13 Shirley - South of Shirley

Showing comments and forms 91 to 120 of 428


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 790

Received: 05/02/2017

Respondent: Patrick McLarnon

Representation Summary:

Objection Site 13
As a family we enjoy walking along this area
Local resources already at breaking point
Traffic is beyond ridiculous at rush hour
Addition of 600 houses will push the area to breaking point.
Only real green area and will have a major impact on local wildlife and greenery

Full text:

Allocation 13

Please take this as a family objection to the proposal for allocation 13 and the build of 600 houses. As a family we moved close to this area on Hawkesbury Road and enjoy walking along this area. The local resources are already at breaking point and the traffic is beyond ridiculous at rush hour - the addition of 600 houses will push the area to breaking point. This is the only real green area and will have a major impact on local wildlife and greenery


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 799

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Emma Maybury

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13
We need these green spaces protected for generations to come, not built on
We were guaranteed by the Council that the land would never be built on
We do not need more houses, we need the green spaces, schools, GP surgeries and better roads
On a floodplain
Sewer stream running through it
Is land saturated?
Countless wildlife
Strain on schools, doctors, roads, car parks
Very little publicity

Full text:

Application 13

I am emailing you today to voice concerns over application 13. I have lived on the estate opposite all of my life and do not wish to see the countryside destroyed forever. We need these green spaces protected not built on. When my parents and Neighbours first moved on to this estate we were guaranteed by the Council that the land would never be built on so why are you going back on your word now. We do not need more houses, we need the green spaces, we need schools, we need GP surgeries and we need better roads. The site that application 13 is on is a floodplain, how is that a good idea to build on. It's also got a sewer stream running through it and I'm pretty sure nobody wants to live by that. Ferries countless wildlife over there foxes, badgers, rabbits and it endangered birds of prey, where are these are all supposed to go? You've already taken half of Shirley Park to build park gate Centre and we didn't need that! .We need the green spaces, we need the places to run and play with our children and space to walk dogs. We need to protect the green areas around South surely not build on them. We need to protect them for generations to come so they can see the beautiful greenery and wildlife not a concrete Jungle. We need to protect the wildlife that's over there. We do not want or need all these homes that will put strain on our resources on our schools, on our doctors. Homes let's say have two cars per household which would sky rocket the amount of cars in the area putting strain on the already overflowing car parks and roads. Have you ever tried to drive around this area on the school run? Or in peak traffic hours? Have you done a wildlife survey? Have you checked the land for saturation? Have you even asked the people what they want or need? There are plenty of other areas that need houses, that need the money spending on them, but the plot on which application 13 stands does not need any of this, all that needs is the people of this area to pull together and stop the building on green land, that needs to stay protected and kept so that the British countryside stays as countryside and not a lifeless concrete Jungle awash with orange bricks and coloured metal boxes. This community will not stand for the taking of our green spaces that we need and the disgusting way you went about not telling us what you were planning. Yes you put a tiny little article in the paper the size of a postage stamp that nobody saw. This was a very sneaky way of going about it it should have been a full page warning people of the disaster that The Counselor planning to put upon us. Being and of the younger generation of this area you have fully lost my votes and face that the council know how to look after this community because from my point of view the only thing that the council is willing to do for us is to make our lives a lot harder and just line their pockets with money rather than spending it on the things that we need not the things that you think we need when we don't. I hope you know just how disgusted we all are with your actions.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 815

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Pamela & Roger Davis

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13
This area will have little parkland and open space if building goes ahead.
Ask steps taken to retain and enhance existing amenity fields and green corridor to the bridleway, with access to Bills Lane, the canal and countryside.

Full text:

Proposed 600 homes on land adjacent to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate.
We wish to let you know of our concerns over the proposed building of six hundred homes on land adjacent to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate. The rest of Shirley has Palmers Rough, Mill Lodge Park and Shirley Park for recreation, but this area will have little in the way of parkland and open space should this building go ahead.

When Birmingham and Tamworth developed their suburbs they both left sufficient open space and parkland for the benefit of its residents. However, Solihull Council seems to be hell bent on building on every available piece of land without leaving any open spaces! If the Council continue with their building plans, they may well have to rethink the borough's motto of 'Urbs in Rure' - the Town in the Countryside.

We would ask that steps are taken by the Council to retain and enhance the existing amenity fields and the Green Corridor to the Bridleway, with access to Bills Lane, the Canal and the Countryside beyond.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 818

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Stephen Carter

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Schools already oversubscribed, how to accommodate 2500 new households?
Dog Kennel Lane is either a standstill or a race track, exceeding speed limit of 40mph. Particularly congested at rush hour including surrounding roads. Traffic makes crossing roads difficult for pedestrians, especially Tanworth Lane towards Cheswick Green. Traffic on Tanworth Lane already increased since Mount Dairy Farm development.
Previous correspondence with Council's Highways team about highway safety concerns.
Privacy will be adversely affected.

Full text:

see attached written objection


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 826

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs W Murphy

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Lived on Bills Lane since 1993 and seen a large increase in traffic, mainly due to building out of Dickens Heath.
Pressure on traffic will increase from further homes being built at Dickens Heath, Wythall and Tidbury Green. Insufficient capacity for 600 further homes.
Concerned about loss of open space.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 827

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Gibbs

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Area is used by many people from local community for recreation and relaxation all year round.
Mental and physical health benefits.

Full text:

Allocation 13 for 600 homes
I wish to strongly object to these proposed new houses
My objection is based on the facts that the area concerned is used by many many people from the local community of all different ages and at all times of the year for recreation and relaxation no matter what the weather. The value to both the local community and to the mental and physical health of the massive amounts of people that use these beautiful natural facilities surely must have a bearing on the final decision please please rethink please


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 837

Received: 27/01/2017

Respondent: Councillor A Hodgson

Representation Summary:

Petition objecting to Site 13.

Full text:

attached Petition received from Cllr Andy Hodgson in relation to "Objections to SMBC Plans for South Shirley Estates".


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 852

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Suzanne Sturdy

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Fields have lots of wildlife.
Lots of dog walkers use site.
Keep our beautiful countryside.
Loss of Green Belt.

Full text:

Objections to plan on green belt Area 13
I strongly object to the proposal to build on this green belt, me and my family have lived in Baxters rd for over 23 years, our house faces the fields. We enjoy our family walks over into those fields, visit the pond and feed the ducks. We enjoy the wildlife, the foxes that play around the weeping willows, woodpeckers, owls, squirrels and bats at dusk skimming in and out of the tress up to our window.

So many people walk their dogs into these fields and it's such a pleasure and I am so proud of where I live.

I feel devastated as do my family that the proposed number of houses will be concreted onto our green belt, the beautiful countryside wiped out and destroyed. Whilst we accept we need more houses, there are other areas that you could look at or at least make a huge reduction in numbers for this area.

I strongly request that you consider this objection and at least consider balancing the need for building new houses and saving our green belt, those fields opposite woodloes/Baxters rd, it's just heart-breaking to feel this huge threat could be a reality, I am desperately appealing to you to look elsewhere for the building of new houses.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 853

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Linda Moore

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Three fields used by local dog walkers and walkers for access to countryside.
Local infrastructure already stretched.
Loss of Green Belt.

Full text:

South Shirley housing development
As a resident of Micklehill Drive I am appalled by the plans to build so many houses in a relatively small area and take away so much green belt land. I moved here seven years ago and made sure we had dog walking areas within walking distance. Site 13 which has three fields I understand was provided for local residence use is used by dog walkers and walkers for access to countryside.
The local infrastructure is already stretched : Tamworth Lane, Dog Kennel, Blackford, all struggle to deal with traffic at peak times. Schools , doctors surgeries, local hospital also struggle to cope now !
I have attended local meetings and know how strong the feeling is in our community and trust these plans will be reviewed to consider other sites available.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 863

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Robert Wardle

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Loss of only Green Belt land left in Shirley.
Lots of retail development in past 30 years.
Will add to congestion on Stratford Road, Dog Kennel Lane and Bills Lane.
Local services stretched.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 13 South of Shirley (Representation ID: 800)
I am writing to register my objection to this land being taken to more housing development. This is the only green belt land we have left in Shirley after the Council has used every other piece of greenery we have, even the football field will go. We have been the dumping ground for Solihull for too long now and it is about time that other areas in Solihull are now seriously considered. We have had more than our fair share of overdevelopment in the last 35 years and enough is enough. We have at least one of every named supermarket, we have all the car dealerships, three retail parks and of course let us not forget Park Gate which is a total 'white elephant' and a downgrade for our area despite the promise of upmarket shops which were supposed to opened in this area and what do we get Peacocks, B&M and other cheap stores which is an insult to the people who live in this area by thinking this is the standard of shopping we wanted and let's not forget the famous ASDA which we did not need alongside the other 8 supermarkets we already have in the area. Now another bottleneck is about to be created by the development of the PC world site into shop outlets, which will cause chaos as they have to come out on the Sainsbury island to get onto the Stratford Road to go back down towards the M42. It already takes between 10 and 15 mins to get off Sainsbury's car park and across the island on a Saturday and Sunday on to Stratford Road. Add to that the extra traffic from the proposed development which is based on one car per family, which we know will not be the norm so we could talking about another 1,000 cars plus. We already have new housing development planned on the old Powergen site and Woolmans garden centre and everywhere else when an unused building comes up for sale. The Stratford Road is a total nightmare 7 days a week and one needs to allow 45 mins to an hour to get from Shirley down to the M42 between 07:30 and 09:00 Monday to Friday and Dog Kennel Lane is the same. Bills Lane is also a nightmare first thing in the morning and from 5pm in the evening with traffic coming off the Stratford Road up Shakespeare Drive and Haslucks Green. Our Doctors Surgery is about a 6 min journey from our house but if you happen to have an appointment between 08:15 and 09:15 we need to allow ourselves at least 30 mins to get there due to volume of traffic on Bills Lane and trying to get across the Stratford Road from School Road, especially since the traffic lights were removed and the stupid roundabout which was put in place. When my wife and I moved into Shirley 35 years ago we were attracted by the green fields and open spaces as at that time from the M42 there was only Notcutts, Shirley Golf Club, Shirley Aquatics and the Plough when you came up the Stratford Road towards Shirley, now we have the Business park on the M42, Tesco, several car dealer showrooms, Monkspath estate, Dickens Heath, two large retail parks and all the shops on the Stratford Road plus several supermarkets, completely taking away the character of Shirley itself with the small individual shops. Leave Shirley alone now and develop elsewhere. We presently struggle to obtain a Doctors appointment, and with only one hospital to service the community we fear for the future of Solihull Hospital. Also it does not bear thinking about the road infrastructure with the imposition of another 600 plus houses.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 870

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Lee Durant

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Existing infrastructure inadequate.
Development will add to traffic congestion on Stratford Road.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 13 South of Shirley
I am writing to lodge our objection to the development detailed above.

Quite simply the existing area does not have adequate infrastructure to accommodate the development. A 3.5 mile journey in rush hour along the Stratford Road currently take me almost 45 minutes. The development will add to the traffic congestion issue and the impact on the local community is not acceptable


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 876

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Terry & Tracey Hughes

Representation Summary:

Realise houses need to be built in the area, but the site needs to be saved.
The fields are used by people to enjoy the benefits of the countryside on the doorstep and are the last bit of common land left to the people of Shirley and act as a parkland. The fields also contain wildlife (monk jack deer, wild fowl, owls, herons and various amphibious creatures).
Prone to flooding.
Detrimental effect on the already heavy traffic.
Site 13 to remain as green corridor.

Full text:

Re site 13 south Shirley
After looking at the council proposals for the development of south Shirley I would like to propose that you would keep site 13 as a green corridor and nature reserve for the residents of south Shirley which would lessen the impact with the development on dog kennel lane and dickens heath and would compensate the residents of Shirley for the loss of parkland to Parkgate development which is still a sore point with local residents.
I hope this can be of some help towards building a healthy and environmentally nature friendly housing plan which will benefit us all and future generations to come.

I am writing with the strongest possible objections to the proposed housing allocation 13 south Shirley.
First of all I fully realise houses need to be built in the area, but of the four areas of building proposed around the south of Shirley allocation 13 really is land that needs to be saved!
The fields have been used for decades by the people of south Shirley to be able to enjoy the benefits of the countryside right on our doorstep.
Not only is this area of great benefit to the local people but it is also used by the rest of the residents of Shirley and surrounding areas as far away as Olton etc who come here to walk their dogs or walk with their families in the local countryside.
These fields are the last bit of common land left to the people of Shirley and act as a parkland for the people who have already lost a chunk of Shirley park to the park gate development. The fields also contain breeding monk jack deer, wild fowl, owls, herons and various amphibious creatures in the pools and marshes.
The people who live in Woodloes road and the immediate areas do not have large gardens and having the fields to be able to walk in benefits people both physically and also mentally.
I was so very upset to hear of these proposals to the only piece of land which provides Shirley south with the last piece of countryside left in Shirley!
To continue, many people have moved into this area specifically because of being able to enjoy the benefits that this area of land gives to everyone.
The proposed housing allocation 13 you want to build on is so important to the local people and I really cannot understand how you can build on land that is also prone to flooding.
Building a further 600 more houses in this area will also have a detrimental effect on the already heavy traffic that runs through Tanworth lane and Blackford rd which has been made worse due to a recent build of housing between those roads which has had an added effect on the surrounding roads by us. Not forgetting it will make the ongoing heavy traffic on the Stratford road even worse!
Please reconsider the effect of this proposal of housing on allocation 13 south of Shirley. Our fields benefit so many. We need them not only for our generation but for further generations to enjoy!


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 900

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Roger & Valerie Godwin

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

41% of additional housing in 1 square mile of Shirley South.
Already major house building projects in area.
Gridlock on Stratford Road and feeder roads.
Poor road network.
Bills Lane is not a road, traffic problems all times of day.
Major impact on schools, doctor surgeries, local hospital, roads, parking.
Shirley station cannot accommodate additional parking so people park on local roads.
Impact on environment and additional pollution.
Impact on quality of life.
Existing lack of amenities, including reducing Shirley Park and loss of trees for development.
Impact on Green Belt.

Full text:

Objection To Proposed New Housing plan For Shirley South
We moved to Bills Lane 10 years ago because of its rural position and now shocked with the planned
housing proposal .

Reasons for the objection : -

Why is 41% of the required additional housing requirement , planned for one squire mile in Shirley south .
Shirley and surrounding area already have major building ( houses ) projects .
Shirley is already grid locked with vehicles , including the Stratford Rd and all the feeder roads .
Road network is poor in the area .
Bills Lane is a lane not a road and already having problems with traffic at all times of the day .
Major impact on - schools
Doctors & surgeries .
Local hospital
Roads and lanes .
Parking in Shirley is a problem , too many vehicles .
Shirley station can not accommodate additional parking , so people park in local roads .
Impact on our environment and additional pollution .
Impact on " quality of life " .
Already lack of amenities for general public , reduced the size of our local park to build flats , including removal of a number precious trees .
Impact on the green belt for Shirley .


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 901

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Stephanie James

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Wonderful area, full of nature. Enjoyed by many locals.
Lots of development already in South Shirley.
Loss of Green Belt.
Feel the decision has already been made by the Council.
Impact on local roads, schools and healthcare.

Full text:

Objection to allocation 13
I would like to submit my objection to the planned development on allocation 13.

This is a wonderful area, full of nature. I used to play there as a child, as my children now do. We go for walks in all seasons and always see many other people also enjoying the area.

South Shirley is currently being decimated by the developers. To lose this piece of GREEN BELT land would truly be criminal. There are so many developments being built in the South Shirley area, we will fight to keep just this one small piece of it's natural beauty.

It saddens me that it does seem that residents objections are often overlooked as has happened with many other local developments and we are probably right to think the decision has already been made and that greed will win out, but where will it stop! The plans seem to keep coming and coming and soon there will be no areas of natural beauty for the wildlife that currently thrives there.

This will also have a massive impact on our local roads, not to mention schools and healthcare too


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 928

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Geoff Hickman

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Have used footpaths and fields for walking at Site 13 for 40 years.
Important area of open countryside providing for health and wellbeing of local community.
Important for wildlife.
Green buffer between Shirley and Dickens Heath.
Quality Green Belt.
Dickens Heath development badly impacted traffic in the area due to insufficient road infrastructure.
Continuous stream of traffic between Dickens Heath, Dog Kennel Lane and junction 4 on Stratford Road to M42.
Better to build closer to M6, M40, Birmingham International and proposed HS2 station.
Need joined up thinking about road infrastructure with adjacent counties.

Full text:

Solihull Local Plan Review: Shirley South Site 13
I wish to register my strong objection to the plans to build a large number of houses in Shirley South and in particular on the land close to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate.
I have lived in Woodlands Lane for forty years and, together with many other residents, have used the footpaths and fields for walking to get fresh air and exercise. It is an important area of open countryside providing for the health and well being of the local community. The extensive old hedgerows, trees and wetland areas are important habitats for wildlife. This area provides a green buffer between us and Dicken's Heath and should not be used for excessive development. It is quality green belt that should be preserved.
The Dicken's Heath development has badly impacted on the traffic in the area because of insufficient development of the road infrastructure. In the morning there is a continuous stream of traffic heading from there, up Dog Kennel Lane to junction 4 of the M42. This makes it so difficult for us to get out of Tanworth Lane that it creates the frustrating situation whereby, if using the car, we do not leave the house between 7:45 and 9:00! More development in the area will merely add to the already congested stretch of the Stratford Road and M42. Why not build closer to the M6, M40, Birmingham International and the proposed HS2 stations. Worcester shire and Warwickshire do not have any interest in improving the roads up to the Solihull boundary and access to junction 3 of the M42 is still via poor country lanes. Some "joined up " thinking about road infrastructure would really help to ease a poor situation for road users in Shirley South.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 931

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: mr David Moore

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Green space valuable to local people for recreation.
Given by the Layca community association.
Lots of wildlife.
Stratford Rd to M42, and roads around Tanworth Lane, Dog Kennel Lane etc congested at peak hours.
Local services: schools, hospital, doctors, emergency services are stretched.
Should remain Green Belt.

Full text:

I use this land to walk my dog along with many other people doing the same thing or to get out in the country
we all meet lots of people and can talk about various things .We need this open space in which some of the land
was given by the layca community association for recreation use and must remain so.

Around this site13 there are a lot of elderly people who have this on there doorstep and enjoy the green space
and the various forms of wild life which there is a lot .Where will they all go ?
The roads around Tanworth lane dog kennel lane and more are already congested early morning late afternoon
also the A34 Stratford road to M42 is very busy early morning late afternoon.
What about schools /hospitals /doctors / emergency services they are stretch now and can not get the staff ?
I could expand this email more but am trying to keep it short as i can knowing you will have lots on this issue, but the point is
it is green belt and should remain and I object very strongly to the amount of houses being built on site13.

I also feel there should be more put in the press than has been


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 935

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Jen Hickman

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Have used footpaths and fields for walking at Site 13 for 40 years.
Important area of open countryside providing for health and wellbeing of local community.
Important for wildlife.
Green buffer between Shirley and Dickens Heath.
Quality Green Belt.
Dickens Heath development badly impacted traffic in the area due to insufficient road infrastructure.
Continuous stream of traffic between Dickens Heath, Dog Kennel Lane and junction 4 on Stratford Road to M42.
Better to build closer to M6, M40, Birmingham International and proposed HS2 station.
Need joined up thinking about road infrastructure with adjacent counties.

Full text:

Solihull Local Plan Review: Shirley South Site 13
I wish to register my objection to the plans to build the large number of houses in Shirley south and in particular on the land close to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate.
I have lived in Woodlands Lane for forty years and, together with many other residents, have used the footpaths and fields for walking to get fresh air and exercise. It is an important area of open countryside providing for the health and well being of the local community. The extensive old hedgerows, trees and wetland areas are important habitats for wildlife. As this area provides a green buffer between us and Dicken's Heath please don't swallow it all up with development. I have this year worked with the 'Love Solihull' team to keep these fields and the canal tow path free from litter. It is quality green belt.
Dicken's Heath has already impacted on the traffic in the area. In the morning there is a continuous stream of traffic heading from there, up Dog Kennel Lane to junction 4 of the M42. This makes it so difficult for us to get out of Tanworth Lane that it creates the ridiculous situation whereby, if using the car, we do not leave the house between 7:45 and 9:00! More development in the area will add to the already congested stretch of the Stratford Road and M42. Why not build closer to the M6, M40, Birmingham International and the proposed HS2 stations. Most do not use other ways out of Dicken's Heath as Worcester shire and Warwickshire have not improved the roads up to the Solihull boundary. The access to junction 3 of the M42 is still country lanes.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 945

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Olivia Childs

Representation Summary:

I disagree with the allocation of housing at site 13 - South of Shirley (between Whitlocks End Farm and Dickens Heath Road).

I believe this area should stay as it is. The roads would suffer and the area could flood as knock on effect.

Please reconsider this allocation.

Full text:

I disagree with the allocation of housing at site 13 - South of Shirley (between Whitlocks End Farm and Dickens Heath Road).

I believe this area should stay as it is. The roads would suffer and the area could flood as knock on effect.

Please reconsider this allocation.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1155

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Sarah Downing

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Loss of wildlife
Loss of open space.
Loss of countryside character.

Full text:

Allocation 13
Please accept this email as my objection to development on the greenbelt land mentioned above.

This land is home to wildlife and is used by dog walkers and families, my own included. I live on Neville Road, we moved here just over 4 years ago from neighbouring Hall Green. The town/countryside feel and easy access to parkland appealed to us, with easy access to walk and enjoy the local countryside. Within months of moving the development of Parkgate began, we were astonished that a huge part of this lovely park would be lost to development! If we lose more land where will our children be able to play, in wide open space that is safe and accessible? Please consider this.

I understand the housing need our country faces and the part Solihull MBC must play in this, but I implore you to consider development of existing sites, the impact on local residents and the loss of parkland we have already incurred.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1160

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Stuart Wilson

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection

Full text:

letter from MP attaching email from Stuart Wilson


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1161

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Christine Taylor

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection

Full text:

I would like to register my concern regarding the future development of the Whitlocks End Farm for residential purposes. Whilst being fully aware of the need for houses locally, I would urge the council to bear in mind their commitment to, ' Sustaining the attractiveness of the borough ', etc as quoted on your Reviewing the plan for Solihull's future, page 20.

Challenge E on said document is very specific on maintaining the integrity of the green belt. I would hope that any future residential planning takes account of this commitment. As always with Solihull the need to provide starter homes for young people of this borough is overridden by developers who's only interest is profit and pays scant regard to what is actually needed. Not exclusive, luxury homes, but a range of houses to promote future vibrant communities.

I would be interested to know if Solihull ever gets an undertaking from a builder to provide solely starter homes. Surely this is not beyond the power of the council. Until planning addresses this matter Solihull will continue to be awash with retirement apartments.

Please register my concerns on both these matters with regard to the above development.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1170

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Taft

Representation Summary:

Object to housing on site 13 due to loss of established Green Belt land, site too large and would be better replaced by smaller infill sites, impact on already congested roads within the Bills Lane area and beyond, loss of mitigating affect of fields and trees on flooding, density too high to protect important trees, which should be protected by TPOs, and additional planting, loss of wildlife and biodiversity and need for provision for wildlife corridors, impact of loss of countryside on health and well-being, community cohesion, recreation and fitness and lack of compensation/mitigation.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1180

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Pravin Gadhia

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 due to impact on environment and increase in traffic. Should be retained as open space.

Full text:

see Shirley Conservatives newsletter reply form


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1182

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Christopher Mansbridge

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 as roads, schools and medical facilities will be unable to cope. Should be retained as open space for recreation.

Full text:

Shirley Conservatives newsletter response


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1185

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D & L Davies

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection

Full text:

Shirley Conservative newsletter response


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1187

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Shirley Minal

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 as will result in urban area being joined up with Dickens Heath, urban area being further from countryside and devalue property.

Full text:

Shirley Conservatives newsletter reply


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1189

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Janet Blair

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 due to impact of increased traffic on Blackford Road, which is already inadequate, has suffered from closures for repairs and has a weight restriction which is not enforced.

Full text:

Shirley Conservatives newsletter response


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1190

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: R Maull

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 due to concern that access from Bills Lane, which already suffers from heavy traffic as a bypass for Haslucks Green Road, to get to the retail park, and during school start and finish times, will make existing residential area intolerable and undermine safety.

Full text:

Shirley Conservatives newsletter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1192

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Robert Anderson

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection

Full text:

Shirley Conservatives newsletter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1193

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Mr R N Moll

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 as insufficient infrastructure, roads, schools and medical facilities to cope with additional residents, it is already difficult to move off Baxters Green estate in peak times. There must be more land available that does not adjoin built up areas.

Full text:

Shirley Conservatives newsletter response