Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 12 - Site 4 - Land West of Dickens Heath
Representation ID: 9911
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
Would result in coalescence between Dickens Heath, Whitlocks End and Majors Green. Site is highly visually sensitive in landscape terms. Development would be an ill-thought out addition to the west of Dickens Heath and have no relationship to the original concept or masterplan.
Masterplan makes no reference to how the site would complement or enhance Dickens Heath and it is acknowledged that further work is needed to identify links to the Village Centre.
Site 4 has been dismissed as an allocation numerous times.
No identified sites for the relocation of Sports pitches.
No evidence of highway impact of the development.
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 13 - Site 11 -The Green
Representation ID: 9912
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
Identified as an employment site in the Solihull local Plan 2013 and a mixed
use site in the SDLP 2016. Would support a mixed use allocation but recent
planning decisions would appear to negate this suggestion.
There is conflict with the employment policy within the SDLP 2016 and the
future balance between employment and housing in the Borough. No indication as to where the B1 uses on site would relocate to.
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 14 - Site 12 - Land South of Dog Kennel Lane
Representation ID: 9913
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
Concerns on Green Belt grounds and landscape character sensitivity.
The land has the essential GB character of openness. Open vistas southwards are evident from Dog Kennel Lane.
Development would extend built development out into open countryside.
Constructing a new road to form the Green Belt boundary does not conform to Government policy. Given that the existing field structure does not have a clear contiguous defensible Green Belt boundary to the south, how would coalescence with Cheswick Green be prevented and what impact would there be on openness, developing out into open countryside and impact on landscape character?
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 15 - Site 26 - Whitlocks End Farm
Representation ID: 9914
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
Until the masterplan for site 26 is finalised the issue of coalescence with Majors Green will remain. Until traffic surveys and analysis of the A34 and surrounding roads are completed it is impossible to suggest that Bills Lane/Haslucks Green Road would be any more or less congested than Dickens Heath Road. Dickens Heath Road provides a less onerous, less convoluted and safer route to the A34, the town centres of Shirley and Solihull, the M42 and beyond. Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road will have to deal with traffic from site 4 as well as its own.
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 16 - Infrastructure Requirements at Hampton In Arden
Representation ID: 9915
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
No objection in principle.
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 17 - Site 6 - Meriden Road
Representation ID: 9916
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
Land to the west of this site was allocated for housing in the 2013 Local plan
on condition that the former ammunition depot was reclaimed for open
space or if not available an alternative development solution delivering open
space was forthcoming. This situation still exists and so calls into question
the allocation. Also the viability of the site may be affected dependent on any
potential contamination issues as a consequence of the former use of the
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 18 - Site 24 - Oak Farm
Representation ID: 9917
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
Firstly, it is noted and it is agreed that Catherine de Barnes should be a
settlement where limited and proportionate development is accepted. New
development will assist with the future viability and vitality of such
settlements as Catherine de Barnes provided they are proportionate to the
settlement, in the right location and contribute to the health and well-being
of the community
The site at Oak Farm should be included as an but the allocation should
include the land to the east of this proposed allocation and the west of Friday
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 19 - Infrastructure Requirements at Hockley Heath
Representation ID: 9918
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
No objection in principle although consideration should be given to enable
the provision of a doctors surgery.
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 20 - Site 25 - School Road
Representation ID: 9919
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
No objection in principle
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 21 - Green Belt Changes
Representation ID: 9920
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Generator (Balsall) & Minton
Agent: DS Planning
Should site 25 be allocated then there would be no objection to the run of
development along School Road being removed from the Green Belt in the
interest of consistency and in line with Paragraph 361 of the SDLP 2016.
This is the response of Generator Group and Minton to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site on land adj Harpers Field, Kenilworth Road Balsall Common for inclusion as a housing
allocation within the Plan. The response is by question order. Whilst we have
responded to each question, the detailed points in relation to our site are set out under question 39 and your attention is specifically drawn to this part of the response. It should be noted the site is developer owned and delivery of the site can therefore come forward early in the plan period