Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Ended on the 14 December 2020


  1. The abbreviations used in this document are as follows:

AMP Automated People Mover

AMR Authority Monitoring Report

ATM Active Traffic Management

BBP Birmingham Business Park

BLR Brownfield Land Register

BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

BVP Blythe Valley Park

CA Combined Authority (as in West Midlands Combined Authority)

CCC Committee on Climate Change

CCG Clinical Commissioning Groups?

CIL Community Infrastructure Levy

CIRIA Construction Industry Research Information Association

DfT Department for Transport

DLP Draft Local Plan?

DPA Dwellings per annum

DPD Development Plan Document

DtC Duty to Cooperate

EA Environment Agency

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EIP Examination in Public

ERDF European Regional Development Fund

EV Electric Vehicle

FE Form of Entry (e.g. 1FE is one form of entry (for schools))

FRA Flood Risk Assessment

GBA Green Belt Assessment

GBSLEP Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership

GHG Greenhouse Gas

GHG Green House Gas

GI Green Infrastructure

GI Green Infrastructure

GTAA Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment

GVA Gross Value Added

HBA Habitat Biodiversity Audit

HEDNA Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment

HIA Health Impact Assessment

HMA Housing Market Area

HMO Homes in Multiple Occupation

HS2 High Speed 2 Rail link

HWRC Household Waste and Recycling Centre

ICT Information and Communications Technology

IDP Infrastructure Delivery Plan

JLR Jaguar Land Rover

JSNA Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

KDBH Knowle, Dorridge and Bentley Heath

KRN Key Route Network

LAA Local Aggregate Assessment

LCA Landscape Character Assessment

LCWIP Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

LEP Local Enterprise Partnership

LET&C Low Emissions Towns and Cities (programme)

LGS Local Green Space

LHN Local Housing Needs

LNR Local Nature Reserve

LNRS Local Nature Recovery Strategy

LNRS Local Nature Reserve Strategy

LPA Local Planning Authority

LPR Local Plan Review

LWS Local Wildlife Site

MBC Metropolitan District Council

MHCLG Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

MRN Major Road Network

MSA Motorway Service Area / Mineral Safeguarding Area

NCIL Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy

NEC National Exhibition Centre

NIA Nature Improvement Area

NPPF National Planning Policy Framework

ONS Office for National Statistics

PPG Planning Practice Guidance

PPTS Planning Policy for Traveller Sites

SEP Strategic Economic Plan

SHELAA Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment

SLP Solihull Local Plan (Dec 2013)

SMBC Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

SME Small and Medium Enterprises

SoS Secretary of State

SP Supplementary Planning Document

SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest

SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

UDP [Solihull] Unitary Development Plan (Feb 2006)

UGC Urban Growth Company

UHB University Hospitals Birmingham?

UKC UK Central

WMAWP West Midlands Aggregates Working Party

WMCA West Midlands Combined Authority

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