Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Ended on the 14 December 2020

Monitoring Indicators

Sustainable Economic Growth

Policy P1 – UK Central Solihull Hub Area

MI01 - Quantum and type of floorspace developed across the UK Central Solihull Hub Area

MI02 - Quantum and type of floorspace developed on Birmingham and Blythe Valley Business Parks.

MI03 - Extent to which development is linked to local employment needs (measures adopted to target local needs and the quantum of employment).

P2 – Maintain Strong, Competitive Town Centres

MI04 - The quantum of development of retail, office and leisure floorspace in the main Solihull town centre.

MI05 - The number of dwelling units built in Solihull town centre in accordance with Town Centre Masterplan.

MI06 - Extent of encroachment of non-retail development into primary retail frontages.

P3 – Provision of Land for General Business and Premises

MI07 - Floorspace developed for employment use by type, size and number of employees.

Providing Homes for All

P4A Meeting Housing Needs - Affordable Housing

MI08 - Number of affordable dwellings delivered through the planning system.

MI09 - Percentage of affordable housing on qualifying sites, with a target of 40%.

P4B Meeting Housing Needs - Rural Exceptions


P4C Meeting Housing Needs - Market Housing

MI10 - Mix of market housing reflecting the policy expectations

P4D Meeting Housing Needs - Self and Custom Housebuilding

MI11 - Number of people on the Solihull Self and Custom Housebuilding and number of permissions grated in each base period.

MI12 - Self-build plots: number of relevant permissions granted to Part 1 registrations

MI13 - Number of individuals on Part 1 of the register

MI14 - Number of associations of individuals on Part 1 of the register

P4E Meeting Housing Needs - Older and Disabled People

MI15 - Percentage of M4(2) delivered on qualifying sites

MI16 - Percentage of M4(3) delivered on qualifying sites

MI17 - Specialist housing delivered:

  • Number of developments
  • Number of apartments

MI19 - Number of specialist care bedspaces delivered

P5 – Provision of Land for Housing

MI20 - The number of dwellings delivered per annum in accordance with the stepped trajectory.

MI21 - Maintain a continuous five years (+5%) housing land supply based on the stepped delivery target and taking delivery to date into account.

P6 - Provision of Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers

MI22 - Whether the identified need for permanent residential pitches has been met for the period 2020 – 2025, 2026 – 2031 and 2031 - 2036 for

  • Gypsies and Travellers who meet the PPTS definition
  • Gypsies and Travellers who do not meet the PPTS definition

MI23 - The numbers of authorised pitches provided per annum.

MI24 - The number of unauthorised developments and encampments per annum.

Improving Accessibility and Encouraging Sustainable Travel

P7 – Accessibility and Ease of Access

MI25 - Percentage of qualifying residential development within accessibility parameters.

MI26 - Percentage of qualifying B1 office, retail, leisure developments within accessibility parameters.

P8 – Managing Demand for Travel and Reducing Congestion

MI27 - Increase the proportion of trips by public transport, walking and cycling into Solihull Town Centre during the AM peak period.

MI28 - Number of travel plans brought forward with new development

MI29 - Percentage change in transport modal share across the Borough for bus, rail and cycle use.

Protecting and Enhancing Our Environment

P9 – Climate Change

MI30 Annual reductions in CO2 emissions

MI31 No. of new EV charging points on new developments.

MI32 No. of new homes that are built to Future Homes Standard (from 2021) and zero               carbon (from 2025).

MI33 - No. of renewable/low carbon energy generation installations per year.

P10 – Natural Environment

MI34 - Proportion of local sites where positive conservation management is being achieved (MHCLG Single data list 160-00).

MI35 - No. of new trees planted per year under WMCA scheme.

MI36 - Amount of accessible natural green space created/enhanced each year

P11 – Water Management

MI37 - Planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency objections on water quality and flood risk grounds.

P12 – Resource Management

MI38 - Amount of waste arising and capacity of waste management facilities in the Borough.

P13 – Minerals

MI39 - Progress on this policy will be monitored through the Regional Aggregates Working Party Annual Reports which provide data on sub-regional production and landbanks.

P14 – Amenity


Promoting Quality Of Place

P15 – Securing Design Quality

MI40 - Number/proportion of developments achieving at least 10 out of 12 'green lights' measured against BfL 12 Standard.

MI41 - Number/proportion of non-residential developments achieving BREEAM).

P16 – Conservation Of Heritage Assets And Local Distinctiveness

MI42 - Number/proportion of heritage assets at risk (Grade I, II* and II Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens and Conservation Areas).

MI43 - Number/proportion of Conservation Areas with up-to-date Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans.

P17 – Countryside and Green Belt

MI44 - Loss of Green Belt to development.

Supporting Local Communities

P18 – Health and Well Being

MI45 - The number of community facilities lost to alternative development where no replacement has been provided.

MI46 - The number of new planning permissions for hot food takeaways.

P19 – Range And Quality Of Local Services

MI47 - The number and location of vacant units in town and local centres.

P20 – Provision for Open Space, Children's Play, Sport, Recreation and Leisure

MI48 - Amount of open space awarded Green Flag Award status.

MI49 - Progress towards the priorities for action in the Playing Pitch Strategy

MI50 - Amount of open space created and/or enhanced through development.

Delivery and Monitoring

P21 – Developer Contributions and Infrastructure provision

MI51 - Total developer contributions per annum.


MI52 - Number of Neighbourhood Plans adopted.

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