18 Solihull - Sharmans Cross Road

Showing comments and forms 91 to 120 of 350


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2283

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Laurie Neal

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Housing development is necessary for progress but detrimental to put it here.
Existing traffic problems, particularly on Streetsbrook Road, Blossomfield Road and surrounds. Incessant queueing.
New development will adversely affect:
Schools and colleges in the area, cycle route users, pedestrians using these amenities and Touchwood, pollution levels.
Negative impact on local character. Too intensive. Loss of trees.
Need for green open spaces and sporting facilities. Applications to use this land for sport have been blocked by current owner.
Additional pressure on schools and medical centres.
More hard surfacing will exacerbate existing flooding and drainage issues.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Application 18

I am writing in connection with the proposed development plan on the Sharmans Cross Site which I believe will have an adverse and serious affect on the area in which I,my family and others happily live. (my family residence is 37, Arley Rd , Solihull, B91 1NJ).
I have sought information about the proposals for this area whichI understand includes the provision of a large number of private dwellings (100 approx has been mentioned).
My deep concerns are set in the context of my personal background which is as follows:-

a) I and my family have resided in the Borough since 1981 so I am very familiar with all areas of Solihull and the growth of the Borough in that time. I understand that development is necessary for progress - but not where, as here, it is to the detriment of the whole.

b) I, and my family, have also obviously grown up in the Borough and used all its facilities over that 35 yrs period and are acutely aware of the need to provide sporting areas within any residential area as well as green open spaces, which we currently enjoy on this site. My 3 children were (and still are)all keen sportsmen (as am I) and we have all used the sporting facilities available here over the years in one capacity or another.

c) I have been a practising lawyer since 1979 and my eldest son likewise(since 2010) and I am not naive enough to not appreciate the pressures currently placed on local Councils to find and provide additional and affordable housing.
BUT I wish to raise a number of objections to this development as below:-

1) Only today am I reminded of the huge traffic problems already affecting this area of the Borough particularly on the Streetsbrook Rd and Blossomfield Rd approaches to the town centre (and associated roads) as I have tried to carry out a short journey involving a navigation of the town centre and its envirens. The queues are incessant (even on a weekday) and to, (at a stroke), add another 200 cars approximately as a minimum in that same area would be madness and detrimental to all those using the roads and other facilities/services in the area.

i) There are a number of local schools and colleges already well established in this area with a large number concentrated in Blossomfield Rd and Sharmans Cross Rd.

ii) There are already well established cycle routes likewise in the same area the users of which would be adverselty affected.

iii) Large numbers of pedestrians use these amenities in addition to the nearby very popular Touchwood Shopping Centre (currently being further expanded).
Not only would all these parties be adversely affected but the assocoiated increased pollution levels would be of further detriment to the appeal of the area and to the use of the area by residents and visitors alike.

2) The current sporting facilities in the Borough are at a premium and under constant threat of being lost. This must not be underestimated as once lost they are "forever lost". There is a large demand for such facilities in Solihull and to my knowledge these are not currently being met by the Council.
Here there are currently unused facilities. I have made enquiry and this reveals that applications to use the football/rugby pitch facilities have been rejected/blocked by the present owner of the land which is quite frankly obscene when this is clearly being done, not for the good of the Borough and its residents, but to satisfy the personal financial ambitions of the developer, by thwarting any Sport England involvement, influence or effect.

I feel very strongly about this as Sport England's very existence in this country, and their remit, was to prevent just this sort of abuse and reduction of our sporting facilities taking place and I would not like to think that the democratically elected members of my local council, there to protect the interests of the Borough and its residents in the broadest sense, are, or could be, in any way complicit in this.
A permanent loss of such an important sporting facility particularly in such an otherwise well populated residential area would be a serious "assault" upon, and yet further diminution of, an already insufficient amenity within the Borough.

3) Solihull's current amenities and service provision for its residents is under pressure (I refer to the pressure on medical centres and schools) due to its popularity as a place to live. A further introduction of so many additional users on one site would be unsustainable.

4) The development would be "out of kilter" with the present design and appearance of the area in that the present housing is well established in a well vegetated, tree orientated area with low density housing and open spaces. This development would be too intensive and unnecessary in that context.

5) I have, finally, serious personal concerns over the drainage in the area and the consequential risk of flooding. This could affect my own residence as well as others nearby.
The soil is of a very high clay content and doesn't drain well. I have just had some work undertaken in my rear garden and was advised that due to the area being particularly low and having a high water retention, I should have additional land drains put in which I have.
This is without taking into account the huge concrete content of new buildings which would clearly only exacerbate this problem being only a few hundred yards away "as the crow flies".
I would be grateful for acknowledgement of my representations and objections and in the light of my serious concerns please keep me advised as to developments in connection with this LDP and any applications in respect thereof.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2290

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Ian Leach

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Will change local character and quiet area.
Bring yet more congestion on already busy roads.
Schools, doctors and hospitals oversubscribed.
Flooding in bad weather.

Full text:

Dear Sir I am writing to lodge my objection to proposed SMBC development of 100 houses on Sharmans Cross road . I and my family feel to build on that site would change the area that we have lived in for over twenty years .It would bring with it yet more congestion with traffic on an already busy road and around the local area . Our home is now in a quiet area yet close to solihull amenities but schools are already over subscribed , doctors and hospitals already stretched to the limit .We as a family are totally against this development and strongly object to this application as the road often floods during bad weather and to build would only create more problems . We await news on planning application with great concern .


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2313

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Margaret Burling

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

No mention of TPOs on the plan.
Many birds and protected bats in the area.
Rugby club ground not being used as Oakmoor refuses to speak to interested parties.
Provision of sports pitches and facilities in Solihull is already poor comapred to other parts of the country.
Sharmans Cross Road already congested.
Further traffic add to danger of pedestrians to Junior School.
Exacerbate existing parking issues. Will be compounded by loss of spaces at Arden Tennis Club.
Potential loss of privacy if taller buildings.
Moving Tennis Club would contravene NPPF.
Site better suited for improved sports uses.

Full text:

Ref: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
(100 houses on rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road)
* * I was dismayed to see no mention in the plan of the Tree Preservation Order No 174 (dated 1989) on the hatched area of the plan. We have many woodland birds in the area such as green woodpeckers and jays as well as bats. As bats are protected by law I would suggest that a bat survey should be carried out to ensure their habitat is not adversely affected.
* * In their application the developers (Oak moor) have sought to suggest that the rugby club ground is not being used. Young football players in the area are being denied the use of these pitches because Oakmoor refuses to speak to interested parties. I can only assume that this is a ploy to make out that there is no call for pitches in the area when this is clearly not the case. Provision for sports pitches and changing facilities in Solihull is already poor compared to other parts of the country. By building more houses there will be an even greater need for these facilities in the future.
* * I am concerned that access via the Sharmans Cross site is already congested especially at times when Sharmans Cross Junior School pupils are arriving and departing. Any further traffic would just add to the danger for pupils at the school.
* * Parking is already an issue at previously mentioned school times and the density of housing proposed on the site would increase this problem as most households have at least one car. This would be compounded by the loss of parking spaces for the Arden Tennis Club.
* * The plans do not make clear the height of the proposed development. I would have concerns about privacy if the height was greater than the height of the surrounding houses. This would clearly be inappropriate and unsuitable.

The National Policy Framework states that "sustainable development means change for the better" and that decisions should "plan positively for the provision and use of shared space, community facilities (it names Sports Venues) and other local services are able to develop and modernise in a way that is sustainable and retained for the benefit of the community" If the tennis club were to move as proposed by Oakmoor from freehold to leasehold land then they would not be able to raise the money for any future developments. This is clearly in contravention of the National Policy Framework.
In my opinion the whole site is better suited to providing much needed football and rugby pitches with proper changing facilities and parking to meet the needs of the area as well as keeping the existing Arden Tennis Club in its current position. This is in line with the National Policy Framework which states that "Local planning authorities should..take account of the needs of the local population(such as for sport)".


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2315

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: David Paice

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Object to additional access to proposal from Winterbourne Road. Would increase traffic on Beaminster Road and Winterbourne Road. Narrow roads unsuitable for construction vehicles and large amounts of traffic. Hazardous to cars leaving driveways.
Main drainage system may not cope with extra load. Expensive pumping station was installed at Beaminster/Dorchester Road juntion to prevent houses in Arley Road being flooed with sewage.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation18
There is a lot of concern about this proposal by residents living in the area. My particular concerns are as follows:-
I gather that the developers are hoping to have an additional access to the new estate from Winterbourne Road. This I consider to be undesirable because it would cause increased traffic along Beaminster Road and Winterbourne Road. Both of these roads are quite narrow and unsuitable for construction vehicles. When the development is finished, a lot more private vehicles would use these roads for going to and from Solihull. Because of the narrow widths of the roads, parked vehicles on them will prevent simultaneous two-way traffic and may result in traffic accidents. In addition, resident's cars which are emerging from drives present a further hazard. These roads are not designed for through traffic.
Another concern I have is that that the main drainage system may not cope with the extra load. Some years ago, an expensive pumping station was installed at the Beaminster Road/Dorchester Road junction to prevent houses in Arley Road becoming flooded with sewage. Extra loading on the existing drainage system may have some undesirable consequences that could take years to sort out.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2317

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Anup & Minal Sodha

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Existing road congestion, especially around Junior School. Development will worsen traffic and safety issues.
Rugby ground is essential to sporting aspiration of local children. Should not lose this facility.
Understand need for affordable housing, but this is a premium location. Affordable homes will be sold very quickly to private landlords and will not retain long term benefit.
More appropriate to build affordable housing near to Bickenhill.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18

With this email, my wife and I would formally like to OBJECT to the proposed development of housing on the Rugby Field. Our objection is based on th following grounds

1, Safety and Highways. With the already congested roads, especially around Sharmanas cross junior school, this development will only worsen the traffic issue we face each morning and with young children crossing the roads, we see a potential of a serious incident
2, Rugby in the heart of solihull is essential to the sporting aspirations of many children who live here. We should not loose this facility 3, Whilst we understand the need for affordable housing, this area is a premium location. Any such housing will only be sold very quickly to private landlords so this will not in the long term benefit the people it is intended to.
4, planning should instead be granted for affordable housing nearer to bickenhill. This area would be more appropriate.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2326

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Angela Southall

Representation Summary:

Out of keeping with the character of the neighbourhood in terms of density of housing and suitability and may impact on neighbouring residential amenity.
Will increase existing traffic congestion and impact on highway safety.
Flooding and drainage issues will worsen.
Loss of sporting facility, particularly when SMBC stated in 2013 that this land would be used for sports use only and that the freehold would not be sold.
Impact on TPO trees and wildlife.
Local Schools and Doctor / Dentist surgeries are already full and oversubscribed.
Distant from local amenities.
There will be parking problems.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2327

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Phillipa Ann Roberts

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of playing fields.
High density of development (87 houses at last planning refusal).
Loss of wildlife and mature trees.
Increase traffic volume and exacerbate existing congestion.
Likely accidents and potential fatalities. Lots of schoolchildren walk, bike and use scooters.
Danger to cyclists on cycle route.
Increased pollution.
Increase in on-street parking and consequent dangers to pedestrians, cyclists and residents.
Exacerbate existing flooding and drainage issues.
Insufficient local school places or GP vacancies.
Will destroy Solihull character and encourage apartment buildings.
SMBC should enforce use of land for community sports.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I live at 77 Sharmans Cross Road and i am writing to object to the inclusion of the former rugby club playing fields in the SMBC Local Development Plan at allocation 18. I have objected to development on this site twice previously in 2009. i set out my objections below and add that the current proposal is for a greater number of dwellings than the proposals which were refused planning permission in 2009.

My objections are as follows:

Loss of playing fields - prior to Oakmoor taking over the land my sons were able to play rugby on the grounds on Sundays. During the time Oakmoor has owned the site they have prevented sports teams for using the playing fields by seeking to charge rent that is vastly higher than amateur clubs can afford. There are though clubs that would like to play there and this would be in line with the covenant that exists in the freehold/leasehold of the land. i do not understand why the council has not enforced this requirement. It is simply not acceptable that when there is a shortage of pitches in the borough, the LDP includes a proposal that reduces availability further. The longer term health of children in the borough should be a much higher priority than cramming in houses with no amenity space.

Density of development - the proposed density of development is far greater than the rest of the local area. It was i think 87 houses last time planning consent was refused and now the proposal is to build 100 houses. At this density it is highly likely that the properties will be three storeys and this will mean there is a loss of light and privacy to nearby residents. The proposed development will change the character of the area and is highly likely to destroy mature trees and wildlife habitat.

Having lived here for nearly 20 years i have seen an increase in traffic volume such that in the morning between 8 and 9 am cars are queuing along Sharmans Cross Road to get onto Streetsbrook Road. My house is half way along Sharmans Cross Road and cars are often queuing back this far. it would simply be impossible to envisage how an additional 100 cars from the proposed development could be accommodated. They will be trying to turn right to join the traffic queue and this is going to lead to greater congestion, to accidents and potential fatalities given that a lot of Sharmans Cross Junior School pupils walk, bike and use their scooters on the pavement to get to school each morning. This is also a cycle route so any any time of day there will be increased danger to cyclists. And the pollution will no doubt increase considerably.

i do not understand why Arden club would put its name to plans which rob it of its freehold and reduce parking spaces for club members. Whilst i can see that is matter for them, i do consider it a significant problem for local residents from an increase in on street parking due to the reduction in on site parking for the club. This increase in on street parking will be dangerous for children, cyclists and for residents who are trying to get out of their drives onto Shamans Cross road. it is already a problem at the end of the school day and during football matches, but this development will make it much less safe. i have seen buses come face to face with cars coming the other way because on street parking has reduced Sharmans Cross Road to one lane. Cars also block the pavements, particularly near the terraced houses near the club entrance and when the wheelie bins have been emptied it is like an obstacle course walking to the station. It will get much worse with over 100 new properties.

We already suffer from flooding near to Sharmans Cross Junior School during heavy rainfall and we have had local blockages to the sewers which Severn Trent have had to unblock. The sewage and drainage infrastructure on this road will not be able to cope with an additional 100 or even 50 dwellings.

i believe that there are not sufficient local school places or vacancies in GP surgeries to accommodate additional residents to this extent. This can only result in a degradation of services to existing local residents.

i recall reading that Solihull was one of the best places to live in England and that this was due to local amenities and the character of the town. This development will destroy that character and will be the thin end of the wedge for apartment buildings and other out of character housing in this locality.

So in summary i object to the inclusion of allocation 18 in the LDF. it is profiteering by a company that has had no regard to access to local amenity land for the past 7 plus years. SMBC should put a stop to this and enforce the use of the land for community sporting activity. SMBC should not include a development in the LDF that undermines the covenant on the land.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2330

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Anita Savin

Representation Summary:

High density of proposed plans is out of character with existing houses. It will overshadow existing houses and create additional noise.
Impact on schools and GPS, loss of green space and sports facilities.
Flooding issues.
Increased congestion and impact on road safety as a result of additional traffic.
The development will have an unacceptable impact on the character of the area and on the amenities of all who live in the neighbourhood.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

This is to register my objection to the proposed plans to develop 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull. My reasons are as follows:

* The high density of proposed plans is out of character with existing houses. It will overshadow existing houses and create additional noise.

* It will affect amenities and facilities (school, GPs etc) for all. Many of these facilities are already stretched. The loss of green space and sports facilities which Solihull MBC has promised maintain is difficult to accept.

* The additional noise and loss of privacy will adversely affect the character of the area.

* Sharmans Cross Road infrastructure is already poor - the road is flooded after a single downpour.

* Road safety is already comprised especially at school leaving times. Your Highways department have already taken steps to try and alleviate the problem; however the situation is worse than ever. In the last two weeks I have witnessed congestion so bad that buses have mounted the pavement in order to avoid an accident. Mothers and children use this pavement. Parking around the school is dangerous and the yellow lines in Woodlea Drive move the problem down the road. Double yellow lines are routinely ignored. I know this a police issue rather than a planning issue but the two are related.

* During peak times heavy traffic on Sharmans Cross Road leads to traffic jams waiting to turn onto Streetsbrook Road (am) and onto Stratford Road (pm). Further development will acerbate this problem and affect the character of the area.

In summary, I am concerned that the proposed plans will have an unacceptable impact on the character of the area and on the amenities of all who live in the neighbourhood


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2331

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: A Naik

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increase in traffic - area already gridlocked at peak times. Been number of accidents at Streetsbrook Road/Sharmans Cross Road junction.
Oversubscribed medical practice - At Northbrook need to book 3 weeks in advance.

Full text:

Proposed development of 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road

I am writing to express my objection to the proposed development of new houses. My primary concerns are

1) The inevitable increase in traffic - The area is already gridlocked in the weekday mornings and this will cause a further increase in traffic. I've also seen a number of accidents on the junction with Streetsbook Road and this will pose a further risk. How do you propose to deal with this?
2) The availability of medical help - At Northbrook Group Practice, I have to book an appointment three weeks in advance and the increase in population will lead to further contention. How do you propose to alleviate this?


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2332

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Fal Naik

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increased demand on schools. Expansion of Oak Cottage will change character of lovely small school.
Difficult to get into local secondary school.
Increased traffic. Already gridlocked in mornings at Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road juntions.
More dangerous for pedestrians.
Oversubscribed medical practice - 3 weeks to get an appointment at Northbrook Group Practice.

Full text:

Proposed development of new houses on Sharmans Cross Road

I am writing to express my objection to the proposed development of new houses on Sharmans Cross Road. My primary concerns are

1) Schools - My son attends Oak Cottage school which in a lovely small school and there will be an increased demand on the school which will lead to changing the character of school. Also, it will be more difficult for my son to get into a local secondary school.
2) Increased traffic - The junction of Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road is gridlocked in the mornings and this will cause a further increase in traffic. It will make it more dangerous to pedestrians.
3) Increased wait for doctors appointments - At Northbrook Group Practice, my husband recently had to book an appointment three weeks in advance. The increase in population will lead to further contention and lead to an increased waiting time.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2346

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Tony Payne

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Retain use of ground for sporting and recreational purposes. Club was accessible to all. Many local football teams need more pitches. Council need to support sporting use.
Local traffic infrastructure already at gridlock at peak times. Slow traffic increases pollution. Increase delays to buses.
Adverse impact on road safety. Main pedestrian and cyclist route; increase in cars will result in increase in accidents.
Pressure on community infrastructure. Local infant schools are oversubscribed and cannot be extended. Nearest GP surgery 1 mile away. All add to parking and traffic problems.

Full text:

Objection to LDP -Proposed Housing Allocation 18

In regards to the inclusion of the former Sharman's Cross Road rugby grounds into the Solihull long term development plan for housing development I have four main objections:-

1) Use of the ground for sporting and recreational purposes
The former site of the Birmingham and Solihull rugby pitches were and still should be an intrinsic part of sports activities in Solihull. Before the Rugby club moved over to their current site at Portway, both my sons played mini and junior rugby on the pitches and along with the club house became both a sporting and social centre. It was accessible to all, and being relatively close to the centre of Solihull, both players and supporters related to it as being part of Solihull. It was Solihull's Rugby Club. With the shortage of both pitches, for both Rugby and Football, it is essential that it should be reverted back to its original purpose, encouraging active sport to both young and old, close to the heart of Solihull. Many local football clubs are really desperate for more pitches to bring on their junior teams and would only be too grateful to maintain and develop the site. I think it has been disgraceful that such a much wanted amenity has been denied to the local sport community for too long and that the local council have not stood up and allowed then to use it. Let's hear the sound of supporters cheering on their local sides every Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

2) Local traffic infrastructure
Solihull's road infrastructure is already approaching gridlock around the town centre every morning and afternoon. The junction and Sharman's Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road comes to a standstill every morning and increasing every evening. The junction is not capable of accommodating a further 100 to 200 vehicles every morning between 7:30 and 9:00. Converting the junction to a roundabout will not improve the situation, as the problem occurs further down Streetsbrook Road, at the traffic lights close the Fire Station. Not only will it cause increased delays to local buses, which need promoting for environmental reasons, it will also cause delays to the emergency services, police ambulance and fire service with dire consequences. At present the queues on Sharman's Cross Road are approaching Sharman's Cross Junior School every the morning and any increase will have severe effects on the safety of children attending the school. Also am very concerned about the increased pollution levels exposed to the children walking to school from all those idling cars. By the way most of these cars are local and have driven less than one mile; and this is when they are most polluting as they are warming up and before 'stop start' systems have started operating.

3) Road Safety
Sharman's Cross Road in a main arterial pedestrian and cyclist route into the centre of Solihull from the west of the town and as such the pavement on the southern side of the road has been designated a cycleway. The footpath is also a major route for children attending Sharman's Cross Junior School. Across this pavement will now be a further 100 - 200 vehicles travelling every morning. Unfortunately this will be an accident waiting to happen, in which a young child is going to be seriously injured or killed. As a resident on the south side of Sharman's Cross Road I know you have to be extremely careful and constantly on the lookout for children running, on scooters and bicycles, using the pavement, who do not expect cars coming out of their drives.

4) Community Infrastructure
Any new development should be attracting young families with children, which need adequate local schools and doctors surgeries. In terms of local infant schools, Oak Cottage, Streetsbrook and Blossomfield are already full to capacity with no further space for development. I know this as I was a parent governor for two of the schools. The schools are also outside walking distance for young children so this means more traffic on the local roads during the school rush hour; causing even more congestion. So what will happen to these children? Is a new infant school part of this development? There are also no local GP surgeries, with the nearest over a mile away. This means increased parking will be required at these surgeries and more GP's and associated nursing staff.

Therefore this proposed development will remove a much needed amenity for the local community and the whole of Solihull, increase the amount of traffic in an already congested area, have significant safety concerns and inappropriate amenities for young families. As such it should be removed from the Local development Plan.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2355

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Robert May

Representation Summary:

Concerned about the impact that the development will have on the Silhill Football Club Sports ground adjacent.
Already suffer problems from dog mess and public access to the pitches.
Impact on drainage.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2356

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Catherine Eaton

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic - The roundabout with Danford Lane is already too busy at peak times. Further traffic would lead to severe congestion, particularly around school times. This would also lead to increase traffic pollution, which is a concern in particular for Sharmans Cross School.
Environmental impact - the rugby ground and the surrounding hedgerows, trees and more natural areas provide an important habitat for wildlife, including badgers. The land also improves the local environment.
Character of the neighbourhood - in order to fit 100 houses on this site the development would be significantly more dense than the surrounding areas.

Full text:

I am emailing to express my objection to the inclusion in the local development plan of a development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

My objections are as follows:

* Increased traffic - I am very concerned about the amount of additional traffic that a development of this number of houses would cause. If each house has around 2 cars, which seems to be the norm, this would be another 200 cars trying to get out of either end of Sharmans Cross Road. The roundabout with Danford Lane is already too busy at peak times. Further traffic would lead to sever congestion, particularly around school times, with both Sharmans Cross school and Alderbrook and Tudor Grange schools in close proximity. This would also lead to increase traffic pollution, which is a concern in particular for Sharmans Cross School.
* Environmental impact - the rugby ground and the surrounding hedgerows, trees and more natural areas provide an important habitat for wildlife, including badgers. The land is also a lovely open area which improves the local environment.
* Character of the neighbourhood - in order to fit 100 houses on this site the development would be significantly more dense than the surrounding areas, adversely affecting the character of the neighbourhood.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2358

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Steven Kentish

Representation Summary:

Will exacerbate existing congestion, thereby increasing pollution. Will impact on road safety, increase risk to pedestrians and cyclists. Will exacerbate existing on-street parking issues and see result in less parking for the Arden Tennis Club.
Out of character and appearance of the area and potential impact on living conditions of neighbouring residents.
Impact on mature trees and wildlife.
Flooding and drainage issues.
Accessibility not in accordance with NPPF.
Loss of sporting facilities, which SMBC gave a commitment to retain.
Additional pressure on schools and doctors.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to voice my strong objections to the above proposed planning allocation for houses to be built on the the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road Solihull.

I have several concerns in relation to this development, all of which in my view render it highly inappropriate to give consent for the construction of housing on this site.

Traffic congestion, highways safety issues, parking and pollution

The proposed development is too large and will have a serious impact on what is already a congested busy area. Sharmans Cross Road is already gridlocked in the mornings from 7.45am to 9am with traffic headed towards Streetsbrook Road and parking for Sharmans Cross School. We often have challenges in exiting our house to travel to work and school because of the queue of traffic along the road. A further 100 houses will add considerably more volume, causing safety issues in the road with people exiting the proposed site in large numbers at peak times.

The access to and from the site will also be limited and likely to be through one point on Sharmans Cross Road. This will cause a pinch point at busy times, with cars turning in and out, adding to the safety issues which already exist on this busy road.

This will also increase the risk to pedestrians, in particular school children making their way on foot to Sharmans Cross School and other local secondary schools. The parking situation at the school is already very challenging with cars parked on pavements and blocking the flow of cars along the road. It is already a dangerous situation which will be greatly increased if this development proceeds.

Given this congestion there is already an issue with cyclists who struggle to navigate the road already when it is most busy despite it being a designated cycling route and often resort to mounting the pavement, increasing the risk of injury to pedestrians. This is also likely to become worse.

Parking - in addition to obvious issues with finding parking space for the residents of the 100 proposed houses on such a tight piece of land for such a large development, the Arden Tennis Club would lose around 75 parking spaces. I question where will they park? I assume on the road which will further add to the safety and congestions issues I have noted above.

Clearly, the proposed increase in housing will also lead to increased pollution levels, exacerbated by the need to queue with idle engines in the street at peak times. This is not acceptable.

Suitability, design and appearance

The proposed development of 100 homes, including affordable housing (up to 50 houses, which presumably may comprise housing association properties extending to more than 2 stories high) will have a serious detrimental impact on the current character of this neighborhood. This is a well established area with traditional, sympathetic housing, considerable tree coverage affording appropriate privacy but with adequate light and line of sight. The development proposed will destroy the character of this area. 100 houses on that site is 5 times the density of housing on Winterbourne Road for example.

Solihull is highly valued for its environmental quality including many mature trees and Tree Preservation Orders. A development of this scale will destroy the local environmental quality enjoyed by many residents and may also have a significant impact on the natural habitats for local wildlife.

This proposed development is an unacceptable over-development of a relatively small area of land, both out of scale and out of character in appearance to the existing property development in the vicinity of the rugby ground. The development will lead to loss of light, privacy and overshadowing issues.

Most importantly, as noted below, this land is retained for sporting purposes (and has both the rugby pitches and an existing tennis club within its overall boundaries) and is too small and not suitable for such a development.

Use of land and sustainability

SMBC formally minuted in 2013 that its policy was to retain the rugby ground land for sports purposes only and that it would not sell the freehold on this land. I would like confirmation from you that this policy is still in force which would imply that the proposed development of housing on this site is not appropriate and that it should not therefore be included in the LDP for the area.

Further to this, the National Planning Policy Framework requires developments of this nature to have access to local amenities within 800m/10 minutes walk. The site is 1700m from Solihull town centre and 1000m from the railway station so these criteria are not met.

Drainage and flooding

There are existing drainage and flooding issues in Sharmans Cross Raod. Our back garden and lawn frequently flood in heavy rain due to the lack of flow through of drainage water in the area. Then road can also flood near the school area. A further 100 homes and the related needs for drainage will have a serious additional impact on this existing problem.

Schools and local medical facilities

These are already over-subscribed and this development will place a significant further burden on school places and access to medical care leading to a loss of quality and safety of those services, and have a serious detrimental impact on those services for existing local residents.

Permanent loss of sporting facilities

This is one of 5 sports grounds at risk in Solihull in the LDP. There is a current shortage of pitches and sports facilities in the area, and SMBC has a statutory duty to ensure lost pitches are replaced with facilities of an equivalent standard and accessibility is not reduced. Despite the economic success in the area, Sport England has reported that Solihull is in the third quartile nationally for over 16 sports participation (3 time per week or more) and continues to fall in the national league tables. The removal of sports grounds such as Sharmans Cross Road will only add to this issue.

In summary, for the reasons outlined above I am strongly opposed to the inclusion of this land in the SMBC LDP and would politely ask that it is not progressed any further.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2363

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Billy Mills

Representation Summary:

This will be yet another greenfield taken by greedy developers to build more expensive homes, the cost of which will be out of reach of most ordinary people wishing to live in Solihull.
There is already a shortage of sports pitches in Solihull.
The site is not accessible to local facilities and will increase car use, thereby exacerbating existing congestion.
Doctors' surgeries will not be able to cope with extra patients.
Schools will be over-subscribed.
Flooding and drainage issues.
Loss of a designated cycle route.
Drain on local resources and will ultimately add to noise and pollution.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road, on the grounds that:
1. This will be yet another greenfield taken by greedy developers to build more expensive homes, the cost of which will be out of reach of most ordinary people wishing to live in Solihull.
2. There is already a shortage of sports pitches in Solihull.
3. The residents of these houses will be living too far away from amenities such as railway stations etc., so they will be forced to use cars to get to and from the town centre, thus resulting in possibly 2 or more cars per house travelling into Solihull and Shirley and utilising already gridlocked roads during school term times and rush hour.
4. Doctors' surgeries will be overrun and will not be able to cope with extra patients.
5. Schools will be over-subscribed.
6. Flooding and drainage will be an issue.
7. The loss of a designated cycle route.
All of the above constitutes a drain on local resources and will ultimately add to noise and pollution.
It begs the question, who will actually benefit from this development?


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2364

Received: 16/03/2017

Respondent: Bob Martin

Representation Summary:

It is of inappropriate scale and character for the locality and will place pressure on local education and medical services. it will add significant traffic pressure at the intersection of Sharmans Cross road and Streetsbrook Road, which is already becoming a problematic junction with risk-taking commonplace. it removes open space and recreation facilities at a time when the obesity/public health debate is top of the health agenda
I feel sure that there are other places in the wider borough where this kind of development would be better suited.

Full text:

LDP Proposed housing allocation 18

I am writing in connection with the above proposal. I

feel this is an inappropriate development for several reasons:
- it is of inappropriate scale and character for the locality, and will place pressure on local education and medical services
- it will add significant traffic pressure at the intersection of Sharmans Cross road and Streetsbrook Road, which is already becoming a problematic junction with risk-taking commonplace
- it removes open space and recreation facilities at a time when the obesity/public health debate is top of the health agenda

I am sure there are other factors that you would take into consideration but I also feel sure that there are other places in the wider borough where this kind of development would be better suited.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2365

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Jane Winfield

Representation Summary:

100 houses on this site is not in keeping with the current density of residential buildings in the Sharman's Cross area.
This is a very busy road with regular traffic jams. The scheme needs provision to alleviate this problem.
There should be more public open space and sports facilities for the people of Solihull not fewer. The scheme should have more.
School and local services are already oversubscribed. What is the provision for the extra residents?
I understand the need for some development on this site but would strongly urge you to reduce the scale of this proposal.

Full text:

LDP Proposed Housing Allocation 18 - Sharmans Cross Road

Objection to the Proposed Housing on the Sharman's Cross Rugby Club

I would like to register my objection to this scheme for the following reasons:
* 100 houses on this site is not in keeping with the current density of residential buildings in the Sharman's Cross area.
* This is a very busy road with regular traffic jams. The scheme has needs provision to alleviate this problem.
* There should be more public open space and sports facilities for the people of Solihull not fewer. The scheme should have more.
* School and local services are already oversubscribed. What is the provision for the extra residents?

I understand the need for some development on this site but would strongly urge you to reduce the scale of this proposal


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2367

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Terence Woodruff

Representation Summary:

Will exacerbate existing traffic congestion and impact on pedestrian safety
There is a lack of capacity at schools and GP surgeries.
Loss of sports facilities despite restrictive covenant specifying that the land should only be used for sporting purposes.
There has been interest from sports clubs about using the site.
Flooding and drainage issues
Density would result in little or no room for off road parking and lack of outdoor space.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to express my concerns to the proposed plan for development of 100 houses on the Rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

I do not believe the proposed plan is sustainable for the following reasons :-

* In terms of its impact on the local traffic :- The Sharmans Cross Road is already very congested, especially during the rush hours.
Adding more housing and family cars here will exacerbate the problem even more. In addition, increased traffic in the morning rush hour brings extra danger to the children entering Sharmans Cross Junior School.

* The Sharmans Cross Junior School is a larger than average three form entry school, and doesn't have the capacity to take the increase in children that the housing development will bring.
There are also no GP Surgeries close to the site, and even those further afield are heavily over subscribed.

* Removing even more sporting facilities from the area will not help with keeping our future generations fit and healthy.
As I understand it the current owners of the rugby ground claim the facilities e are not being used; but it has been reported that organisations have asked to use the rugby pitch only to have been not given any reply or been asked to pay over the odds for the use of the facilities.
Silhill Football club is a good example of this, they have repeatedly asked for talks about using the site, but been met with disinterest.
If all companies have to do is buy up sports grounds, then make them inaccessible for a while, then claim they aren't being used to be repurposed for lucrative housing - then what future do our sports facilities have?
Not having sports facilities at the heart of the community and having people drive to out-of-the-way venues will inevitably lead to a less participation, and worse health outcomes for our community.

* The land is subject to a restrictive covenant specifying that the land should only be used for sporting purposes.
At the cabinet meeting of 25th April 2013 the council's position was that it was not looking to sell the freehold or alter the lease. This suggests that it would be inappropriate to include the land in the local development plan.

* I've driven down Sharmans Cross Road during heavy rain, and even now the sewers cannot cope, leading to extensive flooding.
How are these same sewers going to cope with the extra run off from the new roads and drives where the grass field used to just soak it up?

* I would question the density of housing proposed on the site. 100 dwellings means that there is room for little or no off road parking.
This in turn leads to clogged roads, and poor visibility for pedestrians, especially children.
It also means no or very small gardens; if we can't get generations of kids outdoors in safe areas which provides no additional work for their overworked parents, won't we just be propagating our issues with ill health in the future?


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2372

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Beryl Hukin

Representation Summary:

Loss of sporting facilities in a Borough where participation in sport is poor.
Would be out of character with surrounding residential development and could have impacts on neighbouring residential amenity.
Will add to traffic congestion in the area and will impact detrimentally on highway safety and pollution.
Difficult to see how parking will be accommodated.
Flooding and drainage issues.
Impact on TPO trees and wildlife.
Impact on schools and medical facilities which are already over subscribed.
Access to amenities are beyond walking distances in NPPF.
Land should be used for sport only.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2379

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Audrey C Nutt

Representation Summary:

Loss of sporting facilities. The land site should remain in sporting use.
Development would be out of character with surrounding area.
Will exacerbate existing traffic congestion.
Impact on mature trees and wildlife.
Loss of parking at the Tennis club will increase parking on surrounding roads.
Impact on already oversubscribed schools and medical facilities.
Does not conform with NPPF in terms of access to facilities.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

OBJECTION to Proposals for a Development 100 houses on the Rugby Ground in Sharmans Cross Road, included in the LDP

1) Loss of Sporting Facilities:
Five Sports Grounds are at risk in the LDP. There is already a shortage of pitches in the Borough.
Solihull MBC has a duty to protect these existing Sports Grounds as Solihull already has a poor record for over-16 sport participation.
In 2013 SMBC formally minuted that they would NOT sell the freehold of Sports Grounds - This policy should be maintained.

2) Overdevelopment of Site:
100 houses is far too great a density (FIVE times greater than in Winterbourne Road, where I live) for the Character of the entire neighbourhood surrounding Sharmans Cross Road.
The Development is likely to include buildings of three storeys or more which will inevitably not only destroy the Character of the Neighbourhood but will lead to loss of light, privacy and create overshadowing, for existing residents.

3) Traffic Congestion:
Building 100 Houses on this site will give rise to a realistic minimum of 100 - 150 vehicle movements during both Morning & Evening Peak Periods, from these properties.
A large number of these will be attempting to turn right heading towards the Town Centre by accessing Sharmans Cross Road onto Streetsbrook Road, which are already GRIDLOCKED at peak times.
These additional vehicles will undoubtedly create traffic jam mayhem, blocking traffic flow in both directions and increasing the danger levels to both Pedestrians (particularly schoolchildren) & Cyclists.
Pollution Levels will automatically increase.

4) Detrimental Effect on the Local Environment:
Destruction of this glorious open space with its mature trees, which is a major asset to the area and enjoyed by many residents, would be a travesty and a great loss to future generations of Silhillians.
The area is also a known habitat for Bats & Badgers and many other species of wildlife.

5) Parking:
The proposed loss of 75 parking spaces at the Tennis Club will undoubtedly create an increase in the number of vehicles parking on Sharmans Cross Road causing Increased Congestion, which is already chaotic during Peak Travel Times & School Drop Off/Pick Up periods. This Congestion will cause increased Safety problems for Drivers and particularly Cyclists along with the nuisance factor for the Residents

6) Schools & Medical Centres:
The existing amenities are already over-subscribed and the addition of 100 families will only lead to a degeneration in those services for local existing residents.

7) Sustainability:
The National Planning Policy Framework requires developments to have access to local amenities within 800m/10minutes walk. This site does NOT CONFORM as it is 1700m from the Town Centre and 1000m from the station.

All of these points are individually Important and when conjoined make an Indefensible Case for REMOVING this ill-advised and ill-thought out proposal from the Local Development Plan.
This Removal should be actioned immediately.
In addition SMBC should make a firm and non-retractable commitment to maintaining this area for Sports and Recreational Usage.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2386

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Peter Swingler

Representation Summary:

Too many open spaces have already been lost to development. At this rate Solihull will become a concrete jungle instead of the leafy borough it was once known as. Both the Government and councils are hypocritical over the development of sports grounds - campaigning for people to become fit and healthy by having more exercise to take the pressure off NHS on one hand, while cutting down on walking areas and sports fields on the other. The rugby ground is used by hundreds of walkers, apart from being used for sport. The amenity should be kept as it is.

Full text:

rugby ground protest

I would like to register my objection against the building of homes on the rugby ground off Sharmans Cross road, Solihull. Too many open spaces have already been lost to development and at this rate Solihull is eventually going to become a concrete jungle instead of the leafy borough it was once known as. Dickens Heath is a prime example of how a lovely stretch of countryside has become an overcrowded area of ugly buildings. Both the Government and councils are hypocritical over the development of sports grounds - campaigning for people to become fit and healthy by having more more exercise to take the pressure off NHS on one hand while cutting down on walking areas and sports fields on the other. The rugby ground is used by hundreds of walkers - including myself - apart from being used for sport and the amenity should be kept as it is.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2391

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Brian Savin

Representation Summary:

The site is not as accessible as claimed. Distances to Solihull are understated and bus service frequency is overstated. This will increase car traffic and congestion along Sharman's Cross Road.
This 'accessibility' is being used to justify high density which will be out of keeping with the area and neighbouring properties.
Schools and doctors are already oversubscribed and what sports facilities will future residents use if yet another one is being taken away?

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2392

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Peter Steele

Representation Summary:

Loss of sporting facilities. The land should be retained for sporting use as SMBC policy is not to sell the freehold.
Impact on character and appearance of the surrounding area. Out of scale and character compared to housing in the vicinity.
Will reduce existing car parking and provides inadequate spaces for the volume of homes proposed. On-street car parking will increase.
The site is unsustainable as it does not meet the accessibility criteria in the National Planning Policy Framework.
There will be degradation of services for local residents whose schools and medical facilities are already oversubscribed.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I strongly object to the proposed development of 100 houses on land off Sharmans Cross Road for a number of reasons...

1. These grounds are intended for use only for sport facilities and SMBC policy is not to sell the freehold. The developers have already restricted the use of the grounds for sport by various dubious commercial tactics. I believe it is morally wrong for the developers to force this permanent loss of sporting facilities
2. Similar tactics have been used to apply pressure to the adjacent independent Tennis Club and its membership, attempting to 'bribe' the members with new improved clubhouse facilities. This devious approach conceals their attempt to acquire the freehold from the Club Directors, who do not have huge financial resources for the legal support necessary to resist this. Without acquiring this freehold the developers cannot proceed with the scheme, but if they do acquire it the club would lose its independence and the very asset that supports its own viability. Again, this is morally wrong to force the club to have to defend its very independence.
3. This development not only wipes out sports ground facilities, but seeks to replace them with a totally unacceptable density compared to the surrounding area. At approximately five times the density of property on Winterbourne Road, this is totally unsuitable, out of scale and character compared to existing housing in the vicinity.
4. The development destroys existing car parking and provides inadequate spaces for the volume of homes proposed. Street parking in the area is already chaotic and this scheme will severely affect safety and congestion through increased street parking.
5. As the site location does not meet any of the criteria of The National Policy Framework, it is unsustainable with regard to access to local amenities within 800m/10 min walk.
6. This development will lead to a degradation of services for local residents, whose Schools and Medical Facilities in the area are already oversubscribed.

A previous application for this site has been refused and another withdrawn, this is a further attempt to destroy local sporting and leisure facilities for commercial profit. It must not be allowed to succeed.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2396

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Alison Young

Representation Summary:

Existing traffic congestion will be exacerbated which could have highway safety implications and increase pollution.
Requirement for more parking will put pressure on on-street parking which is already problematic.
Will not be in keeping with the local area and density will be at odds with surrounding properties. Neighbouring residential amenity could also be affected.
There are not enough school places in the area and GP surgeries are overstretched . The development would put additional pressure on services.
Sports pitches will disappear.
Impact on trees and wildlife.
Flooding and drainage issues.
The site is not within accessibility criteria in the NPPF.

Full text:

Local Development Plan - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Please consider the following objections to Proposed Housing Allocation 18

1. Traffic congestion is already a major problem in the area around Sharmans Cross Raod and Streetsbrook Rd with routes to and from Shirley, Solihull and Olton heavily congested at busy times. Increasing the number of homes will worsen these problems People accessing local amenities or their work will be adversely affected. The numbers of families/individuals using services in Sharmans Cross Road - school and childcare, sports clubs and the orthodontist - could increase the risk of accidents, particularly at the start and end of the school and working days. Increased pollution is also a factor.

2. Children and adults walking or cycling to and from school or work will be at greater risk of road traffic accidents and the effects of increased pollution.

3. Many more parking spaces will be needed putting further pressure onto on-street parking which is already a source of distress for some residents.

4. The proposed development is not in keeping with the surrounding area which is made up of family houses. The density of the development will be at odds with the surrounding area and its size will require multi-storey dwellings to be built. Current residents' privacy will be affected; they may experience noise pollution and be overlooked.

5. There are not enough school places in the area and 100 extra homes will put even more pressure on schools and cause difficulties to schools and families.

6. GP surgeries are already overstretched. 100 extra homes will put even more pressure on NHS resources.

7. Sports pitches will disappear. SMBC agreed In 2103 to retain the use of the rugby grounds solely for sport but the costs imposed by the owner, the developer who wants to build there, have been prohibitive. Solihull Arden Club has used lottery funding to build courts and then allowed them to fall into disuse. SMBC should actively promote participation in sport and discourage such actions.

8. There are many mature, possibly veteran, trees on the site which support and promote biodiversity; removing them and the open green space will damage this.

9. The area is prone to flooding, affecting gardens in Winterbourne Rd and Sharmans Cross Road. When Sharmans Cross Road floods, there is traffic chaos. Development of the suggested site can only worsen this situation.

10. National Planning Policy Framework - the development does not meet the access regulations as Solihull Station is 1000m and Solihull Town Centre is 1700m away from the proposed site. If Solihull station moves further away to Monkspath Hall Rd., the distance will be even greater.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2397

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: A P Saunders

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic in an area that is already very busy at certain times of the day. This can lead to problems when keeping appointments at the medical centre and the high volume of traffic is a danger to pedestrians and cyclists, especially children walking and cycling to school.
The character of the whole area will be put at risk with the inevitable felling of many mature trees, shrubs etc.
The increase in population - most of the schools in the area are already over subscribed, as is the medical centre.

Full text:

I wish to place on record my objection to the proposed development of 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road. There are many reasons why this development is undesirable but for me the main reasons for objecting are:

1 - The increased traffic which will be generated. There are already traffic jams at certain times of the day especially early morning and mid to late afternoon when parents are delivering and collecting children to and from school, not only Sharmans Cross but others in the vicinity i.e. Langley, O.L.C., Reynolds Cross as well as the four schools on the Tudor Grange Park campus. This can lead to problems when keeping appointments at the medical centre and the high volume of traffic is a danger to pedestrians and cyclists, especially children walking and cycling to school.

2 - The character of the whole area will be put at risk with the inevitable felling of many mature trees, shrubs etc.

3 - The increase in population - most of the schools in the area are already over subscribed, as is the medical centre.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2398

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: John Green

Representation Summary:

Will exacerbate existing traffic congestion and increase danger to pedestrians including children.
Will increase pressure on already stretched GPs and Schools.
The land is green belt and was to be used for sporting facilities for the local area.
There would not be enough parking for Arden members resulting in parking on side-roads leading to further dangers.
A small scheme with a housing density to match the area would be more in-keeping, not 3 storey properties with little garden space.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2399

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mr John Southall

Representation Summary:

Existing traffic congestion will be exacerbated, increasing noise, pollution and impacting on highway safety.
Likely to be insufficient parking, resulting in more on-street parking.
It will be out of character with the existing area in terms of density. Three storey properties could also have a detrimental impact on neighbouring residential amenity.
Flooding and drainage issues.
Loss of sporting facilities. SMBC said that the land would be used for sport use only.
Impact on protected trees and wildlife.
Pressure on existing schools and GPs which are already stretched.
Not compliant with NPPF accessibility criteria.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2400

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: John Handford

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic congestion in an area that is already heavily congested and will add to the considerable safety concerns for school children and parents who are all over that road at those peak times.
Capacity of medical and dental facilities. Such a vast increase in housing as proposed is going to stretch the already inadequate availability of such services beyond acceptable limits. Irrespective, of whether new residents are able, or not, to sign up to such local services they, inevitably, will travel by car.
Loss of green space and sporting facilities which will impact upon health.

Full text:

OBJECTION TO LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18 - Sharmans Cross Road

I wish to register my objections to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground in Sharmans Cross Road.

1) TRAFFIC CONGESTION: My primary objection is the impact that such a development will have on traffic congestion. 100 houses means, perhaps, 150 cars potentially exiting onto Sharmans Cross Road at peak times.

Traffic is already heavily congested, queuing along Streetsbrook Road, well past Sharmans Cross, heading into Solihull. Exit from Sharmans Cross onto Streetsbrook at such times is already extremely difficult, without the possible increase of further traffic.

In the direction of Danford Lane and Prospect Lane, there is Sharmans Cross Junior School. At peak times Sharmans Cross Road is no more than a 1-way road with all the traffic dropping/collecting at the school. 2-way flow is nigh impossible! Then there is the congestion in all directions at the Danford/Prospect island. Therefore, the increase in traffic from such a new development will considerably add to these current problems and add to the considerable safety concerns for school children and parents who are all over that road at those peak times.

2) CAPACITY OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL FACILITIES: The number of GP and dental facilities in the area is very limited - particularly GPs.
Such a vast increase in housing as proposed is going to stretch the already inadequate availability of such services beyond acceptable limits. Irrespective, of whether new residents are able, or not, to sign up to such local services they, inevitably, will travel by car - adding to the same issues as in (1) above.

3) GREEN SPACE: Are we, or are we not, concerned about the health and welfare of the nation? Should we be taking away green space leisure and sports facilities to overload the area with densely packed housing? There is no way we are ever going to return housing to sports facilities, so I am very much of the opinion that we should preserve, develop and invest in the integrated green sports facilities in the area - which is investment, not only in health and wellbeing, but also in the availability of participation sports to occupy our youth who may otherwise not be so healthily occupied.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2402

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Jennifer Kentish

Representation Summary:

Existing traffic congestion and parking issues will be exacerbated, detrimentally impacting on highway and pedestrian safety.
Schools and medical facilities are already over subscribed. Further development will place an additional burden on those facilities.
Development of this scale will destroy the local environmental quality enjoyed by many residents and may also have a significant impact on the natural habitats for local wildlife.
Over-development of the site and impact on character and appearance of the surrounding area.
Loss of sporting facility.
Does not conform with NPPF in terms of access to facilities.
Flooding and drainage issues.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to express my objections to the above proposed planning allocation for houses to be built on the the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road Solihull.
I have many concerns in relation to this development, which, in my view render it inappropriate to consider this site for the construction of housing on this scale and of this nature.
Traffic congestion, safety issues, parking and pollution
The proposed development is too large and will have a serious impact on what is already a congested busy area. Sharmans Cross Road is already gridlocked in the mornings from 7.45am to 9am with traffic headed towards Streetsbrook Road and parking for Sharmans Cross School. We often have challenges in exiting our house to travel to work and school because of the queue of traffic along the road. A further 100 houses will add considerably more volume, causing safety issues in the road with people exiting the proposed site in large numbers at peak times.
The access to and from the site will also be limited and likely to be through one point on Sharmans Cross Road. This will cause a pinch point at busy times, with cars turning in and out, adding to the safety issues which already exist on this busy road.
This will also increase the risk to pedestrians, in particular school children making their way on foot to Sharmans Cross School and other local secondary schools. The parking situation at the school is already very challenging with cars parked on pavements and blocking the flow of cars along the road. It is already a dangerous situation which will be greatly increased if this development proceeds.
Given this congestion there is already an issue with cyclists who struggle to navigate the road already when it is most busy despite it being a designated cycling route and often resort to mounting the pavement, increasing the risk of injury to pedestrians. This is also likely to become worse.
In addition to obvious issues with finding parking space for the residents of the 100 proposed houses on such a tight piece of land for such a large development, the Arden Tennis Club would lose around 75 parking spaces. Where will they park? I assume on the road which will further add to the safety and congestions issues I have noted above.
Clearly, the proposed increase in housing will also lead to increased pollution levels.
Schools and medical facilities
These are already over-subscribed and this development will place a significant further burden on school places and access to medical care leading to a loss of quality and safety of those services, and have a serious detrimental impact on those services for existing local residents.
Suitability, design and appearance
The proposed development of 100 homes, including affordable housing (up to 50 houses, which presumably may comprise housing association properties extending to more than 2 stories high) will have a serious detrimental impact on the current character of this neighborhood. This is a well established area with traditional, sympathetic housing, considerable tree coverage affording appropriate privacy but with adequate light and line of sight. The development proposed will destroy the character of this area. 100 houses on that site is 5 times the density of housing on Winterbourne Road for example.
Solihull is highly valued for its environmental quality including many mature trees and Tree Preservation Orders. A development of this scale will destroy the local environmental quality enjoyed by many residents and may also have a significant impact on the natural habitats for local wildlife.
This proposed development is an unacceptable over-development of a relatively small area of land, both out of scale and out of character in appearance to the existing property development in the vicinity of the rugby ground. The development will lead to loss of light, privacy and overshadowing issues.
Most importantly, as noted below, this land is retained for sporting purposes (and has both the rugby pitches and an existing tennis club within its overall boundaries) and is too small and not suitable for such a development.
Use of land and sustainability
SMBC formally minuted in 2013 that its policy was to retain the rugby ground land for sports purposes only and that it would not sell the freehold on this land. I assume that this policy is still in force which would imply that the proposed development of housing on this site is not appropriate and that it should not therefore be included in the LDP for the area.
Further to this, the National Planning Policy Framework requires developments of this nature to have access to local amenities within 800m/10 minutes walk. The site is 1700m from Solihull town centre and 1000m from the railway station so these criteria are not met.
There are existing drainage and flooding issues in Sharmans Cross Raod. Our back garden and lawn frequently flood in heavy rain due to the lack of flow through of drainage water in the area. Then road can also flood near the school area. A further 100 homes and the related needs for drainage will have a serious additional impact on this existing problem. This is a serious concern which affects many in the area. The additional houses would require a complete upgrade to the local drainage infrastructure.
Permanent loss of sporting facilities
This is one of 5 sports grounds at risk in Solihull in the LDP. There is a current shortage of pitches and sports facilities in the area, and SMBC has a statutory duty to ensure lost pitches are replaced with facilities of an equivalent standard and accessibility is not reduced. Despite the economic success in the area, Sport England has reported that Solihull is in the third quartile nationally for over 16 sports participation (3 time per week or more) and continues to fall in the national league tables. The removal of sports grounds such as Sharmans Cross Road will only add to this issue.
In summary, for the reasons outlined above I am highly opposed to the inclusion of this land in the SMBC LDP and ask that it is not progressed any further.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2418

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: John Franklin

Representation Summary:

The developer could purchase further houses backing on to the development in Winterbourne Road with a view to creating a further exit for the 100 new houses that would feed directly into Winterbourne and Beaminster Road. These roads are unsuitable and would become a 'rat run' for future residents.
Whilst agreeing the need for more housing, the site is unsuitable for the number of houses proposed. There will be a loss of sports facilities and green space which conflicts with the Urbs in rure motto.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

My wife and I are very concerned at the implications of the proposed development on the former rugby club and present tennis club site. It would be quite easy for any developer having acquired the site to then go about purchasing one or more houses backing on to the development in Winterbourne Road with a view to creating a further exit for the 100 new houses that would feed directly into Winterbourne and Beaminster Road and for both of those roads to become a 'rat run' for the residents of the 100 houses. This would be very much to the detriment of the existing two roads which are simply not suitable in width to be capable of taking such an increase in vehicles with the number of children and elderly people living hereabouts.
Additionally whilst agreeing that there needs to be more housing in Solihull the site that you are proposing is not suitable for the number of houses that you propose. To lose so much green space in the area is very much in conflict with the motto of Urbs in rure and such encroachment is not welcome. Having lived in the town for well over 30 years we have seen a considerable amount of sports facilities lost, including the Lucas sports ground that was on Prospect Lane, now covered in houses.0