Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Local Housing Need

Representation ID: 9948

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Would accept, in principle, that there are no exceptional circumstances. This
position may change depending on the results of the Government consultation. Whilst the document does not seek comments about unmet need, the close economic and geographical relationships between Solihull and Birmingham it is inevitable that a greater share of the unmet need from BCC should be accommodated within Solihull.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Site Selection Methodology

Representation ID: 9949

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Basic elements of the Methodology acceptable and workable. Other elements are flawed and over complicated.
Non-compliant with Government policy on strong defensible Green Belt boundaries. No reference to creating boundaries in NPPF.
Lack of consistency, particularly when comparing sites in the same location.
Site assessments incomplete in some instances.
Flawed judgements or lack of sound reasons why some sites allocated/rejected /de-allocated.
No advantage in creating yellow, blue and subsequently amber sites. This is unnecessary and adds to confusion and complexity. Delete this element of the methodology and either allocate the amber sites or reject them as proposed allocations.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 3 - Infrastructure Requirements at Balsall Common

Representation ID: 9950

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Balsall Common will become a major settlement within Solihull Borough. The proposed Green Belt boundary amendments on the eastern side of the village will have significant implications for development over and above the allocations proposed. Lifting Green Belt restrictions on land will put considerable pressures for development and the future growth of Balsall Common with insufficient consideration on how this will be dealt with within this supplementary consultation, including infrastructure provision. The lack of employment proposals within Balsall Common will exacerbate the settlements commuter image and fly in the face of sustainability credential Solihull may wish to exhibit.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 4 - Site 1 - Barratts Farm

Representation ID: 9951

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Doubts about the likelihood of comprehensive development and deliverability of some of the proposed allocations particularly when complex land assembly issues are highlighted. This is particularly relevant to Site 1.
No certainty over the provision of HS2 and the Balsall Common By-pass and as such there are doubts over the provision of a firm eastern Green Belt boundary, without which, as acknowledged in the site assessment that the site would result in an indefensible Green Belt boundary. Some of the site is within the highest performing parcel in the Green Belt Assessment but not referenced in the site assessment.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 6 - Site 3 - Windmill Lane

Representation ID: 9952

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Doubts about the likelihood of comprehensive development and deliverability of some of the proposed allocations particularly when complex land assembly issues are highlighted. This is relevant to Site 3.
Although endeavouring to provide a firm and defensible Green Belt boundary the site becomes increasingly remote from the settlement in accessibility terms and produces a somewhat contrived, insensitive and illogical addition to Balsall Common which could result in a visually unattractive entrance into the settlement from the South.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 7 - Site 21 - Pheasant Oak Farm

Representation ID: 9953

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

The site assessment document states:
a) "....... part high (highest) performing parcel in the Green Belt Assessment and would result in an indefensible Green Belt boundary to the east.
b) "Site has a low level of accessibility....." and
c) "Could be considered subject to provision of clear firm green belt boundaries".
d) "Development should preferably be on land that is more highly accessible, and/or performs least well in Green Belt terms and/or provides strong defensible boundaries".
Allocation is reliant on the building of a bypass and the assembly of land outside the site allocation. Hardly glowing commentary for an allocation.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 8 - Site 22 - Travellion Stud

Representation ID: 9954

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Land assembly issues are particularly relevant to this proposed allocation. Firm and defensible green belt boundaries would only be created when considered in a comprehensive manner which cannot be assured.
The site is also identified as having high visual sensitivity in the Landscape Character assessment and from an assessment on site it is clearly evident that the land extends into open countryside impacting considerably on the openness of the Green Belt at this point.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 9 - Site 23 - Lavender Hall Farm

Representation ID: 9955

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

The site assessment would not immediately suggest this site was suitable for allocation. It lies within the highest performing Green Belt Parcel, site has high visual landscape sensitivity. If HS2 is built the site would lie in a narrow belt between two highly used railway lines, hardly an ideal situation for residential development. Site would lie outside the suggested firm and defensible Green Belt boundary east of Balsall Common, at odds with the implied development intentions. Being contaminated land its viability would come into question. Difficult to understand why this site is proposed for allocation.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 10 - Green Belt Changes

Representation ID: 9956

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

The proposed amendment to the Green Belt boundary on the eastern side of Balsall Common will have significant implications for development over and above the allocations proposed. Lifting Green Belt restrictions on land will put considerable pressures for development and the future growth of Balsall Common and its elevation in settlement hierarchy within the Borough with insufficient consideration on how this will be dealt with within this supplementary consultation.
Also, part of the proposed allocation sites and those areas not allocated for development lie within the highest performing area within the Green Belt Assessment.

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 11 - Infrastructure Requirements at Blythe

Representation ID: 9957

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

No objection in principle on infrastructure however, the current lack of traffic assessments make it difficult to adequately assess what highway improvements are necessary and impact on the choice of sites and site

Full text:

This is the response of Rosconn Strategic Land to the supplementary consultation by
Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The purpose of the
response is to comment the draft Plan and promote three sites for inclusion as
housing allocations within the plan. The response is by question order.
The 3 sites are:
Land at Three Maypoles Farm Shirley
Land at r/o 2214 Stratford Road Hockley Heath
Land adj 161 Lugtrout Lane Solihull

The responses on the three sites to the Solihull Draft Local Plan 2016 consultation
are attached and which highlight the reasons why the sites should be allocations
within the Local Plan.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Ecology Report and
Heritage Assessment in relation to land adj to 161 Lugtrout Lane, Solihull.
Your attention is also drawn to the attached Masterplan for land r/o 2214 Stratford
Road Hockley Heath.

Not withstanding that this is an informal consultation we consider that the document
should be accompanied by an up to date SA.

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