Question 15 - Site 26 - Whitlocks End Farm

Showing comments and forms 31 to 60 of 129


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7320

Received: 10/03/2019

Respondent: Pauline Daniels

Representation Summary:

Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road cannot cope with anymore traffic. Site26 is also prone to flooding in the Bills Lane area. There is no space for cycle routes. Why are so many houses being pushed onto Shirley including numerous senior residences. We are swamped with car show rooms that could have been used for housing while Solihull seem to just build the odd 5 and 6 bedroom house. Shirley is being over populated and any bit of green space destroyed.

Full text:

Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road cannot cope with anymore traffic. Site26 is also prone to flooding in the Bills Lane area. There is no space for cycle routes. Why are so many houses being pushed onto Shirley including numerous senior residences. We are swamped with car show rooms that could have been usd for housing while Solihull seem to just build the odd 5 and 6 bedroom house. Shirley is being over populated and any bit of green space destroyed.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7346

Received: 10/03/2019

Respondent: Michael Moran

Representation Summary:

I object most strongly with the assumption that there is capacity on Bills Lane. Already the Bills Lane/Haslucks Green junction is extremely busy, notably in rush hour, and additional traffic along Bills Lane will produce enhanced congestion notably at the Burman Rd/Shakespeare Drive junctions. Bills Lane rises from the Haslucks Green Road junction inevitably meaning vehicle acceleration in lower gear and increasing, along with extra traffic, air pollution. The Christmas tree farm in its entirety provides a much needed semi-rural buffer for dense housing on the other side of Bills Lane.

Full text:

I object most strongly with the assumption that there is capacity on Bills Lane. Already the Bills Lane/Haslucks Green junction is extremely busy, notably in rush hour, and additional traffic along Bills Lane will produce enhanced congestion notably at the Burman Rd/Shakespeare Drive junctions. Bills Lane rises from the Haslucks Green Road junction inevitably meaning vehicle acceleration in lower gear and increasing, along with extra traffic, air pollution. The Christmas tree farm in its entirety provides a much needed semi-rural buffer for dense housing on the other side of Bills Lane.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7364

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Esak Shabudin

Representation Summary:

The extra housing will increase traffic and pollution. Bills Lane is narrow and too busy now.

Full text:

The extra housing will increase traffic and pollution. Bills Lane is narrow and too busy now.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7394

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mrs Helen Bruckshaw

Representation Summary:

Shifting traffic to Bills Lane & Haslucks Green Road - Why is extra traffic on these roads acceptable?

The area floods regularly

Disproportionate amount of housing in Shirley - spread over Solihull to lesson the impact.

Full text:

Shifting traffic to Bills Lane & Haslucks Green Road - Why is extra traffic on these roads acceptable?

The area floods regularly

Disproportionate amount of housing in Shirley - spread over Solihull to lesson the impact.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7418

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Phillip & Enid Cooper

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 12:
- There is too high a concentration of development proposed for Shirley.
- The Green Belt is being eroded.
- Too much additional traffic will be generated. Existing roads are not being modified to cope with the additional load.
- Too much additional pollution will be created. Air quality is already poor.

Full text:

I would like to register my concerns regarding the revised local plan on the following grounds:-
There is too high a concentration of development proposed for Shirley
The Green Belt is being eroded
Too much additional traffic will be generated. Existing roads are not being modified to cope with the additional load
Too much additional pollution will be created. Air quality is already poor


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7425

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Darryl Chinn

Representation Summary:

The comment at the bottom of this proposal is deeply objectionable 'Shift the focus from the congested Dickens Heath Road to Bills Lane/Haslucks Green Road.' Neither Bills Lane nor Haslucks Green are wide roads in this area. A further increase in 600 plus cars using these roads will only increase congestion, accidents which are regular at the bend at the Bills Lane junction and also the bridge over the Stratford canal. There will also be increases in noise and air pollution and an increase in danger to pedestrians. The infrastructure is neither here now nor planned to be to cope.

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Neither Bills Lane nor Haslucks Green are wide roads in this area. A further increase in 600 plus cars using these roads will only increase congestion, accidents which are regular at the bend at the Bills Lane junction and also the bridge over the Stratford canal. There will also be increases in noise and air pollution and an increase in danger to pedestrians. The infrastructure is neither here now nor planned to be to cope.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7515

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Neil Jeffries

Representation Summary:

I am concerned building more homes here will increase the volume of traffic on Bills Lane resulting in increased air pollution and raod traffic accidents. Furthermore, I believe it will cause increased pressure on already stretched public services, especially local GP surgery. I do not believe building more homes on this site will lead to improved public transport links, just put more pressure on the existing services and increase the number of private car owners.

Full text:

I am concerned building more homes here will increase the volume of traffic on Bills Lane resulting in increased air pollution and raod traffic accidents. Furthermore, I believe it will cause increased pressure on already stretched public services, especially local GP surgery. I do not believe building more homes on this site will lead to improved public transport links, just put more pressure on the existing services and increase the number of private car owners.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7547

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Charles Dempsey

Representation Summary:

I am extremely concerned that you think it acceptable to push traffic from this site through Majors Green, we are a village with narrow roads and due to current traffic levels we are becoming prisoners unable to get off the drive and living life around traffic flow. The air quality has already become poor and we cannot even walk anywhere as we can't get across the road. Children walking to school are at risk of accident. The infrastructure is already inadequate and cannot cope. Whilst I appreciate we need more housing the needs of current dwellers must also be considered.

Full text:

I am extremely concerned that you think it acceptable to push traffic from this site through Majors Green, we are a village with narrow roads and due to current traffic levels we are becoming prisoners unable to get off the drive and living life around traffic flow. The air quality has already become poor and we cannot even walk anywhere as we can't get across the road. Children walking to school are at risk of accident. The infrastructure is already inadequate and cannot cope. Whilst I appreciate we need more housing the needs of current dwellers must also be considered.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7548

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Ray Foxall

Representation Summary:

To shift the focus of traffic to Bills Lane/Haslucks Green Road is madness ! Have you seen the amount of traffic on these roads already ?
The bridleway would lose it's identity with this amount of new homes adjacent.

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To shift the focus of traffic to Bills Lane/Haslucks Green Road is madness ! Have you seen the amount of traffic on these roads already ?
The bridleway would lose it's identity with this amount of new homes adjacent.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7562

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Jane & Alan Horton

Representation Summary:

We strongly object to this draft plan on infrastructure issues.
1. Directing increased traffic onto Bill's Lane / Haslucks Green Road is a worrying prospect on already extremely busy roads with many hazards.and dangerous junctions
2. Environmental pollution through increased traffic causing damage to the local area.
3.Lack of primary and secondary school places.
4. Lack of parking for rail users at Shirley and Whitlocks End stations.
5. Not enough doctors or dentists in the area to cope with increased population.
6. Environmental impact through loss of trees and green space.

Full text:

We strongly object to this draft plan on infrastructure issues.
1. Directing increased traffic onto Bill's Lane / Haslucks Green Road is a worrying prospect on already extremely busy roads with many hazards.and dangerous junctions
2. Environmental pollution through increased traffic causing damage to the local area.
3.Lack of primary and secondary school places.
4. Lack of parking for rail users at Shirley and Whitlocks End stations.
5. Not enough doctors or dentists in the area to cope with increased population.
6. Environmental impact through loss of trees and green space.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7568

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Rajul Pankhania

Representation Summary:

Traffic volumes are high already and with proposed development will cause more risk to unsafe roads as they currently stand. Current roads are not appropriate for current levels of traffic and pedestrians are already at risk. Recent development of Whitlocks End Train station car park have caused an increase in traffic volumes. I have already observed students being hit by car wing mirrors as they walk along the roads.

This area is at high risk of flooding as per previous high precipitation observed. What is the plan to allow for this and to ensure that the water is managed correctly.

Full text:

Traffic volumes are high already and with proposed development will cause more risk to unsafe roads as they currently stand. Current roads are not appropriate for current levels of traffic and pedestrians are already at risk. Recent development of Whitlocks End Train station car park have caused an increase in traffic volumes. I have already observed students being hit by car wing mirrors as they walk along the roads.

This area is at high risk of flooding as per previous high precipitation observed. What is the plan to allow for this and to ensure that the water is managed correctly.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7591

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Mrs Debbie Grinnell

Representation Summary:

I object in the strongest terms the development of Woods Farm. Following the development of Dickens Heath the infrastructure in the surrounding areas has not been developed putting excess pressure on the surround roads and amenities. To develop on Woods Farm would just have a catastrophic effect on Bills Lane, which is already at breaking point and already a high accident point!
In the last few years alone there have been many accident one resulting in death. In my opinion to put additional traffic onto this road via the proposed site at Woods Farm would be negligent.

Full text:

I object in the strongest terms the development of Woods Farm. Following the development of Dickens Heath the infrastructure in the surrounding areas has not been developed putting excess pressure on the surround roads and amenities. To develop on Woods Farm would just have a catastrophic effect on Bills Lane, which is already at breaking point and already a high accident point!
In the last few years alone there have been many accident one resulting in death. In my opinion to put additional traffic onto this road via the proposed site at Woods Farm would be negligent.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7599

Received: 11/03/2019

Respondent: Solihull Ratepayers Association

Representation Summary:

Agree site 26 should be included as an allocated site in respect of the draft concept plan. Members expressed concern at 300 homes and felt 250 was more appropriate given issues currently raised of traffic impact onto Bills Lane and Shakespeare Drive.

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The Solihull Ratepayers Members Forum and AGM on 8th March considered a presentation on the Solihull Local Plan Review Consultation and the presentations of our views are set out in the attached letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7615

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Mrs Jayne Bott

Representation Summary:

Main objection: the infrastructure around this site is already at breaking point .Haslucks Green Road and Bills Lane are already over loaded with cars. There are numerous accidents by Whitlocks End Station and at the hump back bridge over the canal past The Drawbridge pub. Often a queue of traffic along Haslucks Green Road just beforey Whitlocks End Station, you take your life in your hands if you are walking in any direction from the train station.
Trying to be seen by a local doctor is very difficult, this will also get harder, a problem for the elderly and unwell.

Full text:

Main objection: the infrastructure around this site is already at breaking point .Haslucks Green Road and Bills Lane are already over loaded with cars. There are numerous accidents by Whitlocks End Station and at the hump back bridge over the canal past The Drawbridge pub. Often a queue of traffic along Haslucks Green Road just beforey Whitlocks End Station, you take your life in your hands if you are walking in any direction from the train station.
Trying to be seen by a local doctor is very difficult, this will also get harder, a problem for the elderly and unwell.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7666

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Mr N Walters

Representation Summary:

There should be no more expansion of Dickens Heath!!!! Green space should be sacrosanct and the village should remain as the Councils original concept. Pollution continues to be a problem.

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There should be no more expansion of Dickens Heath!!!! Green space should be sacrosanct and the village should remain as the Councils original concept. Pollution continues to be a problem.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7677

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Mrs Carla Hughes

Representation Summary:

I object to the use of this site as it still carries the same concerns over infrastructure that allocation 13 had. The roads in the local area simply can't cope as it is with the traffic already forced upon it by Dickens Heath, so adding to this only means congestion and pollution. There are no clear proposals to ease this strain. This is on top of the urban sprawl and ultimately barely any "gap" at all to define Shirley and Dickens Heath.

Full text:

I object to the use of this site as it still carries the same concerns over infrastructure that allocation 13 had. The roads in the local area simply can't cope as it is with the traffic already forced upon it by Dickens Heath, so adding to this only means congestion and pollution. There are no clear proposals to ease this strain. This is on top of the urban sprawl and ultimately barely any "gap" at all to define Shirley and Dickens Heath.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7693

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Landowner Winterton Farm

Agent: Savills

Representation Summary:

Site is located within a higher performing GB parcel. The site should be a Priority 7 site meaning it falls within the 'unlikely inclusions' section. Unclear how
the site has been included as a draft allocation when it should score poorly against the Step 2 'Refinement
Criteria'. It also scored high against landscape character sensitivity and visual sensitivity and has a very
low landscape capacity to accommodate change.
No beneficial factors (other than it being in an accessible location) that warrant its allocation within the DSLP. The evidence demonstrates that it is not the most suitable site for development.

Full text:

please find attached our response to the Solihull Local Plan Review Draft Supplementary Consultation and a site location plan for Site 173 -Winterton Farm



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7720

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Edward Fraser

Representation Summary:

- Object as Site 26 along with Site 12 would form a pincer attack on the old Site 13 rendering it vulnerable to future development.
- Increase of traffic on Bills Lane would be intolerable both during construction of dwellings and worse when complete; the volume of traffic at rush hours from Dickens Heath and beyond on Bills Lane is already too much.
- Haslucks Green Rd would be a nightmare during construction and Shirley Station carpark cannot cope with the present demand let alone an increase. Local residents already suffer from commuter parking.

Full text:

This site along with Site 12 would form a pincer attack on the old site 13 rendering it vulnerable to future development.
The increase of traffic on Bills lane would be intolerable both during construction of dwellings and worse when complete. the volume of traffic at rush hours from Dickens Heath and beyond on Bills Lane is already too much.
Haslucks Green Rd would be a nightmare during construction and Shirley Station carpark cannot cope with the present demand let alone an increase. Local residents already suffer from commuter parking.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7727

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Ms Nicole Geoghegan

Representation Summary:

The entire road system in and around Dickens Heath is now is insufficient and dangerous - even with the existing population.
A small number of leasees are responsible for the maintenance, renewal, operational expenses, etc of a number of communal sites/facilities in Dickens Heath. The legal structure put in place some 10+years ago relating to these Common Assets is not tenable with further development around Dickens Heath.
Buildings in Dickens Heath subject to recent flooding, contributed to by the lack of balancing ponds in/around the village. Further development of current farmland/undeveloped land around Dickens Heath can only exacerbate flooding risk.

Full text:

See Letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7756

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Cllr Adam Kent

Representation Summary:

As per Site 4 I cannot support Site 26 without detailed and major improvements to the local infrastructure in Solihull and Worcestershire which will share the burden of additional vehicles. The attached report covers both sites.

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As per Site 4 I cannot support Site 26 without detailed and major improvements to the local infrastructure in Solihull and Worcestershire which will share the burden of additional vehicles. The attached report covers both sites.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7803

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Mrs Sally Cridland

Representation Summary:

I am a resident of some 40 years on 510 Haslucks Green Road and during the time have seen the number of trafficgrow yearly since Dickens Heath was built
One can hardly at times in the day get on my drive safely with the volume and speed and if the number of proposed new houses get built where would the added number of vehicles use then
This growing problem has been raised a number of times in the past but it has grown to now dangerous and serious levels

Full text:

I am a resident of some 40 years on 510 Haslucks Green Road and during the time have seen the number of trafficgrow yearly since Dickens Heath was built
One can hardly at times in the day get on my drive safely with the volume and speed and if the number of proposed new houses get built where would the added number of vehicles use then
This growing problem has been raised a number of times in the past but it has grown to now dangerous and serious levels


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7808

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Mrs Alex Woodhall

Representation Summary:

Development of this site is takes Shirley to close to Dickens Heath and leaves site 13 as a possible washover area for the council to fill in later. Bills Lane is a busy road with poor visibility and is prone to accidents.

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Development of this site is takes Shirley to close to dickens Heath and leaves site 13 as a possible washover area for the council to fill in later. Bills lane is a busy road with pore visibility and prone to accidents.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7813

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Mrs Hazel Reed

Representation Summary:

As a Majors Green resident , I am unhappy that SMBC are " Shifting the focus of vehicular traffic movements away from the congested Dickens Heath Road to Bills Lane/Haslucks Green Road" You are moving congestion from SMBC to Bromsgrove Council area through Majors Green which is already congested and dangerous due to Tidbury Green and previous Dickens Heath developments. Substantial changes to the highway infrastructure as well as a pavement on both sides of Bills Lane will need to be made. Please note these roads were constructed as country lanes not to handle current or higher volume of traffic.

Full text:

As a Majors Green resident , I am unhappy that SMBC are " Shifting the focus of vehicular traffic movements away from the congested Dickens Heath Road to Bills Lane/Haslucks Green Road" You are moving congestion from SMBC to Bromsgrove Council area through Majors Green which is already congested and dangerous due to Tidbury Green and previous Dickens Heath developments. Substantial changes to the highway infrastructure as well as a pavement on both sides of Bills Lane will need to be made. Please note these roads were constructed as country lanes not to handle current or higher volume of traffic.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7815

Received: 12/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Mark Briers

Representation Summary:

Existing infrastructure in particular the road system cannot cope with this additional volume. Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road already over used. A survey should be done to monitor volume and speed of traffic on those roads.

Full text:

Existing infrastructure in particular the road system cannot cope with this additional volume. Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road already over used. A survey should be done to monitor volume and speed of traffic on those roads.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7838

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Mr J Davies

Representation Summary:

This area would effectively help to encircle the previous Allocation 13 area and create huge pressure for this to be included in any future development planning.
Development will bridge the gap between Shirley and Dickens Heath, and create one huge suburban conurbation destroying the character and amenity value of that part of Shirley.

Full text:

This area would effectively help to encircle the previous Allocation 13 area and create huge pressure for this to be included in any future development planning.
Development will bridge the gap between Shirley and Dickens Heath, and create one huge suburban conurbation destroying the character and amenity value of that part of Shirley


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7858

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Ivan Armstrong

Representation Summary:

Bills Lane/ Haslucks Green Rd is congested enough without adding more traffic. It is apparent that Solihull planners have no idea as to traffic planning if they have let a new development i.e.Dickens Heath be built without consideration for the future developments, is that what they are going to do with this one? just shift the traffic problem to Bromsgrove, Majors Green.
What traffic will this add to junction of Haslucks Green Rd/Tile house lane.
Suggest R/H turn only at junction Bills lane/Haslucks Green Rd

Full text:

Bills Lane/ Haslucks Green Rd is congested enough without adding more traffic. It is apparent that Solihull planners have no idea as to traffic planning if they have let a new development i.e.Dickens Heath be built without consideration for the future developments, is that what they are going to do with this one? just shift the traffic problem to Bromsgrove, Majors Green.
What traffic will this add to junction of Haslucks Green Rd/Tile house lane.
Suggest R/H turn only at junction Bills lane/Haslucks Green Rd


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7862

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Roy Walters

Representation Summary:

Area now saturated by new builds (TRW site Solihull Village Tidbury Green etc).
Losing green belt between Dickens Heath and Majors Green disproportionally to size of area and number of new builds .
Local infrastructure CANNOT cope.
Major worry about rare wildlife in area including rare species of buzzards, longtailed tits and Sparrow plus at least 20 other species which are in decline and rely on hedgerows, established trees and green field sites .
Green belt habitat being destroyed and creating concrete sprawl.
These green corridors are needed for future generations and act as "lungs" in what is becoming an overbuilt area already.

Full text:

Area now saturated by new builds (TRW site Solihull VillageTidbury Green& many more).Losing green belt between Dickens Heath and Majors Green disproportionally to size of area and number of new builds .Local infrastructure CANNOT cope. Major worry about rare wildlife in area including rare species of buzzards, longtailed tits and Sparrow plus at least 20 other species which are in decline and rely on hedgerows, established trees and green field sites .Green belt habitat being destroyed and creating concrete sprawl.These green corridors are needed for future generations and act as "lungs" in what is becoming an overbuilt area already.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7890

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Diane Duftane

Representation Summary:

No objections providing that the level of housing is kept as per the plan. However, the increase in traffic on Bills Lane would need the Mott Macdonald plan being obtained prior to any permissions being granted.

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I would like to register my concerns and objections to the current draft local plan.
Shirley and Blyth Valley has now 38% of the proposed housing which is more than the lions share and will link many areas together i.e. Cheswich Green, Dickens Heath, & Tidbury Green. All will become just another hugh conurbation with no identity.

I believe the council has based it's calculation on the 2014 Office of National Statistics figures and there is a clear case that the 2016 figures could be used which shows a lower calculation.
There has been no consideration of increase of traffic on the current road system and public transport system, the Mott Macdonald plan was not obtained. The council state that public transport will be improved, however if there is no public transport now how can that be improved.
There is already a lack of local GP's and pupils are already travelling far and wide due to lack of schools in the appropriate areas. There are no plans in the current draft for extra GPs and schools.
With the current proposals the council would need to build 885 homes per year, a target that has never been obtained.
Site 4 an extension of Dickens Heath, proposed as it is near a station. Dickens Heath which won best village was based on all houses being within a 10 minute walk to shops, this is something which is already null and void. Site 4 states that improvements will be made to the infrastructure however roads cannot be improved as there are ancient hedgerows, which again the council appeared not to have done their homework. The council has asked for alternative sites, if being near a station is all that is required, have the fields to the east of Widney Manor Station been considered. Widney Manor Station is much better linked.
Site 26 I have no objections providing that the level of housing is kept as per the plan however the increase in traffic on Bills Lanes would need the Mott Macdonald plan being obtained prior to any permissions being granted.
However with this development then site 13 is the mitigation against the loss of green belt and would be beneficial for the community if this was designated a Village Green/ Nature Reserve.
What is quite frightening is that the HSR report into the historic past of Blyth Valley has not been acknowledged by Solihull Council, A report that was widely available and already printed. A Report that could have considerable bearing on future housing.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7905

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Stratford on Avon District Council

Representation Summary:

SoA DC is concerned that development at Whitlock's End combined with sites 11 and 12 (1940 dws in total) could impact directly on Stratford-on-Avon District for example in terms of increased cross boundary pressure on infrastructure, for example, the highway network around Earlswood and potentially Wood End. It is recognised that Whitlock's End station is in the vicinity and could relieve some of this pressure. The Council requests that SMBC engage fully with Warwickshire CC as the relevant highway authority and with local parish councils and community groups in neighbouring areas of SoA District in formulating any plans and proposals.

Full text:

see attached representation


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 7934

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Peter & Elaine King

Representation Summary:

As we live close to Bills Lane we cannot agree that this would simplify congestion. Bills Lane is already a rat run used as a cut through and especially at peak times is extremely congested.

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As we live close to Bills Lane we cannot agree that this would simplify congestion. Bills Lane is already a rat run used as a cut through and especially at peak times is extremely congested.