven't used the facility since the early 1990's. Whilst the site is located in the urban area and would be well suited to residential development, the need for potential mitigation as a result of it's former use as playing fields remains to be established and it is hoped that as a result of the site being highlighted as an 'amber site' that this will enable its potential to be explored in more detail through this consultation. The SHELAA indicates that the site has a capacity of around 30 units.

Land r/o 114 to 118 Widney Manor Road, Solihull (ref A7)

This site was assessed as site 134 in the SHELAA. Development would take the form of a comprehensive backland development with an access onto Widney Manor Road. As such development would take place to the rear of existing frontages and would not impact on the

For this development to come forward the washed over Green Belt status of this area would need to be amended, the approach to which is described in the Green Belt chapter of this plan. The SHELAA identifies a capacity of 22 dwellings.

(206) 38 Do you have any comments on these amber sites, ie is it right they should be omitted, or do you believe they should be included, if so why?

Question 39 – Red Sites

An appendix sets out a schedule of all sites that have been assessed and which have been discounted and omitted as 'red' sites.

(188) 39 Are there any red sites omitted which you believe should be included; if so which one(s) and why?

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