18 Solihull - Sharmans Cross Road

Showing comments and forms 211 to 240 of 350


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3088

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Richard Burbidge

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will increase issues of oversubscribed schools and medical services, exacerbate gridlock at peak times on Sharmans Cross Road and parking associated with relocated Arden club and new development, worsen unacceptably existing flooding and problems with sewage systems, and land designated for sports use with policy to retain and there is no reason to change this.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to inform you of my objection to the proposed development on the Rugby Club at Sharmans Cross Road.
I live at Sharmans Cross Road.
My objection is based on a number of points.
- a lack of adequate supply of medical and education facilities ... These facilities are currently over subscribed and this development will add to the current issue. I presume you have no plans for locally increasing schools or medical centres to mitigate this impact
- traffic issues. The road is currently gridlocked in mornings and evenings. Adding more housing will increase this issue. Parking will also be an issue for the proposed new tennis centre leading to more on road parking increasing safety issues. Additionally the 100 houses will be allocated a number of in realistic parking places leading to overspill onto Sharmans Cross Road and again added danger.
- flooding. The area floods currently and the sewage systems are obviously inadequate. Adding housing will worsen this issue and is unacceptable.
- use of the land. The rugby ground is designated as a sports only area as minuted in 2013. There is no reason for this to have been changed.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3089

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Sharon Anne Burbidge

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as proposal is totally out of scale and overdevelopment, additional vehicles will exacerbate traffic problems and pollution especially at peak times with serious impact on pedestrians, children walking to/from school and cyclists, worsen problems with inconsiderate parking especially at school times, exacerbate flooding from poor drainage, increase pressure on local schools and medical services, development likely to include 3 storey properties and impact on TPOs, severely jeopardise dwindling supply of sports facilities, when adults and children being encouraged to exercise, and concerned that Arden club land may also be used.

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Proposed Housing Allocation 18.

Dear Sir/ Madam
I write to you in connection with the above proposed erection of 100 dwellings on the site of the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. I wish to strongly object to this planning proposal on the following grounds :
1/ impact on traffic & increased pollution as a result. I live at 47 Sharmans Cross Rd & am aware of the dense traffic on our road. It seems to be 100 houses in totally out of scale & a gross overdevelopment of this once pleasurable site.
Access will be very tight in & out of the site. The number of cars per household has increased markedly over the years & thus will have a significant impact on such a small area. During busy times ie early morning & evening rush hour & school run times there will be a great impact on existing side roads.
We must take seriously the impact increased traffic will have on pedestrians especially on children attending schools in the locality & also cyclists.
2/ Parking will become a huge problem. I already experience parking across my driveway. During school run periods parking is already extremely busy only to be made worse if this planning application goes ahead.
3/ it is well known that Sharmans Cross Rd suffers from very very poor drainage resulting in flooding. Extra housing will only exacerbate this problem.
4/ with an extra 100 houses comes increased pressure on our local schools & doctors surgeries & hospital. They surely will buckle under the pressure.
5/ design of the development is a major concern. We have tree preservation orders on some our trees. I do not relish 3 storey properties replacing greenery, flora & fauna.
6/ I am saddened to think that this proposed use of the land will severely jeopardise the already dwindling availability of sporting facilities. We are all told to increase exercise & to encourage our children to go outdoors & exercise ... Where will they go now ? My family are members of the Arden Club too. If this land is also to be used this will severely impact this particular situation.
Please please consider seriously all my points which I feel strongly about.
I look forward to a carefully considered response.
Yours faithfully


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3090

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Sarah La Touche

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as would result in loss of sporting facilities when there is already a shortage and other facilities at capacity, contrary to policy to retain land in sporting use, demand exists but developers have prevented use, loss of green space, trees and wildlife habitats, proposed development is out of character with surroundings and inclusion of affordable housing will change the range of people moving into the area, and will exacerbate traffic problems and disruption on already busy road and at junction with Streetbrook Road both during construction and when occupied.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am emailing my objections to the proposed building on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

My reasons are outlined below:

1. The loss of sporting facilities. The grounds have been owned by the Arden Club for many years and been used by many in the area for years. The facilities in which many rely on as part of the daily routine to exercise and support their lifestyle. There is already a shortage of sporting facilities which includes Tennis facilitates. The facilities in the other venues are already packed and constantly busy. So this would put more pressure on existing facilities.

2. The loss of green land would have a major impact on the overall area and the wildlife in which it contains. Currently the range of birds and wildlife in the area enhance this living environment for many .It has provided an nature corridor for many & the range of different birds we received in this are has increased. The building work would destroy the natural environment - loss of trees and green and space and would completely destroy the character in which has developed over the years.

3. The rugby field which many have tried to acquire for sport is currently used for dog walkers and yet his appears to have been made difficult for groups of the community that could use value this green space. This space which many want to use for sport and exercise, but have been unable to proceed to develop this because of barriers put in their way to prevent them. The use of land was also deemed in 2013 to be use for sport only - yet this seems to be under threat.

4. The buildings would change the dynamic of the are completely. The dwellings would be out of character with many areas of Solihull attracting people who visit because of the shops , parks and green space ( the park heading towards Hall Green - & the Crematorium is also a god example of a green space that is valued ) . The likelihood is that this could also include affordable housing which could change the range of people which move into the area.

5. Traffic would also be an issue. It's already busy on the Streetsbrook Road during peak time and the Sharmans Cross Junction yet this development would lead to huge traffic disruption for all in the vicinity. The traffic caused by lorries and extra cars and if building was to commence the infra structure would change completely. This would change our area completely.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3091

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Margaret Mawson

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as Sharmans Cross Road is a traffic bottleneck with vehicles reversing out of drives, on street parking, traffic using footpaths and verges, cyclists using footpaths, creating problems for visiting ambulances and hazards for the disabled, elderly and children walking to/from school, will result in loss of yet another sporting facility contrary to policy to retain land in sports use, additional population will put pressure on already stretched local schools and medical services, and development is out of scale and character with surrounding area with loss of privacy and peace and quiet.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18 (Solihull)

I have listed my objections to the above proposed application:
Traffic congestion and safety for pedestrians
Sharmans Cross Road is recognized as a traffic bottleneck - a black spot to be avoided where possible. Many residents have to reverse out of their drives on to the road, which they find is an absolute nightmare, particularly as this is a bus route. Bus drivers are already often compelled to drive on the footpath, when faced with parked and ongoing vehicles, endangering pedestrians and, in places, churning grass verges. There is no cycle lane provided on the road, and fearful for their safety, cyclists have to use the footpath. Ambulance services are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with target times to reach seriously patients, leaving residents in serious danger. With yet another housing development on the point of completion, in adjacent Solihull Road, has proper consideration been given to the pot-holed roads, pedestrian crossings and footpaths? Please bear in mind that these roads and footpaths are frequently used by the disabled (in mobility scooters), the elderly and school children. Children from this new development will almost certainly walk down Sharmans Cross Rd to get to school, past this busy junction onto on the new housing estate.
The health and safety of the residents is a duty of care for the Council. As such, this Planning proposal should be rejected.
Loss of yet another sporting facility
I am aware of the benefits of sports for all generations, and am concerned that yet another sports ground may disappear forever. There is a covenant in place on this ground to prevent such losses, so I question how this proposal can be considered.
Increased demand on local medical services
An increase in the number of residents will put pressure on local service such as GP surgeries and local schools. These are all already very stretched, so it is more than likely that local residents will face a poorer services from GPs than they get at present. This causes me great concern, as I rely heavily on these services. Also, if families move into this new development, this will put pressure on pupil numbers at nearby schools. Local families will lose places for their children in these schools to these new (nearer) families.
Change to the neighbourhood
I find it alarming that there is a proposal to build 100 houses in this relatively small space. This is the same number of houses on the whole of Sharmans Cross Road, which covers a much larger area. This new, dense housing will permanently damage the look and feel of the Sharmans Cross area, which, up until now, has seen large houses with ample gardens and many mature trees. Residents enjoy privacy and peace and quiet. This will all disappear with the development that is proposed.
Please do not allow this to proceed.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3093

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: James Mawson

Representation Summary:

Object to Site 18 as will increase traffic on Sharmans Cross Road which is already a bottleneck with on street parking, traffic and cyclists using footpaths, creating problems for visiting ambulances and hazards for children walking to/from school, will result in loss of yet another sporting facility following Tudor Grange, Lucas, Sharmans Cross middle school, Widney Lane and Robin Hood golf club, contrary to policy to retain land in sports use, additional population will put pressure on already stretched local medical services, and development is too dense, out of character with surrounding area and will create extra noise and pollution.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18 (Solihull)

My objections to the above proposed application are listed below:
Traffic congestion
It will increase the amount of traffic on to Sharmans Cross Road which is already a bottleneck and a nightmare for residents. It is a busy bus route; in parts of the road buses have to pull up on to the footpath to avoid parked cars or oncoming vehicles. Cars also partly park on footpaths which are narrow in places, and which are frequently used by cyclists. Another 100-200 cars leaving this new site will make this road so much busier, and create dangerous, congested driving conditions. How will ambulances services meet target times and be able to attend seriously ill patients if they are faced with this volume of traffic? Also, this proposal for houses is in addition to a significant development (in progress) on neighbouring Solihull Road, less than a mile away. When completed, this development will also contribute to the amount of traffic on the roads.
Safety risk to pedestrians
I occasionally walk around this area, but feel that the extra flow of traffic into and out of the new development will make the 'town end' of Sharmans Cross Road very busy and dangerous for pedestrians. I would imagine that the school children who currently walk unaccompanied down this side of the road to Sharmans Cross Junior School will be prevented from doing in the future for safety reasons.
Loss of yet another sporting facility
I have taken part in sports all through my life, and am aware of the benefits for people across all age groups. At the age of 85 I still enjoy sports twice a week. Since I moved into my house at Sharmans Cross Road, park and sports grounds have been steadily purchased for development of houses resulting in the loss of part of Tudor Grange Park, Lucas Sports Ground (Prospect Lane), Sharmans Cross Middle School and playing fields (now Ashwell Crescent estate), football ground on Widney Lane, part of Robin Hood Golf Club. I believe that there is a covenant in place to ensure this old rugby club land is only used for sports so wonder how this development can even be considered.
Increased demand on local medical services
I understand the local medical centres already have large numbers of patients enrolled. An increase of families will obviously increase the demand for local GP surgeries, putting further pressure on already stretched medical services. This in turn will result in local residents suffering a poorer service from their doctors. As a pensioner, this is not a situation that I feel at all comfortable about.
Change to the neighbourhood
The area around Sharmans Cross is known for its trees and open spaces. Houses are spread out and very private, with large drives and well established gardens. A development of over 100 houses is not consistent with this and will destroy the feel of this area. This development is far too dense for the neighbourhood. This will create extra noise and pollution for existing residents.
I urge you to listen to the views of local residents.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3096

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Joan Rochford

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as local schools oversubscribed so where will new children attend, will add to congestion on roads and route to town centre with consequent impact on attractiveness, compromise road safety in the vicinity of the school during construction, discourage cycling being promoted by Government, exacerbate issues of parking and pollution at the school affecting children's health, local medical services are oversubscribed, will reduce green space learning opportunities for schoolchildren and recreational facilities to encourage healthy exercise, loss of green space will increase risk of flooding and reduce wildlife habitats, and development out of character with surroundings.

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am voicing my concern over the proposed housing development on Sharmans Cross Road.

As a local resident and a senior teacher at a primary school I am alarmed to hear the council is proposing to have a building site in such close proximity to the school. Our schools are well and truly oversubscribed so where do you propose the children from the new homes would attend?
The roads are very congested as it is and this will only add to it. Road Safety should be a top priority as this is always a scrutiny focus when schools are inspected, but this will be compromised with all the heavy vehicles and machinery the proposed building site would bring. Parking at the school is already and issue and this will only add to it.
The increased traffic will also add to the congestion on the roads leading in and out of the town centre. If the traffic becomes too much, visitors will shy away from the town centre which will have a detrimental affect on finances for businesess. There are way too many empty shops in the town centre and less visiotrs will exasperate the probelm.

Think about the increased pollution with all the building work and increased vehicles. Is this appropriate for children to breath in while they are playing outdoors at breaktime? The long term cost to the NHS on asthma and allergy medication is a huge factor.
The medical centres are all over subscribed so how is the council planning to accomadate all the additional residents?

The Governent are promoting cycling and this area is a designated cycle route. Increased traffic will not be conducive to this.

I am aware a new housing development will generate more income for the council but please think of the long term affects on the environment. I work in a school where there is no surrounding greenery for the children so I know the detrimental affect this has on well being and morale. At the moment the Children at Sharman's Cross School have a wealth of learning opportunities with all the surrounding sports pitches and open spaces but this will be greatly reduced if you take this away. It will put so much pressure on the limited sites we have as everyone will want to use them at similar times.
Increasingly up and down the country sports grounds are being churned up for new housing and once removed they can never be replaced. This is not an acceptable for future generations. As the Government is fighting an obesity epidemic it would make far more sense to keep sports grounds so people have more affordable opportunities to stay fit and healthy, this will save money in the long run.

Consider the consequences to environment! It is a proven fact the natural open spaces helps to reduce flooding and as Sharman's Cross Road is already subject to flooding this will only magnify the problem. This will again cost the council money to rectify if the proposed site goes ahead. This area is a sanctuary for a plethora of wildlife. Where will the wildlife go if their homes are bulldozed?

I purposely moved to this area as it had character and is a highly desirable location. A housing estate will not be in keeping with the character properties surrounding it.

Please consider the points I have made. Once the land is destroyed it will never be returnd to its current beauty. We need to encourage sports
to imrpove the nations fitness levels, the rugby pitch is perfect area to do this. The sports ground will forge links to improve community cohesion and therefore reduce crime. Again this will save the council money in the long term.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3098

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Gemma Kentish

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as would be a health and safety to children walking to schools and colleges, schools already oversubscribed, concern about access for emergency vehicles, will exacerbate existing traffic congestion/gridlock in peak hours, will result in loss of parking at Arden club, loss of pitch undermines importance of sport in area with few facilities when benefits of exercise are known and people should be encouraged to take up sport.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to inform you of my objection to the proposed planning allocation for the building of houses on what was the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road in Solihull.

I have numerous concerns regarding this, and therefore deem it unsuitable for this site to be considered for such a housing development. Below I have outlined my concerns.

Firstly, I feel that this can be considered a health and safety issue due to the large volume of children walking around the area during rush hour due to not only the primary school but other schools and colleges in the surrounding area. Furthermore, these local schools are already over-subscribed and the addition of 100 houses will only increase the severity of this issue. Another concerning factor is the possible accessibility issues for the emergency services if ever required by anybody in the road.

Furthermore, the proposed development will worsen the already existing traffic congestion in the road. Sharmans Cross Road is gridlocked from around 8am to 9am in the mornings when I am making my way to Sixth Form as a result of traffic joining Streetsbrook Road and from around 3pm to 5pm as a result of parking for Sharmans Cross Primary School. It is also difficult at times to exit the drive of my house. The addition of more houses will only make traffic congestion in the road more of a serious problem. I also worry about the loss of car park spaces at Arden Tennis Club, as surely members will be required to resort to parking on the road, which will only create further congestion.

What also concerns me is the necessary destruction of this sports pitch, and what this says about the way in which sport is being valued. The benefits of exercise are known to all and I think it is incredibly important to encourage people to take up sports. Therefore I fear that destroying a sports pitch undermines the importance of sport, and feel that some sort of sports development would have a much greater positive impact on the community, as I do not feel there is necessarily a great abundance of sports facilities in the local area.

To conclude, because of the reasons I have outlined above, I strongly object to this proposed housing development and request that it is not progressed further.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3101

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Gaynor Dolby

Representation Summary:

Object to inclusion of Arden club in housing Site 18 as club members not informed of proposals, proposed replacement Community Club with multi use sports hall and no bar is inadequate, reduction in parking to Arden club ludicrous as already struggle to park, floodlighting of courts likely to be an issue, and housing an unsuitable use which will adversely affect people's enjoyment.

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To Whom it may concern

I, as a long standing member of Solihull Tennis Arden Club would very much like to oppose the building of the intended 100 new houses, many of which will be deemed as affordable, on the ex-rugby ground.

In the first instance, I was very much shocked to even hear about this news via some members who I play tennis with. It seems as non of the actual paying members at the club had been informed of this proposal which I find rather strange as we are the people that this decision will affect, along with the Sharmans Cross residents!

From what I can gather, our Club as we know and enjoy its facilities now, is due to be knocked down in favour of a ''Community Club'' which will have a ''Sports Hall'' for any type of activity to take place and also no Bar. It will no longer be a Members club, as I hear and I feel that this, having been a member for many years, is such a necessary and enjoyable part of the Tennis/Racket club.

The thought also of only having 24 car parking spaces is ludicrous! We, as paying members, struggle to park now after having the hot Pod Yoga site being used so regularly!

Another issue would be the flood lights. I know that previous Committee/Board members have often fought long and hard to get our flood lights where they ae now (an essential part of our club for our members who like to play all year round, myself included).

It would be a sad day to have our beloved Arden bought to the ground in favour of some houses, with the thought just to get in some more Council Tax Revenue....

I am sure that something else can be done with the free land that was the Ex-rugby ground? Please don't take away our Club!! With it, you will be taking away lots of peoples Total Life Enjoyment and this would be, in my mind, a cruel thing to do!

I do hope that we, as Members, will be updated on the progress or better still, the opposal of this going through!


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3103

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: David Gee

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as resubmission of failed application rejected as unsuitable, will have detrimental affect on local area through loss of recreational/sporting facilities in area short of suitable pitches, use should be retained in line with lease and covenant, will exacerbate traffic congestion and pollution at junctions at both ends of Sharmans Cross Road at peak times, density is out of character with surroundings and will require high rise overlooking properties, increased built area will worsen flooding in heavy rain, and will destroy rich natural break between built-up area and Pow Grove and displace/destroy wildlife.

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Site 18

I write to register my objection to this site being put forward for development. The site should be removed from the LDP as it is merely a re-submission of a failed planning application, rejected because of the overwhelming evidence of the unsuitability and availability of this site.

My objection is based on the detrimental effect on the local area, losing recreational and sporting facilities, increasing traffic and being an altogether inappropriate development, out of character and with a higher density when compared to the surrounding properties. The area would also lose a valuable haven for wildlife.

Increased traffic and pollution - Existing traffic at peak times is already an issue, with it taking me often half an hour to cover the couple of miles across Solihull to the motorway, where my journey really begins. The extra 150 or so cars generated by this proposal will exacerbate the already paralysed junctions at both ends of Sharmans cross road, with an additional queue on a side road feeding into the existing queues . Longer queues mean more exhaust pollution.

Loss of covenanted sporting site - The pitches at this ground are leased with the condition that the ground is for sporting use only. As a member of local football teams over the last 20 years, there has always been a shortage of suitable pitches in the local area. Most of the local teams I have played for have been forced to train and play outside of our locale. This site should beretained as promised by the council, for sporting use and the developer stripped of this lease as they blatantly ignore any application to play there and clearly intend not to allow it to be used for sport. On no account should it be included in any development plans, there is a shortage of pitches already.

Out of character with local area - with a proposed density five times greater than surrounding properties, any development here would destroy the character of this neighbourhood. To achieve this density there would need to be high rise accommodation, overlooking other residential properties.

Flood risk - Sharmans Cross Road prone to flooding in heavy rain and the increased built up area would feed even more surface water into a system that currently doesn't cope too well.

Haven for wildlife - the area is an attractive, nature rich site, and it's a very pleasant area to walk through and enjoy its flowers, vegetation and wild animals. .
It provides a natural break between buildings and the edge of Pow Grove woodland, and is home to a wide variety of wildlife (foxes, hedgehogs, rabbits) and also many species of wild birds, including not so common ones such as hawks woodpeckers and falcons. Development of this natural area will displace and destroy this wildlife, which is much valued by the locals who walk and exercise there.

This site should not be included in the LDP - we have lost too many open areas already from within the local community over the last few years.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3118

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Rebecca Stephen

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as additional traffic will exacerbate congestion and pollution on Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road especially at peak times and be danger to school children, pedestians and cyclists, access to Winterbourne Road/Beaminster Road is unsuitable owing to width and quiet residential character, would increase demand for school places where local schools already oversubscribed and for medical services, design and density out of character with surrounding area, and will result in loss of sporting facilities.

Full text:

I live at Beaminster Road Solihull with my husband and 3 children, aged 7, 5 and 3. We have lived here for 3.5 years. My children all attend local schools in the area - 1 of whom currently attends Sharmans Cross Junior School and it is hoped the other two will follow him there in due course.

I am writing to object to the proposed development of building 100 homes on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. Particular issues of concern to me which I would like notrd as objections are:-

* Increased traffic - I drive down Sharmans Cross Road every week day morning around 8am to drop my children off at school breakfast club. The traffic queues back for a significant way along Sharmans Cross road waiting to turn right on to Streetsbrook Rd into and it's the same again in the evening around 5:30pm. This development will increase this gridlock due to increased traffic and is a danger to pedestrians and cyclists. Of particular concern is the danger to school children walking or dropping siblings off at Sharmans Cross school, many of whom who in the final year of school are walking to and from school unaccompanied. Equally I would strongly object to accessing the development from Winterbourne Road - Winterbourne and Beaminster roads are currently both quiet residential roads which are not designed to hold increased levels of traffic both in terms of width and character of the area. Increased traffic will also in turn lead to increased pollution.

* Demand for schools - this development would increase the demand for schooling in an area where many of the schools are already fully or over subscribed. The same is likely to be the case for GP surgeries..

* Suitability - a development of new build 2 story houses all tightly packed in together will destroy the character and is not in keeping with the surrounding neighbourhood.

* Loss of sporting facilities - the loss of very popular sporting facilities used by a wide range of the community cannot be underestimated.



Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3129

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: R J Griffiths

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as whilst recognises need for additional housing, disagrees that should be resolved at local rather than national level or through infill developments which will exacerbate infrastructure issues, surrounding roads suffer from acute traffic congestion with volume of traffic already exceeding capacity both during and outside peak periods and additional traffic will increase gridlock and pollution and reduce road safety, loss to quality pitches will reduce quality of life and sports use should be retained in line with covenant, will exacerbate surface water flooding and overburden road, medical and educational infrastructure.

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I am writing to express my objections to PHA 18. That said, I would like to preface my comments by stating that I would not object per se to a local planning application. We are all to aware of the socio-economic damage caused by the national housing shortage. However, I strongly disagree that a borough by borough solution can be found to a national problem and, moreover, "in-fill" developments in urbanised areas, with an already over-stretched infra-structure are going to do little to nothing to address the deficit issue and could in fact create and/or exacerbate problems in the local community.

With specific regard to PHA18; it should be noted that Sharman's Cross Road, Blossomfield Road, Danford Lane and Streetsbrook Road (the roads that effectively circling the proposed development) are already subject to periods of acute traffic congestion and this is not merely confined to school dropping off times and the rush hour but grid-locks in "off-peak" hours are increasingly frequent because, quite simply, the existing volume of traffic already exceeds the road infra- structure's capacity. There are, of course, a number of important ancillary issues associated with an increase in the amount of traffic such as road safety and pollution.

Turning to the facility itself. Let us be under no illusion, first rate sporting amenities make a significant contribution to the overall quality of life within the Borough. These pitches have hosted Championship level rugby (Harlequins RFC visited Sharman's Cross Road not that long ago) and these snooker table flat pitches, which have been nurtured and developed over decades cannot be similarly replaced. Indeed, in line with the "sporting use covenant" that currently applies to the ground, surely development of the site should focus on establishing new sporting activities on these irreplaceable assets.

Moving on. There is an existing issue with the high water table at and around the development site. Standing water and road flooding are not uncommon during periods of high rainfall. A number of properties in the immediate vicinity of PHA18 have already been under-pinned. There is a very real danger that the proposed development could well exacerbate this problem.

Sirs, finally I would suggest that there are a multiplicity of factors which combine and contribute to the overall quality of life within the Borough. Top level sporting facilities are a key component as is an infra-structure (roads, medical and educational) which adequately and efficiently serves the needs of the local community. If these become too over-burdened it is to the detriment of us all.

Yours faithfully,


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3135

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Arul & Lye Quen Hon Kanagarajah

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Will not provide sufficient basic amenities and lead to oversubscription of schooling, healthcare and recreational facilities. Unsustainable.
Loss of existing sporting grounds which will not be replaced.
Thought land was under covenant for sporting uses only.
Loss of greenery and habitat for wildlife.
More houses lead to more pollution.
Higher risk of flooding within local area.
Increase in traffic and lack of parking will affect local school and pre-existing residents. Direct impact on safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
Understand good intentions of the Council to provide housing but this will have negative impact on local population.

Full text:

proposed Housing allocation 18

We wish to raise an objection to the housing development on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road

There are several reasons on why the above proposal is a disaster for the local community

- 100 houses is overdevelopment in an area which will not provide sufficient basic amenities and will lead to over subscription of schooling, healthcare and recreational facilities. This is not sustainable in the long run.

- the loss of existing sporting grounds which will not be replaced. I was under the impression that there is a covenant on the land which only allows the use of the grounds for sport (formally minuted in 2013 by SMBC) How is it possible for this development to happen?

-There is also loss of greenery and habitat for wildlife such as bats and badgers. More houses leads to more pollution and a higher risk of flooding within the local area

- most importantly, the increase in traffic and lack of parking which will effect the local school and pre existing residents. This will also have a direct impact on the safety of pedestrians and cyclists

We understand the good intentions of the council to provide housing. However this development will have a negative impact on the local population as a whole and should therefore be halted

Thank you for your time.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3161

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Sadia Ahmad

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Unacceptable overdevelopment of the site. Buildings will be more than 2 storeys leading to loss of light, loss of privacy and overshadowing.
Development will result in:
Increased traffic and associated pollution
Serious effect on highway safety and convenience of road users as well as pedestrians.
Increased volumes of traffic moving in/out of site, especially those turning right out of site towards town.
Danger to pedestrians, in particular unaccompanied children going to/from Sharmans Cross Junior School.

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Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am a doctor by profession and hereby want to draw ur urgent attention to this grave matter.

This development project has many potential detrimental effects in the locality as well as the community at large.

Most importantly, this is unacceptable overdevelopment of the site, and the buildings will be more than 2 stories leading to loss of light, loss of privacy and overshadowing.

It will result in
Increased traffic and associated pollution.

The development will have a serious effect on highway safety and the convenience of road users as well as pedestrians.

Increased volumes of traffic moving in/out of new site, especially those turning right out of site towards town.

Danger to pedestrians, in particular unaccompanied children going to/from Sharmans Cross Junior School.

Please stop this stressful development plan to proceed ahead.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3220

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Bartlett

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Planning application was previously refused.
Potential access road into or near Winterbourne Road will cause traffic congestion and noise.
Loss of open space and sporting facilities.
Huge loss in Solihull over last 30 years.
Majority of site is covenanted for sporting use. SMBC said they would not sell freehold.
Loss of wildlife.
Scale of intrusion of building works on wildlife.
Density will destroy residential character of neighbourhood.
Increase in traffic; busy junctions already overloaded.
Increased pollution.
Highway safety risk to pedestrians, especially children on way to school.
Inadequate parking.
Drainage issues.

Full text:

LDP Proposed Housing Development objection to Cerda Planning

I am writing to register my objection to this site being included in the LDP, the submission from Cerda Planning/Oakmoor. This planning application was previously refused and should not be allowed to go ahead.
My grounds for objections are as follows and documented in previous correspondence in the public domain:-
Potential access road that might be introduced into or near by Winterbourne Road from the new development and the traffic congestion and noise this will create.
Loss of open space and sporting facilities - Solihull has seen a huge loss of open spaces and sports facilities located within the local communities over the last thirty years or so, during which time its population has grown rapidly. Its level of recreational open space and sporting facilities is now critically low, and this proposal will destroy yet another treasured open space whilst increasing the localities population. In terms of availability, a key point is that the majority of the site is covenanted for sporting use, and SMBC formally minuted in 2013 its policy with regard to the use of the grounds only for sport and that they would not sell the freehold. So why is it repeatedly being put forward for development when its availability has already been debated, decided and refused.
Loss of a nature rich site -The site also hosts diverse flora fauna with natural areas of vegetation adjacent to a woodland providing homes for a wide variety of wildlife. The area is also home to many species of wild birds including those that are not so common which I have seen regularly, such as woodpeckers, hawks and falcons. The area is also home to bats which are a delight to observe on a summer evening.
The scale of the intrusion of building works is sure to alarm and displace this wildlife , and the encroachment of this intense development will have a serious negative impact on the bio-diversity of the area.
Suitability and density of development - The development will destroy the residential character of the neighbourhood. The one hundred houses proposed is effectively 5 times the density of surrounding properties on Sharmans Cross, Winterbourne and Welcombe Grove. This is unacceptable overdevelopment of the site, and will be both out-of-scale and out-of-character in its appearance compared to existing development in the vicinity.
Access and traffic issues - the increase in traffic generated by the development will cause serious overloading of the already busy junctions of Sharmans Cross Road, giving increased queue lengths at rush hour both at the grid locked Solihull Road Junction and the Prospect Lane Island. The level of pollution for residents on these main roads will also increase.
The additional junction is almost opposite Woodside Way, so the added complexity in the traffic flow at this point increases accident risk.
The road includes a junior school and there will be a significant increase in risk to the pupils and parents making their way to school, particularly those on foot or cycling.
Complete lack of adequate parking - the development will give rise at a conservative estimate to an additional 160-180 additional vehicles. The development itself is unlikely to provide enough parking capacity and cars will inevitably line the roads of the development and spill onto Sharmans Cross road itself, again adding another increment to the traffic dangers. The area also already has to cope with day long parking for Solihull workers.
Also the existing site provides overflow for Solihull Arden Tennis club, and the loss of overflow parking for the Tennis Club will add hugely to the parking problem, with residents and club users being put at loggerheads fighting for parking space.
Drainage and Flooding - Sharmans Cross road does suffer from an inadequate drainage, and is prone to flooding. The drainage requirements of these additional dwellings will add to the overload the drainage systems.
The residence in this area are behind the objection and will take actions legally to prevent the development of this land which is designated for sporting use.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3221

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Maureen Bartlett

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

This planning application was previously refused and should not be allowed to go ahead.
My grounds for objections are as follows:-
* Potential access road that might be introduced into or near by Winterbourne Road from the new development and the traffic congestion and noise this will create.
* Loss of open space and sporting facilities
* Loss of a nature rich site
* Suitability and density of development
* Access and traffic issues
* Complete lack of adequate parking
* Drainage and Flooding

Full text:

Proposed Housing Development objection to Cerda Planning

I am writing to register my objection to this site being included in the LDP, the submission from Cerda Planning/Oakmoor. This planning application was previously refused and should not be allowed to go ahead.
My grounds for objections are as follows:-
* Potential access road that might be introduced into or near by Winterbourne Road from the new development and the traffic congestion and noise this will create.
* Loss of open space and sporting facilities
* Loss of a nature rich site
* Suitability and density of development
* Access and traffic issues
* Complete lack of adequate parking
* Drainage and Flooding


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3231

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Richard Westman

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Site 18 is put forward in response to Government requirements to delivery affordable housing.
Overdevelopment of site. 5x local density. Will require 3 storey properties which will be visible from existing houses.
Permanent loss of sporting facilities.
Not meet accessibility criteria in Policy P7.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

In response to Government requirements to deliver affordable housing, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) is including in its Local Development Plan (LDP), a development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

As a lifelong Solihull resident and member of Solihull Arden Club I find it extremely worrying that the council are yet again considering developing the former Solihull Bees ground in Sharmans Cross Road.

I object to the proposal on the following grounds;

1. Suitability - As a resident of Winterbourne Road (No 39) the development will destroy the character of the neighbourhood. The previous proposed development 6 years ago at 80 homes was too much. 100 houses is effectively 5 times the density of property on Winterbourne Rd. This is totally unacceptable and an over development of the site. This will be both out-of-scale and out-of-character in its appearance compared to existing development in the area I live. As this is an increase on previous development proposals I believe that any plan will have to include properties in excess of 3 stories which is unacceptable and would be clearly visible from my property above the houses opposite.
2. Permanent loss of sporting facilities - I personally and my family have benefited from the facilities on the current grounds. This is one of five sports grounds at risk in the LDP. My understanding is that Solihull, SMBC has a statutory requirement to ensure lost pitches are replaced with facilities of equivalent quality and accessibility. It is difficult to see how this will be achieved when nearly all of the 10 proposed sites occupy sports land.

Planning Policy P7 stipulates that accessibility is a key issue. For a site to be defined as 'accessible' it has to have certain criteria met which means car dependency is reduced. Oakmore are suggesting that they are meeting this criteria but in order to do so they would need to create an access to the site off Winterbourne Road which would be in the IMMEDIATE vicinity of my property. I find this approach is less than transparent.

Please confirm receipt of my objection BEFORE the deadline on Friday 17th February 2017.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3243

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Richard Shaylor

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increased traffic movements.
More pollution.
Loss of wildlfie.
Loss of sporting facilities. Existing lack in Solihull.
Extra demand on overstretched hospitals, GP services, schools.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18 (objection to)

I would like to object to the proposed housing allocation 18.The reasons for my objections are as follows.

(1) Increased traffic movement on a road (Sharmans Cross Road) that is already over crowded.Even now,any parking on this road reduces it to one lane.
It is obvious, More cars More pollution.

(2) Harm to wildlife from any development close to wooded area adjacent.

(3) At this time there is a lack of sporting facilities in the Solihull area and building on this plot would only reduce those facilities even more.

(4) This area can not cope with any extra demand on Hospitals/GPservices/Schools.

Solihull resident.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3266

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Oliver Turley

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Overdevelopment of site. Will be out of character with surrounding area.
Previous application less houses and refused.
Cause increased traffic and congestion on already busy road.
Increased danger to pedestrians and cyclist.
Increased in parking and congestion.
Loss of green space.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of sports facilities. Land covenanted in 2013 for sports use. Solihull has low adult participation in sports.

Full text:

Objection to LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I would like to put forward my objections to the above Proposed Housing Allocation 18. The reasons being:

1. Over Development: The proposed development of 100 houses is completely out of character with the surrounding area - roads such as Sharmans Cross Road, Winterbourne Road and Welcombe Grove.
The proposal of 100 houses is 15% MORE than the 87 houses proposed by Oakmoor developers 6 years ago, which the council turned down.
The 100 houses or dwellings would inevitably be accomplished by using buildings of multiple floors which is completely out of character with the surrounding area.

2. Traffic Congestion: 100 houses would inevitably lead to increased traffic and congestion on an already very busy road. Some owners / occupiers may have no cars; many will have more than one.

3. Increased Dangers to Pedestrians and Cyclists: The greatly increased volume of traffic will create additional dangers for pedestrians and cyclists (who use the designated cycle route), including the many young school children who walk and cycle to the nearby Sharmans Cross Junior school. The Council's Road Safety Team has been working with the school to promote walking and cycling to school. The development would increase the dangers to the children.

4. Parking Congestion: The very high density of housing proposed would lead to parking congestion on site and nearby roads. New developments lack sufficient provision for owner or visitor parking. This will lead to vehicles being parked on adjacent roads such as Sharmans Cross Road, Woodside Way, Dorchester Road and Winterbourne Road.
The proposal means the Solihull Arden Tennis Club could lose 75 parking spaces which would also increase congestion and parking problems.

5. Environment: The area is a well-established green space with many mature trees and areas of wildlife, including bats and badgers. I regularly see bats flying around my garden.

6. Sports Facilities: The site has a long history of being used for sports and activities. The Council should be encouraging this not abandoning its own commitments. In 2013 the Council minuted its policy for the use of sports grounds for sports. The Council should be promoting the use of sports venues and facilities as Sport England has found Solihull falls into the 3rd quarter for adult participation in sports.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3269

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Kate Routledge

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Development will ruin local character. 100 houses is out of scale. Likely to be more than 2 storeys high, loss of light and privacy.
Already extremely busy road. Increased traffic will worsen congestion and cause pollution. Harm to pedestrian and cyclist safety.
Loss of TPOs.
Loss of wildlife.
Permanent loss of sporting facilities. Already a shortage of pitches in Solihull.
Increased parking on surrounding roads.
Schools and surgeries already oversubscribed.
Not comply with NPPF accessibility criteria. 1000m from Solihull Station and 1700m from town centre.
Land covenanted for sports use by Council.
Previous application was refused.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing as both a resident based at 1 Welcombe Grove, B91 1PD and also as a member of Solihull Arden Tennis Club to object to the proposed development on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

The reasons for my objection are as follows:

1. The development will ruin the character of the neighbourhood. 100 houses is out of scale with the existing housing and character of the neighbourhood. The buildings will almost certainly be more than 2 stories high which is going to lead to a complete change of character and will also lead to loss of light, loss of privacy and crowding.

2. Sharmans Cross Road is already an extremely busy road. The additional houses will cause enormous increased traffic together with the associated pollution. It is currently very difficult to drive down Sharmans Cross Road at times when the children are coming in and out of school and with so many additional houses, potentially serious accidents to pedestrians seem almost inevitable. Further this is a designated cycle route which again could become very dangerous for any cyclists trying to use it as such.

3. Increased traffic is bound to cause more traffic problems particularly at the very busy junction with the Streetsbrook Road which sees gridlock at rush hour times.

4. The area has significant environmental benefits and contains many mature trees with Tree Preservation Orders and some Woodland Protection Orders. The significant amount of building that has already been approved on Alderbrook Road and associated roads has led to a loss of environment for wildlife including badgers, bats and foxes. Converting such a large area of land to more intense housing will lead to further impact on the environment in both terms of loss of space for children and residents to enjoy as well as even more loss of habitat for wildlife.

5. The area was previously used by the Solihull Rugby Club. If the land is now used for housing this will be a permanent loss of sporting facilities. Once this ground is lost it can never be regained. There is already a shortage of pitches in Solihull and hence it seems more sensible to consider using this land for sport or recreational purposes for the benefit of the whole community particularly given that the structure for sporting facilities is already there.

6. The parking for the new development will inevitably be very cramped and is likely to lead to more cars being parked on Sharmans Cross Road causing more traffic chaos. In addition this Solihull Arden Tennis Club will lose a considerable number of car parking spaces. The car park at Solihull Arden is full most evenings and loss of spaces to park at the club will mean club members will have to park in Sharmans Cross Road causing traffic congestion and difficulties for residents in that road.

7. The schools and surgeries close by are already oversubscribed. Creating more housing without increasing the facilities available is going to put more pressure on already overstretched services. No doubt local residents with suffer.

8. I understand the National Planning Policy Framework requires developments to have access to local amenities within 800m/10 minutes walk. The site is 1000m from Solihull Station and 1700m from Solihull town centre and so these criteria are not met.

9. SMBC formally minuted in 2013 its policy with regard to use of the grounds only for sport and that they would not sell the freehold. I would like reaffirmation of this policy which implies that this development is inappropriate for including in the LDP. One previous application for this site has been refused and another withdrawn.

I would be grateful if you could take note of the above objections when considering the proposal.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3278

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Alan La Touche

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of sporting facility.
Land deemed to be for sport use only in 2013.
Developer has overcharged for grounds and prevented use of land for sport.
Not well maintained.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of green space and trees will harm local character.
Increased traffic will exacerbate existing congestion and parking issues.
Alternative roads are not suitable for volume of traffic.

Full text:

Subject: LDP- proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am emailing my objections to the proposed building of 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road. I am a local resident and I have been a member of Arden Tennis Club for a number of years.

My reasons are outlined below:

1. The loss of sporting facilities.
a. The grounds have been owned by the Arden Club for many years and been used by many in the area for years. The facilities in which many rely on as part of the daily routine to exercise and support their lifestyle. There is already a shortage of sporting facilities which includes Tennis facilitates. The facilities in the other venues are already packed and constantly busy. So this would put more pressure on existing facilities.
b. This space which many want to use for sport and exercise, but have been unable to proceed to develop this because of barriers put in their way to prevent them. The use of land was also deemed in 2013 to be use for sport only - yet this seems to be under threat.
c. The developer has prevented use of this land for sports use to by charging exorbitant rates. This would be unaffordable to local football and rugby clubs who are dependent upon modest subscriptions. There is no incentive for the developer who leases the Rugby club land to maintain the rugby field suitable state for sports to be played, as his vested interest is to build on the land. It also suits the builders narrative if the land falls into poor state of repair as there would be less resistance in using the land for housing.
d. The builder who leases the land should ensure it is kept properly maintained i.e. Grass cut, Facilities maintained to ensure no alternative motive is being used to acquire the land.

2. Loss of Green spaces for Nature in urban environment.
a. The loss of green land would have a major impact on the overall area and the wildlife in which it contains. Currently the range of birds and wildlife in the area enhance this living environment for many .It has provided an nature corridor for many & the range of different birds we received in this area has increased. The building work would destroy the natural environment - loss of trees and green and space and would completely destroy the character in which has developed over the years.

3. Increased Traffic would also be an issue.
a. It's already busy on the Streetsbrook Road during peak time and the Sharman's Cross Junction with Streetsbrook Road yet this development would lead to huge traffic disruption for all in the vicinity. The traffic caused by lorries and extra cars and if building was to commence the infrastructure would change completely.
b. If alternative routes are used for access to the proposed site, like Winterbourne Road, then the roads supporting this are not suitable for the volume of traffic using winterbourne and Beaminster Road.

These are not exhaustive reasons but highlight some of my concerns.

Kind Regards


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3279

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Shaida Zaman

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Heavily congested area with commuters and school run.
More development will result in serious impact on highway safety and danger to pedestrians, especially children.
Overdevelopment of site. Will destroy current character of neighbourhood.
Lack of amenities. Train station and town centre 1000-1100m away.
Local bus services only run every half hour Mon-Sat and every hour on Sunday.
GPs and primary schools 1500m from site with no direct bus links.
Local junior school oversubscribed.
Land covenanted for sports use. Only publicly accessible sports ground in the vicinity.

Full text:

LDP- proposed allocation 18
I am a local resident writing to object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the current rugby ground located on Sharmanscross road.

Firstly, having lived in this area for the last 9 years I have seen the growing congestion in and around the sharmanscross area (sharmanscross road, Dorchester road and streetsbrook road).
As you are aware sharmanscross road is the main road coming into Solihull from Shirley, and this is the main route for those working in the centre of Solihull/touchwood In addition, there is also a school on the road which further adds to the grid lock of traffic in the morning for commuters between the hours of 07:45 to 09:00 as I am currently experiencing myself when dropping my children to school in Birmingham, which-roughly takes me 20-25 mins there and back to sharmanscross road and from sharmanscross travelling straight to work to Solihull hospital is currently taking me 30-40 minutes!
This development will further add to the current traffic problems residents are experiencing, furthermore this will also cause serious effect on highway safety and will cause danger to pedestrians-especially children walking to/ from sharmanscross junior school and local secondary schools unaccompanied by adults.

My second concern is the suitability of the site and accessibility to local amenities, as you can appreciate 100 houses are equivalent to the whole of sharmanscross road or neighbouring Dorchester road the site is not suitable from a scale and portion base to accommodate for that scale of development as it will destroy the current character of the neighbourhood.
Can I emphasise again the proposed 100 houses will overdevelop the site as 100 houses is effectively five times the density of the existing neighbouring properties on winterbourne road, which will cause it to be out-of-scale and out-of-character and very congested in simple plain words it will ruin our neighbourhood.
Thirdly the site is not meeting the criteria as an accessible site for local amenities, Oakmoore have stated in there planning that Solihull train/Solihull town centre is 700m as an actual fact it is 1000-1100m walking distance, as my house backs onto the site so I am well aware of the distance to Solihull train station and town centre.
Furthermore the site also fails to provide suitable public transport as the local bus services currently operating are every half hour Monday to Saturday and only one service running on Sunday hourly. In addition other facilities such as GP surgeries and local primary schools are some what 1500m away from the site with no direct local bus links operating and the local junior school is over subscribed.

This purpose development is deeply concerning for me and my family and is effecting my health as I can not sleep at night with worry, as our house backs directly onto the car park of the rugby club and if the planning is approved it will not only cause a huge stress to me and my family but will also affect the value of my property both rental and sale.

Finally I would like SMBC to confirm that the covenant of the leasehold for the rugby ground to be used for sports purposes only and the freehold land to be used as a ancillary to sports ground as car park and changing rooms/pavilion is this covenant still in place?
As this is the only public sports ground we have in our local vicinity as school playing fields are not for public use.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3290

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Amanda C Ball

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
With regards to the above I feel I must make my objection on the following grounds:

I am most concerned that Solihull will be losing more sporting facilities despite Solihull Council minuting in 2013 that they would not sell the freehold on any land used exclusively for sport.

Not only is that being ignored but the proposed development - especially the density - is totally out of keeping with the area. The impact of this density of building will increase greatly the volume of traffic in the area - using the area, Shermans Cross Road in particular, often to visit our son - I know from experience the area is already often gridlocked and getting to and from his house difficult, often very difficult. 100 houses so maybe over 200 extra vehicles entering and exiting into the road will cause extra major traffic problems - not on to drivers but pedestrians (including children and their way to and from school) and cyclists.

While primarily concerned with the above I feel I should also mention the impact of this density of houses will have on local schools, doctors etc. and that is without any reference to wildlife in the area.

Has any of the above been taken into account? Looking at the proposed development, no - I don't think so.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3291

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Amanda C Ball

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of sporting facilities. Council said they would not sell freehold in 2013.
Density out of character with area.
Increased volume of traffic in congested area.
Impact on pedestrians, e.g. schoolchildren, and cyclists.
Pressure on local schools, doctors etc.
Loss of wildlife.
None of above concerns appear to have been taken into account.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
With regards to the above I feel I must make my objection on the following grounds:

I am most concerned that Solihull will be losing more sporting facilities despite Solihull Council minuting in 2013 that they would not sell the freehold on any land used exclusively for sport.

Not only is that being ignored but the proposed development - especially the density - is totally out of keeping with the area. The impact of this density of building will increase greatly the volume of traffic in the area - using the area, Shermans Cross Road in particular, often to visit our son - I know from experience the area is already often gridlocked and getting to and from his house difficult, often very difficult. 100 houses so maybe over 200 extra vehicles entering and exiting into the road will cause extra major traffic problems - not on to drivers but pedestrians (including children and their way to and from school) and cyclists.

While primarily concerned with the above I feel I should also mention the impact of this density of houses will have on local schools, doctors etc. and that is without any reference to wildlife in the area.

Has any of the above been taken into account? Looking at the proposed development, no - I don't think so.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3298

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Donna Ponsonby

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Overdevelopment of site. Out of character with surrounding area.
Severe traffic problems at Sharmans Cross Road, especially during morning rush hour and school run.
Will cause traffic chaos.
Danger to pedestrians, especially schoolchildren.
Loss of sporting facilities. Council must seek to safeguard them.
Should investigate why requests to use pitches by local clubs are being ignored.

Full text:

Local Development Plan - Proposed Housing Allocation !8

I wish to lodge my strong objections to the proposal to build 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.
This is an unsuitable, overly dense development, which would be totally out of character with the surrounding area.
It would cause traffic chaos on Sharmans Cross Road, which is already subject to severe problems, particularly in the morning when people are going to work and school.
Pedestrians would inevitably be placed at further risk, especially children going to the local schools. It is already a nightmare in the morning and evening rush hours trying to cross the junction of Sharmans Cross Road where it meets Streetsbrook Road.
Above all, it would lead to the unacceptable loss of a sporting amenity for the benefit of the residents of Solihull. I am aware of the demand to use the pitches on the site by local clubs and it would appear that their requests to do so are being ignored. This is very worrying and should be investigated further. The Council must seek to safeguard accessible facilities for the Borough. We do not have enough of them and it make no sense to ruin the ones that do exist and could be put to good use immediately.
I ask that the site be excluded from the development plan


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3301

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Keith Dennis

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Impact on character and ambience of Winterbourne Road and surrounding area. Density too high. High density and 50% affordable homes will result in tall buildings that will be out of scale.
No reference in constraints to TPO No. 174.
Seek assurances that TPOs will be retained and protected during construction.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of sporting facilities. Council agreed to retain freehold for sporting use.
Seems that owners of sports pitch have not encouraged sports use.
Solihull falling in league tables.
Arden Tennis Club very popular.
Reduced parking due to loss of Arden Tennis Club.
Flooding issues.

Full text:

Ref: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
(100 houses on rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road)

Dear Sirs,

I am, with my wife, owner of, and resident in, the property and land at 30 Winterbourne Road, Solihull. The proposed housing allocation for 100 houses on the rugby ground (and what is currently Arden Tennis Club land) situated close to Sharmans Cross Road is immediately to the rear of my home.

My first concerns relate to the likely impact on the character and ambience of Winterbourne Road and the surrounding area.

* I notice that in the plans there is no reference in the "Restraints and Conditions" column, to the tree preservation order No. 174 (dated 31st March 1989) which encompasses mature trees in the Arden Tennis Club adjacent to the gardens of houses on Winterbourne Road. What assurances can be given that this order will be fully respected and that construction work will not threaten the viability of these trees?

* These trees, and others in the area are what remains of the old Maidens Bower Woods and they contribute to a habitat rich in bird and wildlife. We frequently see woodpeckers, nuthatches and owls as well as finches, jays and tits, and there are bats, badgers and foxes in the immediate environs. The loss of such a habitat should not be easily sanctioned. As well as the impact on wildlife, there would certainly be a change to the whole character of the area.

* I note that the provision of 100 houses means that in this new development the density of houses will be 5 times the density of properties in Winterbourne Road and that the provision of 50 affordable homes will, in all probibility, mean buildings of more than two storeys. The proposed development appears likely to be out of scale and out of character with the area as it now is.

My second set of concerns relate to the impact of these proposals on the provision of sports facilities.

* In April, 2013, SMBC resolved that "Oakmoor and any other party with an interest in the land at Sharmans Cross be informed that the Council does not wish to dispose of its freehold interest or vary the lease." In the supporting argument for this resolution it was noted that "the lease restricts use of the Council freehold land to a private sports club but does not require Oakmoor to ensure the ground is in actual use. As a result, they may not actively attempt to let the ground or utilise the asset within the terms of the lease..." It seems that Oakmoor has not only not attempted to let or use the ground within the terms of the lease but that it has, at the very least, not encouraged such use leading to the point where it can be asserted in the planning application that the "Sports ground is currently unused". Previous assessments by SMBC of playing fields provision identified a shortfall within St Alphege and Silhill wards and I would argue that the provision of local (as opposed to "edge-of-town") facilities is the only way to encourage regular participation in sports activities.which have both health and social benefits. I note that Sport England has found that Solihull is in the 3rd quartile nationally for over-16 participation in sport 3 times per week and that it continues to fall in the national league tables.

* The Arden Tennis Club is, however, an active and viable sports club. It seems from the plans that the current proposals encroach on the Club's present provision. I think that nothing should be done that will diminish the viability of that active club. Moving the Arden Club from freehold to leasehold land is likely to be to its detriment and it seems that they would have reduced parking. Difficulties in parking and increased congestion on Sharmans Cross Road could well make users less inclined to use the Arden Club.

There are numerous other points which could be made, including the increased likelihood of flooding with reduced surface area for the absorbtion of rainfall but I conclude by referring you to the Government's Guidance for Local Plans (May, 2016) which states "Local Plans set out a vision and a framework for the future development of the area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure - as well as a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design."

I do not think that this proposal meets those requirements when they are taken as a whole,.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3302

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Sandra Stephens

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Development unsuitable, will destroy local character.
Concerned about impact of affordable housing on area of expensive housing.
Exacerbate existing traffic issues. Near a school and cycle route. Danger to children.
Parking already bad at peak times and sports matches.
Additional pressure on oversubscribed schools and medical centres.
Land covenanted for sport use.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am writing to object to the proposed development off Sharmans cross road. My reasons are:

1. The development is not suitable for this area and will destroy the character of the neighbourhood. We would be concerned on the affordable housing and what this would attract to an area of expensive housing.
2. Traffic is already bad on Sharmans cross road at peak times and this would increase volume and cause even more gridlock. It is also near to a school and on a cycle route so the increase in traffic could cause danger to children.
3. Parking is already bad at peak times and when sport matches are on at Silhill and this would make it more chaotic.
4. More people on this land would mean more people accessing the schools and medical centres which are hard enough to get into.
5. I was under the impression that this land could only be used for sport so why destroy yet another sports area with housing.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3324

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Sarah King

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increased traffic. Roads cannot currently cope. Congestion and danger to pedestrians, especially school children.
Loss of sporting facilities. Arden Tennis Club well used.
Understand several groups have tried to use sports pitch, but not succeeded.
Increased pressure on local services and amenities, such as schools, GP.
Appreciate need for new housing in Solihull, but this site is unsuitable.

Full text:

proposed housing allocation 18

I live at Beaminster Road, having moved here with my young family in the past year.

I am very alarmed to hear about the proposed housing allocation 18 for 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road.

I strongly object to this proposal for the following reasons:

1. Increased Traffic
The roads around the proposed site are already struggling to cope with current traffic levels, and will not cope with further traffic, both construction and then ongoing increased traffic from the new houses (this could be over 200 cars if 100 houses are built!).
It is impossible to turn right from Sharmans Cross Road and Dorchester Road onto Streetsbrook Road at most times of day, and the tailback of traffic into Solihull along Streetsbrook Road is often slow and extending way past Sharmans Cross Road. I have witnessed accidents at these junctions, and fear an increase volume of traffic will increase the risk of further accidents. My oldest child is at Sharmans Cross School, and despite having crossing attendants, the danger for children as they walk to school and cross surrounding roads (even with their parents) is already higher than a lot of other Solihull primary schools. Increasing the traffic volume so close to this school will put these still very young children (often with even younger siblings on a tight time frame to get to and from the two nearby linked infant schools on time) at even greater risk I feel.

2. Loss of sporting facilities
My older children are members of Arden tennis club, and play tennis here with lots of friends from local schools. My youngest attends music classes here. The facilities serve our local community very well, getting children involved in more sports that are not offered everywhere (for example squash). I feel the playing fields next to the courts could also be utilised by the local community for sporting and other leisure events. I understand that several local groups have tried to use the grounds and would support this in the future. I realise the plans include relocating some of the facilities but it is my view the whole site should be maintained for local recreation. Once it has been developed the decision can not be reversed at what I feel would be a big loss to the local area.

3. Children's Safety.
As mentioned above, I feel a construction site followed by increased traffic will put local children's safety at risk. As over the next few years we face our children reaching the scary transition from being dropped at school to making their own way, we chose Beaminster Road because we felt it offers as safe an area as possible for them to do this. However I fear for their safety (both with an adult and as they start to walk alone) with the increase in traffic proposed, and the access roads for this large development being bottle necks onto already busy road systems.

4. Increased pressure on local resources.
As a local school governor, and a GP, I am fully aware of the pressure on local amenities. As I understand, no increased capacity is being made for health or education provisions in our area, so I am concerned that our already busy schools and Health care will not be able to cope with up to 100 families moving into the area.

I appreciate there is a need for new housing in Solihull, but I feel this site is completely unsuitable. I ask that you reject this site as a proposal.

I ask you confirm receipt of my objection before 17 February 2017.

Yours faithfully


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3328

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Gillian Golder

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Past planing application been refused by Council.
Council affirmed policy in 2013 that land would only be used for sport.
Solihull needs more sporting facilities.
Extra traffic will add to pollution.
Streetsbrook Road is already gridlocked at peak times. Sharmans Croos Road a very busy road.
Danger to cyclists on cycle route.
Danger of increased traffic to pedestrians, particularly schoolchildren.
Local schools and medical centres already oversubscribed.
Proposed development out of scale for the area. Out of keeping with surrounding roads.
Will destroy trees and wildlife habitat.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to express my strong objection to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground at Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull. My main objections are as follows:

1. In the past one application has already been refused by the Council, and a further was withdrawn. I understand that it was formally minuted in 2013 that the council would not sell the freehold. I would like the council to reaffirm its policy of the use of this land only for sport. Solihull needs more sporting facilities, not less.

2. The amount of extra traffic from the proposed development will only add to an increase in pollution (something that is very much in the news at the moment, with the relevant harm to health and the environment). Streetsbrook Road is already gridlocked morning and evening, and Sharman Cross Road is also a very busy road. There is also a huge inherent danger to cyclists as this is a designated cycle route.

3. There is also a cause for concern to me with the danger of increased road traffic in a road that contains a junior school. Lives will be put at increased risk as they are getting to and from school on foot. As a resident of the area I am very well aware of how difficult this situation is already.

4. Local schools and medical centres are already severely stretched and simply would not be able to accommodate this number of extra residents.

5. This proposed development is simply too big for the area. It is totally out of keeping with the surrounding roads and will cause problems with destroying trees and wildlife habitat. We should be mindful of these concerns now and in the future.

I urge you to consider these and all objections you receive, and refuse this totally unacceptable proposal that has been made once again. As far as I am aware, none of the reasons for the original refusals have changed.

Yours faithfully


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3331

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: B G Cheshire

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Traffic congestion. Existing infrastructure under huge strain, especially at peak times.
Jams on all surrounding roads.
Safety concerns for road users and pedestrians. Causes frustration, loss of productivity and pollution.
Existing adverse impact of on-street parking by commuters to avoid car park charges or using public transport.
Is there up to date traffic modelling and traffic impact study.
What are the proposed access and egress routes?
What are proposed mitigation measures?
What are measures to consider side road parking and effect upon existing and future traffic flows?

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Dear Sirs,

With reference to the above I wish to make the following comments with specific reference to traffic congestion.

If the proposed development of 100 houses occur to the playing fields on Sharmans Cross Road then the additional traffic impact loads will severely, and adversely, effect the existing infrastructure which currently is under huge strain especially at peak times.

The current status of traffic congestion and "log jam" in and around Sharmans Cross Road, Woodside Way, Streetsbrook Road and surrounding areas especially at the time of rush hour not only leads to safety concerns of road users and members of the public but also to huge frustration, loss of productivity, and pollution to the environment in this urban location. These roads and the flow of traffic are also adversely affected by people leaving their cars in side roads and then walking into Solihull to avoid car parking charges, rather than using public transport. This factor does not allow the free flow of traffic in these areas and may not be reflected in any traffic modelling analysis to date?

As a result of the above, I would request that the following questions are considered and addressed as part of this consultation process;

1. Has a detailed "traffic impact study" been undertaken to reflect the additional traffic loads that will be imposed on existing infrastructure as a result of this proposed developed?

2. What are the new access and egress routes to the proposed development and how is this to be reflected in an updated modelling analysis?

3. What measures are proposed to mitigate the above effects upon the existing infrastructure?

4. What measures are the Council taking with consideration to side road parking and its effect upon current and possible future traffic flows.

These factors are MOST IMPORTANT and are worthy of your full review and consideration during your consultation process.

I would be grateful for your response in due course.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3333

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Anna Belcher

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increase in traffic. Already hazardous at times for schoolchildren.
Consider impact on residents as well as commuters.

Full text:

Sharmans Cross Road development

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed building of 100 houses on the recreational land on Sharmans Cross Road. My main concern as a local resident is the increase in traffic, which at times is already hazardous for young school attendees. As a mother with young children I am especially aware of this being on maternity leave and am eager to minimise any dramatic increases in traffic. I hope you will consider the potential impact this will have on those that not only commute but also live in the area.
Kind regards,