18 Solihull - Sharmans Cross Road

Showing comments and forms 301 to 330 of 350


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3756

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr M A Bardsley

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Out of character with area. High density proposal.
Affordable housing development is likely to exceed 2 storeys.
Will provide minimal garden space.
Unlikely to provide adequate parking, will exacerbate existing parking issues.
Loss of 75 spaces at Arden Club is unacceptable.
Existing drainage issues during heavy rain.
Development will increase hard surfacing.
Oversubscribed schools and medical centres.
Will create hazards for cyclists on designated cycle route.
Not comply with NPPF accessibility criteria.
Land should be safeguarded for sporting use as per freehold.

Increase in traffic and pollution.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am writing to object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road on the following basis:-
The development is unsuitable as it is a high density proposal out of character with the rest of the neighbourhood. The surrounding area does not include any buildings more than 2 stories high and the development of 50 affordable homes by a housing association or other similar developer is highly likely to exceed 2 stories and be completely out of character in the area. The proposal will minimize garden space or exclude gardens altogether to individual properties which are completely out of character for the area known for its larger gardens, green spaces and wildlife.
New developments today always underestimate the amount of car parking required on new home developments. One space per house or affordable home is inadequate in this day and age. The majority of households today use two cars and need visitor parking in addition. The proposed development at this density is unlikely to provide enough parking spaces forcing the overflow into the surrounding roads which will cause congestion and safety problems particularly on Sharmans Cross road which is a bus route, cycle route and has a school nearby. There is a problem with cars parking in the surrounding roads at the moment particularly in Woodside Way during the day. There will be increased traffic and pollution moving in and out of the area particularly during peak times adding to the current congestion already taking place. The loss of 75 parking spaces at the Arden Club is completely unacceptable affecting safety and further congestion and will cause chaos on match days with supporters parking anywhere to the detriment of the existing householders.

Drainage is a problem on Sharmans Cross Road at the moment during heavy rain and the proposed development will exasperate the current problem because there will be less green space to absorb rain and flood water.

The current amenities for schools and medical centres are oversubscribed and this development will lead to additional demand which cannot be met without increased financial resources which are unlikely to be met in the current financial climate leading to a degradation of the existing services, for example even longer waits to get a G.P. appointment.

Sharmans Cross Road is a designated cycle route and the increased traffic will create additional hazards for those cyclists. Schools use this area for cycling proficiency training for young schoolchildren and the increase in traffic will prove an increased danger to these youngsters.

I believe the National Planning Policy Framework states that developments have to have access to local amenities within 800 metres. This requirement has not being met and therefore the development cannot be justified on this criterion alone.

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council had previously confirmed that land would be used for sport and the council would not sell the freehold title and minuted this policy decision in 2013. This development is contrary to that policy and it is therefore inappropriate to include it in the Local Development Plan.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3760

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Phil Leech

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Impact on infrastructure; current utilities under pressure e.g. surface water and foul drainage.
Impact on oversubscribed schools and doctor surgeries.
Local traffic congestion at peak times and school run.
Loss of local sporting facilities.
Previous applications been refused.

Full text:

see attached letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3787

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Ajay Farmah

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate traffic congestion at junction with Streetsbrook Road, put further strain on already stretched schools and medical services, be a serious misuse of intention to retain sporting facility which should be of benefit to younger generation and to promote activity, and development better suited to brownfield sites.

Full text:

Proposed plan to build 100 homes on Sharmans Cross road
I am writing in objection to the proposed plan to build houses on Sharmans Cross road in Solihull. My home is on Beechwood park road so is very close to an already heavily congested cross junction that links all the roads via streetsbrook road. At present the level of traffic is vast and surely building more homes will only increase this level.

Also increased population will put further strain on already stretched public services such as schools and doctors surgeries.

I strongly feel that building on a sporting facility is a serious misuse of the intention the land was set out for. We should be using the land to help aid the younger generation and promote sporting activities and feel a housing development would be better suited to brownfield sites rather than using and destroying the character of the local neighbourhood in and around shamans Cross road.

I hope my views can be looked at as a rational set of objections and not just because this is happening so close to my home although that in turn will mean a knock on effect to all neighbouring roads.

Kind Regards,


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3802

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Bob Grainger

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as need to protect sports fields and open spaces in the same way we need to protect the green belt, urban intensification has to have proper infrastructure including schools, medical services, transport and roads, and development will change character and social demographics of the area. Absurd that houses nearby are being enlarged then infill taking place with smaller houses.

Full text:

Planning Sharmans Cross Rd
LDP ProposedHousing Allocation 18
We say No
Yes appreciate need for housing in right place!
We need to protect sports fields and open spaces in the same way we need to protect the green belt
'In building ' in Solihull has to be right with proper resource- schools- Dr surgeries- transport road network etc.
The small space proposed will change the shape of the area enormously and have a most negative effect on the social demographics of Solihull. Its seems absurd that houses along Streetsbrook rd are being enlarged loosing character and then pockets of land are exposed to smaller housing - lets get the balance right in the area


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3837

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: John Parker

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Although unused this is still a loss of Sports pitches.
Unsure how this impacts on sports provision within Solihull.
No reference directly to relocation or compensation.

Full text:

see attached


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3843

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: D G Dabner

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 due to loss of sports facilities for local people and lack of capacity of local services such as schools.

Full text:

We object to the plans at the above location because its taking away sport facilities for the local people and the local facilities, ie schools are insufficient


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3861

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Charles Thomas

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as overturning of existing policy to protect land for sports use not justified, retention of freehold exposes future occupiers to risks of ground rent rises and unsellable properties, does not meet accessibility criteria in NPPF, unclear where lost pitches will be replaced which is statutory responsibility, will worsen problems of flooding and loss of drainage area and extra load will require extra works, will impose additional loads on medical and educational services, will exacerbate traffic congestion and risks to school children at peak times, and not satisfied that all preferable brownfield opportunities have been considered.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Development 18

While one would not wish the authorities to be bound in perpetuity by policies set and decisions taken earlier in different circumstances, it is important that when such policies and decisions are to be set aside that there should be full consideration given to the original arguments and reasons for these decisions and that when any alteration is made a full justification should be made and explained to the general public, allowing time for public debate on the desirability of such a change in policy before any decision is made on a particular proposal not annd ain accordance with the previous general policy. With regard to the proposed redevelopment of the rugby ground sited on Sharmans Cross Road, there are at least three instances where this should be addressed:

i) the SMBC 2013 policy to designate this area as only for sport and not to sell the freehold. (Given the recently publicised issue concerning leasehold and ground rent rises it would surely not be acceptable to trap the occupiers of affordable housing in potentially unsaleable properties.)
ii) the NPP Framework that requires developments to have access to local amenities within 800m/10 mins. walk.
iii) the SMBC statutory requirement to replace in this case lost pitches with facilities of equivalent quality an accessibility.

In addition there are other considerations that suggest that the site is unsuitable for a major development:

1) Sharmans Cross Road as a whole is subject to flooding. As a resident at almost the highest point on the road I have not infrequently observed flooding sufficient to significantly affect traffic flow, indicating that the drainage in the area is barely adequate. The problem is clearly worse further down towards the Arden Club, where residents' gardens have been flooded to the extent that residents have been reduced to installing pumps to avoid houses being flooded. Building on an area of the size proposed can only make the problem worse, not only because the area available for drain off will be reduced, but also because of the additional load imposed by adding the water usage of 100 additional households. Have the extra works that will be required been adequately addressed, planned and costed?

2) Have the additional loads on medical and education services been adequately catered for in the plan?

3) Although for much of the day traffic in Sharmans Cross Road is relatively light, at times (principally between just before 8.00 and just after 9.00 in the morning, and in the early afternoon around the end of the school day) the traffic is much worse, particularly for a road which has a flourishing Junior school where many of the young pupils have to cross the road. Adding the traffic that would be generated by a major development would further exacerbate the problem. To what extent has the effects of the proposed development?

4) The proposed development must count as a green field proposal. Have all the possibilities for the preferable brown field possibilities been exhausted?


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3868

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Ron Shiels

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Although unused this is still a loss of Sports pitches.
Unsure how this impacts on sports provision within Solihull.
No reference directly to relocation or compensation.

Full text:

see attached


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3938

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs J A Edwards

Representation Summary:

objection for the reasons:
-number of houses being proposed on the above site is not realistic
-will have an adverse effect on the character of the surrounding neighbourhood
-development will result in many trees being destroyed, and impact on wildlife
-increase in traffic which will result, having a serious effect on the safety of the roads and the increase in pollution levels

Full text:


I am writing to voice my concerns regarding the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road in Solihull.
I live close to the vicinity of this proposed site, and have done so all my life. I am concerned that the number of houses being proposed on the above site is not realistic and will have an adverse effect on the character of the surrounding neighbourhood, especially as I understand that half of the proposed news homes will be housing association houses.
In addition, my property backs on to the playing fields at Sharmans Cross Junior School. This is a lovely area, with several mature trees, especially oak trees, and obviously this proposed development will result in many of these trees being destroyed, which will have a knock on effect to the local wildlife for example the bats, badgers and owls which are known to frequent the area.
Obviously a further effect will be the inevitable increase in traffic which will result, having a serious effect on the safety of the roads and the increase in pollution levels.
I trust that my concerns will be noted, and I sincerely hope that this proposal will NOT be given the go head.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3975

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Rosconn Stategic Land

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Although unused this is still a loss of Sports pitches.
Unsure how this impacts on sports provision within Solihull.
No reference directly to relocation or compensation.

Full text:

see response and supporting documents


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4013

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Minton (CdeB) Ltd

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Although unused this is still a loss of Sports pitches.
Unsure how this impacts on sports provision within Solihull.
No reference directly to relocation or compensation.

Full text:

see attached response and supporting documents


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4032

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Emma Hayward

Representation Summary:

Existing traffic issues, particularly at peak times.
Been several collisions on raod.
100 extra homes and 200+ cars will be intolerable.
Existing flooding issues, and high water table. E.g have drowned trees in our garden (see attached pictures).
Loss of green space for recreation and children's play.
Proposed developmen will spoil character of the area.
Will devalue our property.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I live directly opposite the exit road from the tennis club as it currently stands today.

The proposed development will affect me and my family for the following reasons.

We already have a huge amount of traffic on the Sharmans Cross Road peaking in the morning, evening and the school run. At times the queues trying to get onto the Streetsbrook Road of a morning continue as far down as the Sharmans Cross Pub which have a knock on effect with the adjoining roads Prospect Lane and Solihull Road.
As well as the above we have the additional flow (directly opposite) from us too from the tennis club exit.
When leaving our drive we need to be aware of traffic coming from three different directions and at times this has caused several collisions already with myself and visitors and generally adding stress to every journey.
Of an evening the headlights from the tennis club shine directly into our living room which is frustrating and as a family we have had to amend our behaviours to work around this. Finally our drive is also used by other drivers to turn around due to the constant queues this again will no doubt increase going forward.
To add an extra 100 homes with a minimum of 2 cars per house will make the situation intolerable. I think due to our location this development in particular will affect us the most and for sure devalue our home.

Nearly all of our trees have drowned in our garden due to the flooding. Please see attached image no 1 & 2 where we had to pay to have them removed due to them being dangerous. If we continue to build this will no doubt have an affect on existing trees in this area.

We have already had to invest considerably in our garden and home due to an existing high water table. I have attached some photographs (images 3 - 5) these show the three French drains and when the weather is poor we still suffer with flooding despite this investment. It is clear there is an issue around this area with flooding so again if you are to build on this green space there will be nowhere for the surplus water to go.

Green Space
I walk my dogs regularly and my child and his friends use the facilities to play. I believe (even more so) that we need to preserve our sports facilities and protect all green space which is left in Solihull. We already have issues with obesity in this country whilst we continue to take away playing areas this will continue to grow.

The proposed development will also spoil the overall look and feel of where we live and why we invested in moving to this location in the first place. Overall I believe this will also devalue our property which we have worked hard to invest in.

All of the above confirms that it is not in our interest for this development to go ahead. It will have a massive impact on how we currently live and use the area today.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4059

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Stonewater

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

Although unused this is still a loss of Sports pitches.
Unsure how this impacts on sports provision within Solihull.
No reference directly to relocation or compensation.

Full text:

see attached


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4120

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Julie Appleton

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection due to:
- a loss of sporting facilities for young people,
- increase in traffic and congestion on the roads, as well as in creased pressure on the rail services from Solihull station
- pressure on existing road, parking on the street and doctors and schools infrastructure,
- flooding already happens in the area

Full text:

Subject ; LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in connection with the above proposed housing application. I have lived at my current address for in excess of 20 years where my husband and I brought up our two daughters. Both girls went to Sharmans Cross Junior School so I speak with some knowledge and experience of the area that will be affected by the proposed development.
I am also a qualified netball coach, coaching young girls from within the borough. My youngest daughter is an excellent young sportswoman representing Warwickshire County at tennis, having been coached at Arden Tennis club and then being selected onto the England netball programme. I find it disappointing that as a coach I have to travel outside the borough to coach girls from within the borough. I coach at Moseley school. We are missing an opportunity to develop and support young people in a sporting environment. I am also aware that there is a great shortage of football pitches for young teams, boys and girls to practise and play matches on. The existing rugby pitch would appear to me to be an ideal area for development to assist in the promotion and development of the young boys, girls, men and women in and around Solihull.
I understand that in 2013 SMBC formally minuted its policy with regards to the use of the grounds only for sport and that they would not sell the freehold. I hope that SMBC remains true to its policy and does not concede to pressure from developers who are looking at this proposal as a commercial benefit. We owe it to the residents of Solihull borough to protect such areas for sporting purposes. Once an area is built on we will never be in a position to re-claim the land.
I understand the need for development of more houses within the borough and see that Dickens Heath continues to grow, however the proposed site is bang in the middle of an already very busy residential area. Traffic along Sharmans Cross Road is often grid locked, particularly at peak commuting times. The idea of additional traffic resulting from the proposed plan seems ludicrous to me and raises concerns regarding safety. There are already a large number of young children walking along Sharmans Cross Road and adjoining roads. Parking for parents and local residents at specific times of the day is very difficult and additional vehicles will only add to this problem. I think there must be sites better suited, which would present less of a risk to the young boys and girls who would be affected should the proposal go ahead.
In addition to the traffic problems I have concerns that local schools and nurseries would not be in a position to accommodate additional children, and local Dr's surgeries are already stretched, it often takes my family up to two weeks to get a routine appointment with our GP. Additional families can only increase the pressure on already stretched services.
As stated I have lived in Winterbourne Road for in excess of 20 years and I commute into Birmingham on a regular basis via the rail network. Solihull train station is very busy, if you travel at peak times it is difficult to get a seat, additional houses within close proximity of the train station will increase the already over-stretched services.
My garden is prone to flood on a fairly frequent basis and I am concerned that additional housing may contribute to the situation worsening?
Again I reiterate that I understand the need for additional housing, frequently witnessing homeless people on the streets in Birmingham but I do question if the proposed site is the right location and I do not say this for selfish reasons, I say it as a concerned resident of Solihull who wants to ensure that the services that SMBC provide remain adequate for the residents of the borough.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4130

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: John R Isaac

Representation Summary:

The proposed development in on a scale wholly inappropriate to and out of character with the surrounding housing. It was cause a destruction of the character of the area and result in unacceptable noise pollution.
Will also lead to flooding of existing properties.

Full text:

Dear Sir or madam
I would like to object to this planning application to build 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road.
Please see attached letter
Policy and Spatial Planning
Solihull Council
Re: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir or madam
I would like to object to this planning application to build 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road

Years ago when a planning application was made I objected on a number of grounds and continue to do so.
I live on Welcombe Grove which has included in its geography, brooks and streams before urban development. My gardens is prone to ponding. Using a soil moisture sensor , I have data that the garden is far wetter than average. Any further urban development in the area will likely cause actual flooding in my garden. The council will have to bear direct responsibility for any flooding if the building in the application goes ahead.
Pow Grove , an ancient and protected Coppice, bordering the proposed building area is already under threat. Any urban development will likely destroy this valuable treasure because of increased human traffic, and water logging.

The proposed development in on a scale wholly inappropriate to and out of character with the surrounding housing. It was cause a destruction of the character of the area and result in unacceptable noise pollution.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4134

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Nadya Polunin

Representation Summary:

- will cause intolerable traffic misery and be a danger to pedestrians including the many children who use this route
- development which is out of character with the surroundings will destroy trees and be an eyesore
- increase in of human traffic in the area and noise pollution which will affect the wildlife in the coppice

Full text:

I am objecting to the planning application to the proposed 100 houses in sharmans cross road

please see attached letter

Yours sincerely
Policy and Spatial Planning
Solihull Council
Re: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir or madam
I would like to object to this planning application to build 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road
The area of central Solihull is already extremely crowded. One only has to travel along Sharmans Cross Road towards Tudor Grange school to experience traffic gridlock which occurs twice a day. A development of this size will cause intolerable traffic misery and be a danger to pedestrians including the many children who use this route.
The schools and medical clinics are currently over subscribed. Increasing the population in this way will put an unsustainable strain on the local GP surgery and schools.
One of the reasons, I choose to live in this area, is the lovely green environment which up to now the council has protected. This development which is out of character with the surroundings will destroy trees and be an eyesore. It is of extreme importance that Pow Grove a medieval coppice be protected from further damage, This development will cause severe decay to this delicate urban treasure by the sheer increase in of human traffic in the area and noise pollution which will affect the wild life extant in the pow grove area .


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4141

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Alex Edwards

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection for the following reasons:
- loss of sporting facilities and impact his will have on the local community
- increase in traffic and associated risk to pedestrians, esp young children
- increased pressure/demand on schools and doctors
- previously denied planning permission

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Development 18 at site on the current rugby club off Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull
I live at 6 Claverdon close, Solihull. B91 1QP
I am a local resident, and wish to raise my objections to the proposed development on the current rugby club site off Sharmans Cross Road in Solihull.
I am a cover teacher at a local school and I also work with young people at the local air cadet unit. I am very concerned that the proposal to build houses on what is currently a sporting facility will have a detrimental effect on the local youngsters as there is already a shortage of pitches within Solihull and this inevitably results in children not being able to participate in sports. Having looked in to this matter I am concerned to note that it has been reported that in Solihull participation in sports for the over 16's age group is continuing to fall in national league tables.
The obvious increase in the volume of traffic on the nearby roads will also lead to an increased risk, especially to the children aged 7-11 who walk or cycle (many unaccompanied by parents) to attend Sharmans Cross Junior School. The road is busy enough as it is, and simply cannot sustain any increase in the volume of traffic especially at the peak school times.
In addition, as I am sure you are well aware the current schools and medical centres are already over stretched and oversubscribed, and a further increase in the level of demand for these facilities cannot be accommodated.
I would point out that previous applications for this site to be developed were refused and withdrawn, and I would ask that you listen to the local community and also reject this current proposal.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4181

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Andrew Dellbridge

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection with photos of traffic
Site 18 Objection for the following reasons:
- loss of sporting facilities and impact his will have on the local community
- increase in traffic and associated risk to pedestrians, esp young children
- increased pressure/demand on schools and doctors
- proposed development is not in keeping with the surrounding area/character

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Dear Sir/madam

I am writing in relation to the Proposed Housing Allocation 18 detailed within the Local Development Plan (LDP). As a resident on Sharmans Cross Road for some 10 years now, I am deeply opposed to the plans for the following reasons:

1. Traffic on Shamans Cross Road is already causing us residents and users of the road significant issues.

The volume of traffic, especially at peak times is clearly exceeding capacity - the combination of parents parking to drop off their children at Sharmans Cross School, customers parking for the Solihull Orthodontic Centre (their car park is too small), courier vans dropping off supplies to the Solihull Orthodontic Centre, various buses and peak traffic in and out of Solihull causes huge issues at peak times. As a result, motorists (including bus and lorry drivers) are mounting the grass verges and driving across pavements and residents' drives in order to get through. [See attached photos from just one morning]

I have 3 children, 2 who attend Streetsbrook Infants School, and that walk along Sharmans Cross Road to their school and back is extremely dangerous - with cars and buses mounting the pavements with 2 wheels. We have already been working with the Council to understand what can be done - so far that's only been a temporary speed camera - which did not tackle the issue at all! We're led to believe the Council does not want to put in place street furniture (wooden posts etc) along the pavements or verges which would obviously help protect the children walking to the various schools in the area.

The current dangers to pedestrians is already unacceptable. The impact of building an additional 100 homes will increase the dangers to pedestrians and cyclists (as this is a designated cycle route) as a result of increased volumes of traffic and parking. I understand the Arden Club will lose 75 parking spaces as a result of these plans so will no doubt increase the need for street parking.

2. Loss of sports facilities

Again with 3 children, my aim as a parent is to ensure they are kept active and healthy and do not add to the alarming obesity statistics haunting the UK. I moved to Solihull from London to start a family as I believed it was overall a better environment to do that - better housing, schools, urban and yet close to the countryside etc. I am however deeply disappointed to learn the fact that Solihull is in the 3rd quartile nationally for over-16 participation in sport three times per week and is continuing to fall down the tables.

I am sure I do not need to point out that the area impacted by this development is one of five sports grounds at risk in the LDP. I would also like you investigate claims I've heard about Oakmoor Estates, who are stopping local teams play on the grounds by charging unrealistic fees for the use.

For a 'boom town' and somewhere that's previously been voted the best place to live in the UK, the loss of sporting facilities and a worsening national position feels like a significant gap in the overall strategy for Solihull going forwards.

3. Character of our neighbourhood

Sharmans Cross Road is considered one of Solihull's premier roads and I fell for the character of the road, the mature trees that line it and the spacing of the property etc. 100 houses is an unacceptable over development of this site and will be a degradation of this road's charm and character. It is also inevitable, looking at other developments around, that properties will be more than 2 stories leading to a loss of privacy and light.

If you then consider what I highlighted in my first point above - increased volume of traffic and more street parking - then this road will very quickly lose it's charm.

4. Schooling

Up until recently, I was a member of the PTA at Streetsbrook school, so I know this school is already at capacity. Compared to Birmingham Council, the schools in Solihull are already on the back foot, receiving less funding per student. My 3 children will soon start progressing to Sharmans Cross School. Sharmans Cross School already concerns me - the building and grounds are very tired and in need of some modernisation. How can our local schools cope with yet more demand?

I would like you to take my objections and concerns regarding this proposed development very seriously for the reasons I've highlighted above. Finally, I would like reassurance and confirmation in writing please that this proposed development does not violate any local, strategic, regional or national planning policies and is being fully considered against the guidance laid out by the Government's National Planning Policy Framework.

Kind Rgds


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4257

Received: 18/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Patricia Harris

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate already ridiculous levels of traffic, put additional strains on medical services and schools and growth levels will ruin Solihull.

Full text:

development of 100 houses off Sherman's Cross Road
I and my husband who have just returned from an overseas holiday, and this is the first time we have had the opportunity to object to the. above.

We have only just been able to send this in.

We feel the it is outrageous it would put such a strain on the area re traffic healthcare and schools.

The traffic going into
Solihull has increased to ridiculous levels already.

Please Solihull planning apply some sense you are ruining Solihull.

Every where you look new developments are or have been completed. How much more can we take.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4283

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: D J Walker

Representation Summary:

Object to scale of development on Sharmans Cross Road. Local Infrastructure such as medical facilities and schools are already under strain. New houses will add to this.
Existing flooding and drainage problems with be exacerbated.
Existing traffic congestion and parking problems will be exacerbated.
Loss of sporting facility.

Full text:

see letter site 18


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4284

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: J A Woodall

Representation Summary:

Loss of sports facility which is the most appropriate use of the site.
Unsuitable for high density residential development. This would impact on surrounding residential amenity and out of character with the local area. Perhaps 20 dwellings at the most would be acceptable.
Flooding and drainage issues
Impact on mature trees
Impact on wildlife
Access to the site is unsuitable and will exacerbate existing traffic congestion and parking issues.
Additional pressure on local schools and medical facilities

Full text:

see letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4286

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: H E & Mrs J L Biggs

Representation Summary:

Impact on surrounding residential area.
Loss of sporting facilities.
Inappropriate development and overdevelopment of the site.
Environmental and ecological damage.
Will create further traffic problems and congestion.
Pressure on drains from surface water and sewage.
Local schools and medical facilities are already oversubscribed.

Full text:

see letter


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4304

Received: 18/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Muriel Welsby

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as would increase the traffic and noise nuisance on Sharmans Cross Road and the strain on local health and medical facilities.

Full text:

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am sending this email on behalf of my aunt, of Sharmans Cross Road who wishes to object to the housing development which would increase the traffic and noise nuisance on the road and the strain on local health and medical facilities.
Being an elderly person without an email account and having difficulty going to the post office she has been unable to send you this statement herself. She hopes you will be able to take her objection into account.
Yours faithfully,


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4307

Received: 19/02/2017

Respondent: Julian Buttery

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as land is a vital green space that is under constant threat of development which needs to be resolved by its retention for the benefit of the whole community, and development will exacerbate traffic problems already experienced in area and close to junior school.

Full text:

Sharmans Cross Road - Rugby Club Development

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to register my objection to the above development. Whilst I recognise that there is an increasing need for homes in the Borough this is a vital green space in the area. It is under a constant threat due to the situation with the developers and these needs to be resolved to the benefit of the whole community. The traffic problems already experience in the are will get significantly worse in an area where there is a junior school nearby.

Yours Sincerely


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4308

Received: 19/02/2017

Respondent: Sue Buttery

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as land is a vital green space that is under constant threat of development which needs to be resolved by its retention for the benefit of the whole community, and development will exacerbate traffic problems already experienced in area and close to junior school.

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Fwd: Sharmans Cross Road - Rugby Club Development
Dear Sir/Madam
> I would like to register my objection to the above development. Whilst I recognise that there is an increasing need for homes in the Borough this is a vital green space in the area. It is under a constant threat due to the situation with the developers and these needs to be resolved to the benefit of the whole community. The traffic problems already experience in the are will get significantly worse in an area where there is a junior school nearby.
> Yours Sincerely


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4310

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Jane Howe

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as relocation of Arden club unacceptable on leasehold land as no means to raise funds for repairs, would make parking at peak times even more difficult and likely to spill out onto Sharmans Cross Road, and although land needs something to happen to it 100 houses is not the solution.

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Sharmans Cross developement

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to raise my concern over the planning application for development of the land on Sharmans Cross Road, previously used as a rugby pitch and now owned by Oakmoor . I am a longstanding member of Solihull Ardern club
I have several concerns:
1 I have heard that Oakmoor want to build there houses on our land and build us a new clubhouse on the leashold land. I have a real objection on that. I do not want the club on leasehold land as we would have no means of funding repairs if we need to loan money.

2 Parking for club members would be greatly effected. It is hard to get a parking space at peak times now so it would be impossible with a 100 house built on the adjacent land. This would then spill onto parking onto Shamans Cross Road which would cause chaos. It is bad enough when the schools finish.

Although I agree the land at the moment is an eyesore and needs something to happen with it, I do not believe build 100 houses is a solution.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4315

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Eva Robbins

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 which contradicts policy to retain high quality environment, green infrastructure assets and create better neighbourhoods, is out of character with area and isolated from local amenities, would result in loss of sporting facility and opportunity for other sports facilities of benefit to community when there is a shortage of good quality facilities which is killing off grassroots participation, there is no mandate for use given freehold restrictions, relocation of Arden club to leasehold land would be detrimental to its viability, and development is in direct contravention of Council's sporting and community objectives.

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Solihull Land Development Plan (LDP), Proposed housing allocation 18

This email expresses my concerns over the proposal to include the above housing allocation within Solihull's LDP. I understand Solihull Borough Council (SMBC) are consulting residents for their views. I am a resident of Sharmans Cross Road in Solihull and a full playing member of the Solihull Arden Racquets Club (SAC). I wish SMBC to consider the objections raised in this email and review how the the site is used. I am asking that the proposal is reconsidered for sporting use only.

The document, Reviewing the Plan for Solihull's Future refers to Solihull as "recognised for its high quality environment which attracts residents and investors to the sub-region. These include green infrastructure assets such as ... tree-lined suburbs and principal parks ... Growth needs to be managed at a sustainable rate so that the success of these assets are not compromised" (section 215, p.72).
I note too, in Better Neighbourhoods. Making Higher Densities Work: "the aim is to create better neighbourhoods, not just boost housing numbers" (CABE/Corp.London, 2005, p.4)
[NB bold emphasis added here].

The Council can note that the above proposal to build 100 houses across 3 hectares of land serves a contradiction to these statements. Such development would be highly out of character with the area. In respect of a 'neighbourhood feel' this proposal presents housing development isolated from local amenities (walking distances to existing facilities is too far). Public transport/personal vehicles would be essential and bring their own problems (congestion/parking, RTAs/poorer health).

Where the area currently provides a good and thriving sporting facility (SAC), and shows promising potential still for significant other sport development, whilst also being attractively surrounded by mature trees (protected) and foliage, these are immense positives to want to retain for Solihull citizens' health and well-being, increasing their participation in active sport AND outdoor pursuit. Immediate local community beneficiaries would also be ALL Solihull citizens who would choose to participate in a well-developed, attractive facility.

The green field previously occupied by the Rugby Club needs to be 'given back' and used for encouraging grassroots team sport participation. For example, the Council are drawn to consider the reported issues affecting football and Sport England funding reduction to the Football Association, e.g.:

A Sky Sports News survey has revealed poor facilities and a lack of funding are killing off football at grassroots.

More than two and a half thousand people responded to our survey enquiring about the barriers to participating in 11-a-side local football.

Poor quality pitches and a lack of provisions from local authorities came top of the issues raised.

More than 65% of respondents said they did not think local councils did enough to support facilities and the costs of low-level football, and 83.7% said the FA do not do enough to preserve the grassroots game.


Additionally, the representation (18) by CERDA Planning indicates action on behalf of Oakmoor Ltd and Arden Lawn Tennis Club Ltd. As a full playing member of the club, it is my understanding, and according to the rules of SAC, there is no mandate currently allowing its freehold land to be used for housing development. Where the proposal offers "redevelopment of the site" and new sporting facilities as a "focal point", I would draw the Council's attention to the fact that relocating SAC onto leasehold land would be detrimental to the viability of the Club. SAC would loose it's most valuable asset with which to regenerate/update and maintain itself.
With the ultimate demise of SAC, this proposal therefore is in direct contravention of SMBC's "sporting and community objectives".

I strongly urge SMBC to reject this proposal; ensure SAC can retain its status and look to how use of the green field site can be achieved to further SMBC plans for community sport regeneration.

Yours sincerely,


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4316

Received: 27/02/2017

Respondent: Roger W Ball

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as density out of keeping with area and will exacerbate traffic volumes which often result in gridlock, extra traffic will impact on pedestrians and school children going to nearby schools, will increase demands on local schools and medical services, will result in loss of more sporting facilities despite Council policy to retain in sports use, and loss of green space and wildlife.

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LDF - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

With regards to the above proposed housing allocation I feel I must forward my objections on the following grounds:

The density of the proposed development is totally out of keeping with with the area and the impact of such density will greatly add to the volume of traffic in the area. I use Sharmans Cross Road on a regular basis to visit our son and I have experienced the high volume of traffic. In fact it is often grid locked, the traffic a further 100 houses will generate entering and exiting into Sharmans Cross Road will cause extra major traffic problems, not only to drivers but pedestrians and cyclists - including children on their way to and from the local schools. There is also the impact this density of building will have on the locals schools, doctors and so on.

I am also very concerned with the loss of more sporting facilities, despite Solihull Council minuting in 2013 that they would not sell the freehold of any land used exclusive for sport - which this land was. All this and that's without mentioning the importance of the green space and wild life in the area

Before any final decision is made I think all of the above should be taken into account, as it obviously hasn't been.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4318

Received: 25/02/2017

Respondent: Sue McDermott

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as development should take place where infrastructure already exists, not where roads are currently gridlocked at peak times with pollution affecting children at local school, pedestrians and cyclists will have increasing safety hazards, local schools and medical services are oversubscribed, and would result in loss of viable sports ground when there is a need to encourage exercise to combat obesity by retaining existing facilities.

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Ref. LCP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Whilst I appreciate the need for more housing in Solihull and understand the pressure that the Government is putting on local councils, the appropriate location of new homes is of key importance.
If more houses are to be built then the infrastructure should exist for a growing population where roads, schools, GP surgeries and the like need to be provided.
This is not so in Sharmans Cross Road.

* Roads

Sharmans Cross Road / Streetsbrook Road are gridlocked every morning. The traffic can tail back to Sharmans Cross Junior School (how bad is that pollution for the children now, even before additional vehicles join the queue?)
100 houses will add at least an additional 150 vehicles, plus visitors, delivery, workmen etc. onto an already congested road and junction.
Pedestrians and cyclists are posed with increasing safety hazards.

* Schools

Out of 100 houses, many will be family homes. Where are the children going to attend school? Blossomfield Infants, Streetbrook Infants, St. Alphege Infants are over subscribed. Sharmans Cross Juniors is the only KS2 School in the area. Tudor Grange has had an appeal system in place for many years.
New housing should be planned into areas where schools and GP surgeries can be integrated into the infrastructure. Dickens Heath is an excellent example of this.

* GP Surgeries

As above, but also considering that all surgeries in the area have huge waiting times for appointments. 200 couples, maybe 400 + family members could be moving into an area with inadequate care facilities.

* Loss of sporting facilities

How sad that in the times of obesity, lack of exercise and availability to facilities, Solihull Council is happy to withdraw a viable sports ground.
For many years the rugby club attracted all ages - from mini-rugby to well supported team fixtures. Youngsters could walk, bus or travel by train to this venue. They now have to be driven to out of town locations.
To hear that Solihull continues to fall in the national sporting league tables is disconcerting.
It would be a visionary move on the part of SMBC to reinstate this ground for an area of sport.

Indeed, it would be a visionary move on the part of SMBC to evaluate the use of land sites when drawing up plans for new house building.

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18, Sharmans Cross Road is not the one.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4337

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mr R J Baker

Representation Summary:

As trustee and member of Silhill FC object to housing Site 18 as results in loss of further sporting land, there is a covenant restricting to sports use ignored by landowner and Silhill FC interested in expanding with boys/youth and senior facilities, relaxation of planning restrictions contrary to policies to promote healthy activity, likely to worsen flooding in area, affect on public right of way to Pow Grove, development proposed out of character with area, and impact on parking, school places and medical services.

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See Attachment