13 Shirley - South of Shirley

Showing comments and forms 331 to 360 of 428


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3589

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Hathaway

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Over last 10 years traffic worsened due to Dickens Heath development.
More congestion.
Loss of green space.
Lower quality of life in area.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the decision to build over 600 new homes to the south of Shirley Estates. Having lived in Shirley for over 39 years and living on said Woodlands estate as a boy and now as an adult. I feel I have some expert knowledge on the surrounding areas.

It was a great place to grow up and was also a great place for my children to grow up, which was was why I moved back onto estate. For a council estate it must rate as one of the best as proving as over 50% must now be privately owed. Over the last 10 years due to Dickens Heath growth the traffic has steadily got worse. I cant understand why with all the green areas i see on the other side of Dickens Heath and Earlswood you wish to build on the fields right next door to Woodlands and Badgers Estates.

Dog Kennel Lane has unused fields either side of it but even that would cause more horrendous traffic problems. We all see the headlines about Solihull being one of the best places to live but if all this planning goes ahead Im sure that would no longer be the case. Knowle and Dorridge have plenty of areas to build on to.

So I'm writing to object to planing of said houses and would like to know how else I can object

(Your website was very unclear on what I should do to object and how can I attend varies meetings of objections when like most people are at work when the are scheduled to happen)


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3596

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Julian Cook

Representation Summary:

The proposed development at Sites 4 and 13 will exacerbate the traffic congestion on Haslucks Green Road, already causing gridlock in peak times following the Asda development and with the Powergen redevelopment to come, as occupiers will use Asda and/or route to Solihull/Birmingham so the road infrastructure is inadequate to support this level of development, and will remove green belt further from Shirley.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the proposed housing at allocation 4 and 13

I am a resident of Haslucks Croft and have been subject to the vast increase in traffic due to the Asda site
At the enquiry for the ASDA application their counsel conceded that in rush hour there was ALREADY 7000 cars /hour moving along Haslucks Green Rd
Now eg on Saturdays it is grid lock back to the Cole brook public house due queuing into asda car park In effect it results in us having extreme difficulty turning out of haslucks croft in any direction

The intended development at the Powergen site and proposed petrol station will only render the problem more accute

It is apparent that the proposed development at 4 and 13 = 1300 houses will exacerbate the problem as it is quite clear that the new owners would use Asda
the nearest supermarket to shop and use in any event Haslucks Green rRd to access to Solihull and Birmingham , in essence the infra structure is not there to support this level of building density

Solihull motto is "town in the country " not town near a green belt the other side of the M42 ?>

I would wish to attend any subsequent enquiry to elaborate on this email


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3620

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Christopher Taylor

Representation Summary:

Object to scale of growth proposed for South Shirley on top of recent supermarket and retail park developments which is unfair, involves loss of so much green belt land in one area when other areas unaffected, will exacerbate traffic congestion on A34 and local roads, there is inadequate public transport to carry increased population or parking provision at local stations and inadequate provision for school places and is clearly not in best interests of local residents, and to loss of recreational/amenity area for Site 13 and the consequent impact on quality of life.

Full text:

Allocation 13
We have already seen the Shirley community abused by large scale supermarket and retail park developments - it is only fair that these housing developments should be more evenly distributed across the borough. Building 41% of the total requirement in such a small concentration is clearly not in the best interests of local residents. This is before considering the social and environmental impacts.

I am most closely impacted by Allocation 13 however; taking allocations 4, 12, 11 and 13 together, it is disappointing that the future house building plans for the Borough intend to devour so much Green Belt land in close proximity to each other. Whilst understanding the national need to build houses it cannot be equitable that so much Green Belt land is lost at the same time, in the same place when other areas in the borough are totally unaffected. I regularly use the footpaths in these areas for recreational walking the loss this amenity will affect the whole community and impact on the quality of daily life.

I am concerned that building 2500+ houses in such close proximity to each other, will significantly increase the number of cars on small local roads which will be unable to cope, further impacting on the life of the community. The Stratford is already a very congested and this will exacerbate the issue. Public transport is already stretched to the limit. There is inadequate parking provision at local train stations. The train services themselves are inadequate to carry the potential increase in users. It is well known that there is a national diesel train shortage so it is highly unlikely that the services could be increased to cope with demand even if there was a willingness to do this. There is inadequate provision in respect of school places - a fact acknowledged in your own report.

I believe the present plans do not represent the best way forward. Unless the Council is prepared to improve school provision and transport links there will be major problems. If the developments continue this needs to be on staged basis, so that the impacts of developing each allocation can be measured and understoos and plans amended as the development proceeds.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3642

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: John & Christine Thorp

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as will result in loss of green footpaths in a semi rural area which are used daily by many local residents to help keep fit and maintain well-being when there are no other similar amenities, loss of green belt gap between Shirley and Dickens Heath, loss of wildlife, increased use of cars, traffic, air pollution and litter, increased pressure on schools and medical services already at capacity and on roads with poor surfaces, and any affordable housing element will not meet needs of local young people or encourage them to remain in area.

Full text:

Re: Objection to the draft local development plan for Shirley (in particular the allocation 13 and west of Dickens Heath).

We are both residents in Neville Road Shirley. I have lived here all my life (age 66) and my wife (age 57) for over 30 years.
I have used the footpaths from Whitlock's End farm all the way through to where Dickens Heath is now. This footpath is now only a right of way between houses.
What is left in this area is a small amount of footpaths in a semi rural setting which if developed upon will be lost forever and only become again a right of way between houses.
We do not understand why there is a need to build up against the remaining reduced footpaths. My wife and I use the footpaths daily for keeping fit (we are not dog owners)
and we meet plenty of other people, who like us, are keen to maintain their well being as they get older on the last remaining green footpaths.
We see many younger people and families who also are out taking exercise.

We are against the proposed development as there is nothing else in this part of the area to encourage simple activities such as walking for health purposes.
Shirley Park is small and hardly healthy near to the Stratford Road traffic. Increased housing in this area will bring with it increased air pollution levels, litter
and only bridge the gap between Shirley and Dickens Heath therefore reducing the area for enjoyment of the environment. Wildlife will be affected ie. we have seen deer and mink
to name a couple which will be lost forever.

The proposal does not explain how it will manage the increased numbers of people living there and their needs.
Currently my perception is that the Doctor surgeries and Schools are at capacity levels. Care in the community? Has this been considered for the increased number of residents.
Driving, traffic, traffic fumes and road surfaces in the area are poor.
We appreciate the need for houses and in particular the need for houses for 1st time buyers ( we are parents of Adult children struggling to get on the housing ladder).
Our experience of recent new builds in the area appears to be that a small percentage of the houses built are for young people which is actually not meeting the needs of young local people
or encouraging them to remain in the area.

Long term the health and wellbeing of local people, old and young, will be jeopardised.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3649

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Lesley Nightingale

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as green belt has already been significantly eroded through creation of Dickens Heath, will result in loss of semi rural gaps between settlements, will put massive pressure on schools and medical services already in high demand, will add further traffic and pedestrians to already congested area that suffers frequent accidents with dangerous roads and junctions especially around Whitlocks End station, will result in loss of wildlife habitats and increased risk of flooding, loss of recreational areas essential for health and well-being, and there are brownfield sites, such as NEC that should be developed instead.

Full text:

I would like to register my objection to the proposed building of houses on allocation 4 and 13, Dickens Heath.

The extensive building that has already taken place in creating the semi rural village of Dickens Heath has already eroded the green belt to such an extent.

To continue to build in theses areas, the semi rural villages of Dickens Heath, Cheswick Green, Tidbury Green and Majors Green will be no more, there will just be a huge housing estate, making a less enjoyable area to reside.

There will be a massive impact on resources within the area. For example, school places, in particular Secondary schools are in high demand. There is not enough adequate schooling to support future generations. Local Doctors surgeries are already stretched to the limit as are other health services; dentists and the local hospital.

Traffic though Majors Green has increased since the development of Dickens Heath and the expansion of Whitlock End train station to the point that Haslucks Green road is very dangerous. There has been an obscene amount of accidents within a short period of time, many cars leaving the road. . Bromsgrove council has taken action to make Haslucks Green Road safer by the way of an anti slip surface and further road signs. However, where the Haslucks Green Road crosses into Solihull Borough, no action has been taken. The junction with Bills Lane is incredibly dangerous and can not take further traffic. Within the last few weeks two cars have left the road, gone across pavements and ended up in hedges. It is only a matter of time before a pedestrian is killed. Adding further traffic and pedestrians to an already very dangerous road is irresponsible.

There is a huge impact on an environmental issue, to an area that has already suffered massively. The proposed building site are a haven for wildlife providing homes for many species of wild flower and animals. We are all too aware of the impact of taking away their environment. Recent reports have highlighted the importance of the honey bee within our farming business and the massive loss of their habitat has already had a detrimental effect on their survival and our future farming production.

There area is also prone to flooding due to the massive development that has already taken place.

The proposed sites provide invaluable space the future generations who already have a lack of open space. The younger generations needed such areas as these to experience fresh air, the countryside and learn to appreciate nature and wildlife. These spaces are essentenial for health and well being of all within the area, providing an area to escape to from everyday stresses and areas exercise.

I appreciated additional housing is required, but ask you to resconsider the the use of allocation 4 and 13 for this purpose. The impact of the health and welling of residents, the already strechted to the limit health providers, lack of schooling available for future generations, the dangerous roads that will become condsiderabkt worse and the impact on the environment and wildlife will be massive.

There are brown field sites within Solihull borough that can be redeveloped. There are landscaped sites that are surely a better prospect for development . There is no need to develop common meadow/ fields and green belt land.

Please seriously reconsider the proposed development of the natural beauty allocation 4 and 13 and look to develop /improve already developed/ landscaped sites of which I'm sure there are many within Solihull borough , for instance, NEC


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3650

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Bethan Griffiths

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 due to loss of fields and recreational area to the local community. Instead of development a community park linking Shirley and Dickens Heath should be provided.

Full text:

I would like to register my objection to the proposed housing development in the area known as Allocation 13.

My family live on Withybrook Road and have enjoyed many family walks in the fields less the 300m from our front door. The loss of these to the community would be devastating.

I have heard that one of the suggestions the objectors are proposing is a community park linking Shirley and Dickens Heath. This, as a minimum sounds like a good idea.

I hope the overwhelming feelings of the local communities will be considered.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3651

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: James Griffiths

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 due to loss of fields and recreational area to the local community.

Full text:

Allocation 13
I would also like to register my objection to the proposed housing development in the area known as Allocation 13.

My family live on Withybrook Road and have enjoyed many family walks in the fields less the 300m from our front door. The loss of these to the community would be devastating.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3656

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Susan Cook

Representation Summary:

The proposed development at Sites 4 and 13 will exacerbate the traffic congestion on Haslucks Green Road, already causing gridlock in peak times following the Asda development and with the Powergen redevelopment to come, as occupiers will use Asda and/or route to Solihull/Birmingham so the road infrastructure is inadequate to support this level of development, and will remove green belt further from Shirley.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the proposed housing at allocation 4 and 13

I am a resident of Haslucks Croft and have been subject to the vast increase in traffic due to the Asda site
At the enquiry for the ASDA application their counsel conceded that in rush hour there was ALREADY 7000 cars /hour moving along Haslucks Green Rd
Now eg on Saturdays it is grid lock back to the Cole brook public house due queuing into asda car park In effect it results in us having extreme difficulty turning out of haslucks croft in any direction

The intended development at the Powergen site and proposed petrol station will only render the problem more accute

It is apparent that the proposed development at 4 and 13 = 1300 houses will exacerbate the problem as it is quite clear that the new owners would use Asda
the nearest supermarket to shop and use in any event Haslucks Green rRd to access to Solihull and Birmingham , in essence the infra structure is not there to support this level of building density

Solihull motto is "town in the country " not town near a green belt the other side of the M42 ?>


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3666

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Sandra & Andrew Campbell

Representation Summary:

Object to huge scale of housing growth proposed for 4 sites in South Shirley, which will have negative effect on community, result in loss of green space, and have detrimental impact on local roads, schools and medical services.

Full text:

New Housing Developments in Shirley

We write to express my concern at the plans to build new homes on four sites in Shirley. As residents of Shirley we are concerned at the negative impact the huge scale of these developments will have on our community. Aside from the loss of green space we are concerned at the impact of the four new housing estates will have on the local roads and detrimental impact on local schools and doctors.

Whilst we appreciate that Solihull Council has targets for house building, Shirley cannot cope with the huge scale of the proposed developments. We have never before written to object to any new developments, but we feel very strongly about this issue. We hope you will give serious consideration to our concerns and those of many other local residents before making decision that will have such a detrimental impact on our lives.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3673

Received: 16/02/2017


Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as inappropriate location for growth better close to HS2 Interchange and on brownfield land, area has already taken significant development with Dickens Heath, will have significant negative effect on residents, wildlife, trees and greenery, will increase volume, noise and danger of traffic on Haslucks Green Road in area subject to speeding, accidents, road rage incidents, additional people unlikely to walk to station due to poor quality pavements and increased parking, results in loss of countryside and rural walking areas, will increase pressure on overburdened schools and medical services, and will adversely affect property values.

Full text:

To whom it may concern,

(Our home Hasluck's Green Road, Majors Green, B90 1DS)

I would like you to acknowledge our households objection to the proposition for housing development in the Majors Green area and those close by.

(Allocation 4 - 700 houses Whitlock's End/Majors Green)
(Allocation 13 - 600 houses South West Shirley Heath)
(Allocation 12 - 850 houses Dog Kennel Lane)
(Allocation 11 - 400 houses Dog Kennel Lane)

The report makes a lot of references to the benefits to the borough from HS2 interchange at the airport but Shirley will be one of the worst places to get to the new station, areas more appropriate and are more of a natural access point are to the east and north of the borough, these will not need to contend with the already congested A34 and M42.

We feel if building new houses on this proposed sites went ahead it would have a significant negative impact on not only our lives but other local residents as well as the damage to the local wildlife, trees, greenery etc. and our way of life.

Having grown up in from Wythall and moving to Majors Green 2.5years ago - we have seen a significant erosion to our countryside and rural feel of the area. With Dickens Heath having a huge impact, then other smaller developments followed, Shirley redevelopment being most recent.

The building of these houses as noted above would only cause a further increase on the issues we are current dealing with locally. Issues include;

- Volume Traffic along Haslucks Green Road, Majors Green end

- Speed of traffic on Haslucks Green Road Majors Green end. No active monitoring, average speed check areas (like some areas of Solihull have) - we are in a no-mans land here as we do not come under Solihull council?! we pay council tax to Bromsgrove (historical boundary change in the 1970's hence we retain the B90 postcode and not B47 etc.))

- Car mounting pavements and accidents. Hasluck's Green Road, Majors Green End. Notorious bad bends. (Resurfacing only finally conducted after a lady was struck on the pavement) I have witnessed over 30 cars mount the pavement. and numerous bumps. Road rage incidents and horns at locals driving on and off driveways are a regular occurrence. New signage too bright and dazzling can't read at night - so not slowing people down) waiting for a fatal accident. I think police when attending one of the accidents here said that you need three deaths before major work would be done?! more traffic would increase this danger. Resident property, fences, walls, cars have been damaged.

- Poor pavements. Have you tried to push a pram or walk a dog to Whitlocks end station from Haslucks green road?! crossing the road, narrow broken pavements, speeding cars dangerous. We have an older community here aswell and many i would think rely on transport links etc. but it wouldn't be safe for them to walk to the station around here. By building more houses this would increase traffic which would be disastrous and potentially fatal. As we live on the border will our pathways and safety be thought of. As our bend is dangerous now.

- Traffic noise has got worse following the Shirley development and increased free parking area at Whitlocks end station. The council don't want you to walk there but drive!! maybe thats why they didn't make the paths safe? beats the object of getting people to get fitter and less fat and save the environment by leaving your car at home. Again increasing houses and population in the local areas would impact this.

- Countryside and rural way of life being slowly eroded. Countryside walks are just a thing of the past as walking down the lanes isn't really safe anymore. The wildlife and greenery will disappear, build on this land now and then run out and need more in the future? - is there no houses or already built on areas that need regeneration rather than use green space.

- Doctors surgery and local schools. The local doctors surgery are so stretched from talking to other locals and receptionists. In some cases i have known people be sent to walk in centres? as the local surgery can't cope. More people will make this more an issue.

- Will this impact our house prices? as we were first time buyers and have saved so hard to buy our home, and to live in this area can be so expensive - are we now going to suffer? and not be able to sell our house if this houses are built? as i will want to move for the safety of my family, but will i be priced out of the area?
Will our concerns be noted as we don't actually live in a Solihull council postcode or not taken into account? even though all this is happening on our doorstep?

Please take our concerns into account.

Many thanks for reading our email - apologies for the rant, we have only found out about this from a flyer in the mail!


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3692

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: A J Edgeworth

Representation Summary:

Object to proposals for 2,500 new houses in South Shirley as area already suffers from loss of green belt and extra congestion from Dickens Heath, will result in additional pollution from vehicles when we should be reducing harm to health, road infrastructure in area will be unable to cope with extra traffic, significant development is already taking place in Earlswood area, and there must be brownfield and green field sites elsewhere that can take a share.

Full text:

Green Belt Annihilation

This plan to build two & a half thousand new houses in an area already suffering from the Dickens Heath development in terms of loss of green belt land and extra road congestion in this area is preposterous. The 700 site adjoining Dickens Heath village looks as if it will mean losing several football pitches , including Highgate United and Leafield Athletic.

All this at a time when we are hearing daily about the harm to our health caused by pollution from the increasing numbers of vehicles on the roads of this country and the number of children who are suffering from obesity caused partly by not taking part in physical activities such as football, rugby, cricket etc.

I have lived in Bills Lane for over 30 years and the traffic here has got worse and worse, especially in the last 10 years. How this road and all the others in this vicinity are going to cope I dread to think.

Just a few miles from here in Earlswood there are several big building sites on green fields already being developed. The infrastructure is not there for the extra traffic to join the huge numbers already heading to Shirley , Solihull and Birmingham.

Surely there must be brown field and green sites elsewhere in the Borough that could be used for building a share of these 2,500 new dwellings.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3708

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Pauline Dyer

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as will exacerbate amount of traffic in an area already struggling at peak times and will result in loss of green and pleasant land used for amenity purposes.

Full text:

Objection to South Shirley Amenity Land Development
I am a resident of Shirley living near to the proposed building site. I would like to raise huge concerns over the amount of traffic that this development will inevitably bring to an area that is already struggling during the rush hour and school pick up/drop off times. I and many of the other residents are also saddened by what will be a huge loss of green and pleasant land on our doorstep which was in many cases why people moved here in the first place.

I do appreciate the need for more housing but surely this is not the only option?


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3731

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Martin Painter

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as South Shirley has already lost a significant percentage of its green areas to development with more in pipeline, and would result in loss of semi-rural environment undermining improvements to area.

Full text:

Objection re Allocation 13
Please take this email as an objection about the proposal to build residential dwelling on allocation 13 in South Shirley. Whilst I understand the need to fulfil housing quotas and targets, South Shirley has lost a significant % of its green areas to residential housing developments with more and more being planned in the future.

Shirley has gone from being one of the poorer relations in the Solihull borough to, through mainly the development of Parkgate, a thriving, buzzing community that we as residents feel proud to live in. It has, so far, managed to create an environment that feels both cosmopolitan in places but also semi-rural in others with the perfect mix of housing, shops, restaurants and greenery. It would be such a shame now to ruin what has become a much sought after location to live and work in.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3750

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Adam Hughes

Representation Summary:

Object to housing on Site 13 as insufficient infrastructure to support huge increase in road users, will exacerbate severe congestion on A34 and local residential roads, results in loss of existing local amenities with no proposals for replacement, area lacks employment for additional residents and schools and medical facilities inadequate, and will damage environment through impact on wildlife, air quality and water table.

Full text:

> re: Allocation 13 - Shirley development plans
> Please accept this email as my formal objection to the development plans for Shirley.
> My objections are based upon the following points:
> Insufficient infrastructure to support the huge increase in road users created by the development. This includes severe congestion to local residential roads as well as insufficient capacity of trunk routes including the A34 Stratford Road.
> Removal of existing local amenities and no projection of how they will either be relocated or accommodated on an appropriate scale.
> The impact on the local economic stability with a lack of local jobs, and the impact on existing property value.
> Lack of facilities to support such a large increase in population including schooling, and health care.
> Environmental impact of removing such a large green space, impact on local nature, air quality, water table.
> I wish for these points to be taken into consideration, and to be informed of actions taken to address these points.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3751

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Rachel Williams

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as unfair, loss of fields will cause eyesore, will cause huge disruption and pollution.

Full text:

Apposed to allocation 13

Please can I express my concerns and rejection against allocation 13.

I think it's unfair and be a great eyesore to build on the fields that I live right opposite.
I believe it would cause huge disruption and pollution.

Kind regards


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3753

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Harry March

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as land used for walking and recreation, would destroy semi-rural character and varied bird and wildlife.

Full text:

Allocation 13 Objection

I am writing to express my objection to the council's proposed building development on 'Allocation 13'. Like many others, I enjoy walking on this piece of land on a weekly basis and have done so for many years. Amongst it's many aspects of natural beauty, the area is particularly synonymous with it's unique birdsong soundscape. In the event of the proposed building work being given the green light, this birdsong would surely be lost forever which would be desperately sad for both present and future generations.

As such, I have composed the following short poem. I hope that whilst lighthearted in tone, you will take the time to read the words carefully and understand fully the ramifications that proceeding with this ill-conceived housing development will have.

The Birdsong Fields

Dearly beloved, let us bow our heads in respect to the Robins requiem
A mournful melody he's composed to mark his malady
For soon silence will fall from whence it stems
Upon the arrival of the construction cavalry

Sweet lovers, pause awhile for a chorus or two from the Crows concerto
A soulful song penned in response to her imposed affliction
In time it will be replaced by the builders crescendo
A sorry consequence of her premature eviction

Ardent ramblers, hear a snippet from the Swallows symphony
It's a truthful tune, his parting gift to this here parish
Another poor victim of the housing industry
His song like these fields, set to vanish

Devout dog walkers, lend an ear for the Blackbird's ballad
A rueful rhapsody that warns of an irreversible mistake
To tarnish this space that is verdant and placid
For an ill-conceived housing estate

Remarkable pensioners, care for an excerpt from the Warblers waltz?
A poetic piece, written for those, like you, who come to roam
It is these very fields that inspire her exalts
Fields that she too, calls home

Innocent children, gather round now for the Turtledoves theme,
It's a danceable ditty devised especially with you in mind
These fields are your future, a space to climb and dream
A place that once gone, can't be re-designed

Valued congregation, give thanks for these songs of harmony & peace
Marvel at the beauty with which they are performed
For a building site will surely cause them to cease
Leaving this great concert hall irreparably transformed

H. S. March

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3767

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Matt Nightingale

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as the roads are already congested and dangerous around Majors Green and natural habitat will be lost forever.

Full text:

I wish to register my objection to proposed houses on allocation 04 &13
The roads are already congested & dangerous around Majors Green & natural habitat will be lost forever.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3779

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Simon Taylor

Representation Summary:

Proposals account for 2,600 homes at sites 4, 11, 12 and 13. Disproportionate allocation of homes within Shirley/Dickens Heath area.
Loss of Green Belt land.
Already 200 homes built in Dickens Heath and consent for 200 in Tidbury Green.
Gross imbalance of housing in this area compared to Dorridge, East of Solihull/Monkspath and west of Dorridge/Knowle.
Likely infrastructure requirements are vague.
Aims to satisfy housing need and retain Borough's character are contradictory.
Densities are inconsistent.
Propose only one of sites 4,12,13 are taken forward.

Full text:

see attached letter and supporting annotated map


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3795

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs E Thompson O'Dowd

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as will result in loss of well used natural green countryside area which was major attraction for moving to Shirley, thousands more houses will compound already severe congestion on A34 and other arterial routes, and could lead to decrease in quality of education as extra families stretch resources.

Full text:

Allocation 13 and Allocation 4

To whom it may concern,
I am writing to register my objection to the loss of allocation 13 to residential use.
I live on Falstaff Road in Shirley and within a few minutes of leaving my house, my family and I can be in green countryside. It is a very well used natural environment, that provides a much welcomed break from the urban environment.
I moved from one part of Solihull to Shirley 3 years ago and the ability to be in the countryside within a few minutes was key to our decision to move to Shirley. I regularly use this area for running, walking with family and in particular taking my 4 year old daughter out to learn about nature and wildlife. I can honestly say that the inability to access this green space would have changed our decision to move to this part of Shirley.
The Shirley area is already subject to a huge amount of congestion which affects the whole of the Stratford Road from the M42 junction and all arterial routes. The addition of thousands on new homes in such a small area will compound congestion.
My concern as a parent is the impact on local schools. My daughter attends the infant school within this area and she is already in a class of 30 children. The influx of more families could lead to a decrease in the quality of education being provided due to the stretch in resources.

I am also writing to register my objection to the loss of allocation 4 to residential use. I know this area well due to family being located in neighbouring Major's Green. I would be extremely concerned about the impact on local roads which are already very congested.
In addition, there is a large number of sports clubs and facilities currently in allocation 4. Sport clubs are community hubs which play an important role in both adult and children's physical and mental well-being. To lose such a large cluster of sports clubs would impact on the physical and mental well being of the residents in the local community. To transition people to other sports clubs is not a successful option due to the high rate of drop in participation when change occurs.
Yours Sincerely


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3796

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: David Parkinson

Representation Summary:

Object to proposals for an additional 2550 houses in Shirley area and to housing Site 13 in particular as will have detrimental impact on area through loss of green area/countryside away from busy roads used by adults and children to enjoy wildlife, compounded by impact of Parkgate development on Shirley Park, highway infrastructure is already struggling to cope with current traffic levels especially during peak times, lack of school places to meet expected demand never mind growth which will lead to larger classes and poorer education, medical and police services at capacity, and nursing home proposal will add to chaos.

Full text:

Allocation 13 - objection to development plans

I'm writing in relation to the plans to seek planning consent for a number of green belt sites in the Shirley area including allocation 4, 11, 12 and the one upon which I'm am focusing allocation 13.

The plans to seek permission for a further 2550 houses of which 600 will feature in allocation 13 will have a detrimental impact on the area both in and surrounding allocation 13.

Firstly it will have a negative effect on the green area/countryside that we currently use to allow our children to enjoy the open space and countryside to view wild animals and other wildlife especially as the one of the other green areas of Shirley (Shirley Park) has been eroded via the recently built Parkgate complex and will mean that it will become a more urban area of concrete and brick and not an area which our children can enjoy or feel safe to run around and enjoy themselves without fear of vehicles being nearby.

Also to add at least the 600 houses on allocation 13 will have a significant impact on the infrastructure of the area. For example it can take over 20 minutes each morning to drive the circa 100-150 yards up Tanworth Lane onto the B4102 towards either Solihull/Monkspath and the M42 and the roads between the hours or 7.30am and 9.00am and the from circa 5.00pm to 6.00pm struggle to cope with the current traffic levels let one anything which could increase between a further 600-2550 additional houses.

Further to this as a father with two young children due to changes to school catchments areas and the overpriced housing in certain areas of Solihull there are significant challenges on school places and the Solihull Council School Report of 2016 already highlights the limitations of the current school places let alone the expected demand in the next 5 years which combined with the development plans will mean we will not have enough places for our children to grow, develop and learn and as such will add pressure to the local community and school needs via over capacity classrooms/stretched teachers and under educated children (leading to worse local social demographics and adding further pressure to the local government budgets across multiple touch points including anti-social behaviour due to less focus on supporting education and development.

Further to this there are also limited GP services in the area and also with the reduction of the Solihull Hospital A&E to minor injuries will mean our healthcare capabilities will be stretched beyond breaking point and capacity. In conjunction with the closure of the Shirley police station means we wouldn't be able to support then increased needs that come with a vastly expanded community.

I have also been informed that there are plans to build a nursing home between Active Angels nursery and tanworth lane surgery which is going to add significant chaos to the current road infrastructure immediately with more cars and a potential dangerous building area close to a nursery where children are regularly outside and will be close to the building that will take place. A nursery that my daughter goes to and I have to be honest that even now it can take 10 minutes to get out do the driveway in the morning post drop off due to inconsiderate drivers and the sheer traffic levels. God help us what this would be like with the additional 600 houses of allocation 13 let alone the short term challenged with the new nursing home.

We should preserving the green area of allocation 13 as a dedicated green area for wildlife and community area for the local residents to enjoy and preserve a space for our future generations of children to grow up safely away from the busy roads and speeding motorists that believe it's right to drive at 40 mph+ on the local roads around allocation 13.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3816

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Lee Garfield

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as local medical, school, emergency services and highway infrastructure already at capacity and increased provision essential, will impact detrimentally on local residents through loss of green belt, wildlife habitats and sports/recreational facilities, and should not be seeking to cram maximum number of houses into area most of which will be unaffordable by first time buyers or young families.

Full text:

Allocation 13
I don't have the time to give you any additional reasons or compile a lengthy email than that you will have already received from hundreds of Shirley residents but I simply cannot believe that the plans for the new houses does not as far as I can see take into account the already at capacity public services in the Shirley area; Doctors waiting times!!
School places!!
Police and fire response!!
Etc etc...
This is without mentioning the massive detrimental affect this will have on local residents in both the short and long term due to loss of greenbelt, habitat for local wildlife and the sports fields these houses will permanently destroy.
This is simply a case of money talks and a lack of forethought by planning and council staff.
Your paid to do a job which should In my opinion not detrimentally affect local residents but enrich our area and facilities. This plan is about cramming the maximum amount of houses (most of which will be out of reach financially to any first time buyer or young family) into a rural area which cannot support them.

I'm not naive enough to think that even with 100,000 objections this plan won't go ahead but if you build the proposed plan without increasing capacity at local schools, hospitals, police and fire services etc etc then it shows how out of touch you are with the demand for such services already within the borough.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3823

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Janis Hartles

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 due to loss of green land away from roads used by adults and children for recreation, loss of wildlife habitats, increase in traffic exacerbating already high volume of congestion which will create gridlock, increase in pollution, and impact on schools and medical services already at capacity.

Full text:

Objection to allocation 13

I lived in Baxters road for 22 years, moved away and returned to sandfield close after 9 years so my son could have a better child hood and experience the way of life I had growing up.
As a resident of sandfield close I object to the proposal of building 600 homes on the green belt land to the rear of my property.
The green land is a fantastic place for playing and picnics for the children. With education for children without them realising with regards to the wildlife. Cookoos, woodpeckers, owls, bats, toads, voles, field mouse and the list goes on.
The park that was available was removed, it would be devastating for the comunity to loose the green land. As it stands the children can play without worrying about roads and cars. Congestion has increased to a high volume now and would be gridlocked if houses where to be built on allocation 13. Pollution would increase and nature destroyed. It would make detrimental impact on schools and doctors, which are already pushed to there limits. I strongly object to this, as in years to come the next generations will not have the wonderful experiences that we had to the green lands.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3833

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Hayley Marie Beck

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 due to loss of green belt land and beautiful green space used by adults and children for recreation and benefits of better life, loss on wildlife habitats, impact on local economy through overstretching of schools and medical services, and impact on road infrastructure which would cause major congestion and gridlock.

Full text:

Allocation 13 objection

I as a resident of sandfield close,shirley,solihull I strongly object to the proposal of building the additional 600 home on the green belt land to the rear of my property. (allocation 13) This beautiful peace of land is not only homes to the many animals that live in it,but it's a piece of land that's loved by many people of all ages and from all walks of life,eg..children,dog walkers,horse riders..etc.
To build on this land in my opinion would be disastrous not only for the current residents and the people who currently use this land but on the general economy of the area as the schools,doctors would be overstretched much more than what they are already,there would be serious consequences for the roads in and around the area as it would cause major congestion which ultimately would cause gridlock.
I moved here in May 2014 to try and give my children a better life..with the added bonus of the fields to the rear of my property which would ultimately give them the outside life that they could benefit and grow from,where I knew they would be safe to have a good childhood and not cause nuisance to any other persons in the process.
I do hope that there will be a reconsideration of these plans before it's too late.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3897

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Paula Pountney

Representation Summary:

Unfair for 41% of new housing to be located south of Shirley.
Will completely change semi-rural character to urban sprawl.
Will close gap between Shirley and Dickens Heath.
Loss of Green Belt.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of flood storage.
Loss of amenity and open space. Well used community asset.
Impact of increased traffic.

Full text:

Letter responding to draft local plan review.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3898

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Andy & Rachel Bennett

Representation Summary:

Agree housing is needed.
2550 homes is disproportionate south of Shirley.
Contrary to DLP spatial strategy and policies.
Fails to take account of infrastructure impacts.
Health services under pressure.
Existing high levels of congestion.
Resident views not considered.
Visual impact not been assessed.
Loss of Green Belt.
Loss of open space for recreation and health and wellbeing.
Loss of wildlife.
Partial flooding on site.
Would not serve HS2 as too far.
Impact on local community.
Sans Souci should be retained for educational use.
Government has made repeated commitments to Green Belt, e.g. Housing White Paper.
Reconsider brownfield sites.

Full text:

see letter - Objection to Solihull Draft Local Plan Review- Particularly Area 13.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3902

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Nigel Barney

Representation Summary:

Disproportionate number of homes south of Shirley.
Will change character of area.
Alternative sites not been explored before release of Green Belt.
Will not benefit HS2 as too far away.
High levels of existing congestion on local roads.
Public transport not fit for purpose.
Schools and doctors oversubscribed.
Solihull hospital been downgraded and Heartlands a long distance.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of flood storage.
Loss of open space for recreation and community benefit.
Houses will not be affordable for young people.
Sites 11, 12 and 13 in tight area will be disastrous.

Full text:

Please see attached for my letter backing the objection of Allocation 13 and 11 and 12.

Please investigate all other options before destroying Shirley further and getting rid of any beauty it still possesses..


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3987

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Valerie Bennett

Representation Summary:

Objecting to the site for the following reasons:
- loss of green space/recreation for local population
- increase in traffic on local roads
- in ability if existing infrastructure to expand to cope with new demands

Full text:

I would like to object to the proposed building on Allocation 13.

I strongly object to building on green belt land and believe this should only be used to build on as a last resort.
I urge the council to find alternative land.
I appreciate that more houses are needed but why doesn't the council use land in Solihull or Birmingham, where space has become available through factories etc being demolished. Also, there are infill sites elsewhere, i.e. Dorridge.
It seems that the council propose to build an awful lot of homes into a very small area in Shirley.

My husband and I live on Woodloes Road, right opposite the proposed site.
The land is used by dog walkers and people enjoying the tranquil, open space that we so often need in today's stressful world.
Apart from the loss of such a beautiful and tranquil area,I also have many concerns around the use of this land for houses.
My concerns are with building 600 houses comes all the changes that are needed to service this estate.
There would need to be access into the estate and if Woodloes RD was chosen as an access road it would have a massive impact on the traffic and cause long delays, especially at peak times, when trying to get in or out of our homes.
Our local services, such as doctors surgeries and schools will not stretch to accommodate the extra numbers of residents.
The land already has a lake on it and where would the excess water drain to, would it become a flood risk to us in the future?
When looking at the plan to build, if it goes ahead, will the council do all they can to make it asthetically pleasing as an estate?
I would like to think that the proposal is to leave enough space between Woodloes Rd and the new houses, so that we don't feel on top of each other and that we will not be staring at a brick wall of flats or similar tall buildings.
I hope the plan involves some greenery in the form of hedges bordering the proposed estate, similar to that on Monkspath estate.

I sincerely hope our objections and fears are taken seriously as Solihull Council rate payers and urge you to think again before building on Allocation 13.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3988

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mary Webster

Representation Summary:

- live in Dickens Heath and at one time it was a village but, there are so many houses/apartments now it's more like a town. We only have one school, a small Tesco store, no post office. I just find it ludicrous that there are even more houses going up.

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Re: Allcation 13
Dear sir/ madam,
I am writing to object the above going forward.
Solihull is a lovely place to live and work for some of us but, this is ludicrous to build more houses. Unless that is you are going to supply more jobs for the people wanting to buy.
We live in Dickens Heath and at one time it was a village but, there are so many houses/apartments now it's more like a town. We only have one school, a small Tesco store, no post office. I just find it ludicrous that there are even more houses going up.
Please, please think about what you are doing and leave us at least some green belt for the children that are growing up here.

Kinda Regards


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3989

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: John Grendon

Representation Summary:

fully support this allocation with the proviso that sports facilities should be retained as the amateur clubs are much appreciated locally

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My wife and I have lived at Burman road for about 35 years but my son and his partner have had to move to Coleshill to find affordable property even though they would ideally like to live near Shirley Starter homes and lower cost housing are desperately needed to balance the aging / aged population that the borough is fast becoming.
I fully support this allocation with the proviso that sports facilities should be retained as the amateur clubs are much appreciated locally.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4028

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Elizabeth Padgett

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection on the grounds that:
- traffic is already dire
- Green belt land and wildlife are more important to people than houses which they cannot afford
- Traffic pollution is not good for anyone's health or safety

Full text:

i wish to object to the proposed buildings of 41% share of houses in Shirley Solihull. As I live on Marshall Lake Road and the traffic is already dire,the thought of so much more traffic and congestion around this area is ridiculous. Green belt land and wildlife are more important to people than houses which they cannot afford I feel. Traffic pollution is not good for anyone's health or safety, whereas open spaces and fields,peace and quiet,bridal paths,dog walking areas,canals and rippling streams are most beneficial to health and well being.